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André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Commented by André Will-Laudien

Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 3rd, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

100% possible with hydrogen! Keep an eye on Plug Power, Nel, First Hydrogen, nucera, and Cavendish

  • Hydrogen
  • renewableenergies
  • greenhydrogen

Football is the dominant topic at the moment. Even in ancient Rome, bread and circuses worked quite well to distract the people from the essentials. Investors should pay attention to the progress made in the hydrogen sector. Cavendish shares have brought new momentum to a sector that has been badly beaten up since 2021. Can the Nel subsidiary initiate a change in sentiment? We analyze the situation like Ronaldo at the penalty spot. But it should definitely go in!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 1st, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Attention: Biotech stocks! Evotec, Bayer, and BioNTech in the emergency room, but Cardiol Therapeutics shows strength!

  • Biotech
  • hightech
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma

Anyone looking at the buying frenzy on the NASDAQ is overlooking the fact that the US has long been in the emergency room. With the candidates currently up for election, it is unlikely that the most pressing issues of the day will be dealt with. One has difficulty using the right words in front of the camera, while the other ignores facts and slips into his own world. This election could be disastrous for the world's largest economy, but the financial markets are currently uninterested. Investors should, therefore, continue to separate the wheat from the chaff and act prudently. After the big AI and high-tech wave, biotechs are expected to make a comeback, as US interest rates will drop closer to the election. We present a solid selection for risk-conscious investors.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 27th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Hydrogen 3.0 - Is it turning now? Nel ASA, Cavendish, dynaCERT, SMA, and Plug Power in focus!

  • Hydrogen
  • Defense
  • hightech
  • renewableenergies
  • Solar

Summer slump? Not at all! Artificial intelligence, high-tech, and armaments remain in upward mode; even a sharp correction at Airbus is not shaking the markets. There are currently increasing rumours that China and Japan could have problems with their financial systems. In China it is the collapsing real estate market, in Japan it is trillions of YEN invested in foreign bond markets and refinanced with negative interest rates. However, the era of zero interest rates is over, and persistent inflation is not subsiding as expected. This pushes the risk parameters through the roof and requires banks to have higher capital backing. Exciting times! In the hydrogen sector, all eyes are on the newcomer Cavendish. Will this be a jolt for the struggling sector?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 25th, 2024 | 08:50 CEST

Euro 2024 Round of 16 - A Summer fairytale on the stock markets, too? BYD, VW, Power Nickel and Rheinmetall qualify early

  • Mining
  • Nickel
  • Electromobility
  • Defense

Football has always been a great way to distract the masses. People love sports because it relaxes them even when they are just watching - a tried and tested remedy for the multiple crises that continue to spiral into our minds. Fortunately, the stock markets are trading so high that the looming banking crisis in China and Japan is not working its way through to Europe in the media. The EU financial markets have lost a lot of ground since the election because while the NASDAQ is rushing from peak to peak, the EURO STOXX is making an almost unnoticed 5% correction, and France is even down 10%. EU spreads on German government bonds widened further, a scenario that seemed to have been forgotten since 2008. And in football, Germany is hopeful going into the Round of 16, and our stock picks are also bursting with strength.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 24th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

IPOs, Takeovers and Mergers - Here we go again! Varta, Altech Advanced Materials, Nel ASA, and Cavendish

  • renewableenergies
  • Batteries
  • Technology

Every day, new records on the NASDAQ make investors' dreams come true, but at the end of last week, there were the first signs of a correction, with top stock Nvidia losing 10% from its peak. This is a minor setback after a rise of almost 100% since mid-April. The IPO market is also picking up again as newcomers want to seize the opportunity. The Norwegian hydrogen pioneer Nel ASA successfully floated its filling station subsidiary on the stock exchange. This creates more transparency within the Company and fills the coffers. While Varta has issued another revenue warning, Altech Advanced Materials is launching its new battery technologies. In terms of achievements, "Made in Germany" is still "top", but the right stock selection remains the trump card.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 21st, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Biotech: What counts is selection! Bayer, Vidac Pharma, Formycon, and Evotec in focus

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • Biotech

The biotech sector has so far been unable to keep pace with the high-tech-heavy NASDAQ. However, there are now signals from the central banks that a turnaround in interest rates is imminent. This is because, on the one hand, the US economy is weakening, and on the other hand, inflationary pressure appears to be easing. With lower interest rates, life science companies can refinance themselves more cheaply. Due to the different dynamics, it is now important to fish out the pearls. We select attractive entry levels.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 19th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Opportunities upon opportunities: sell AI now! Nel ASA, Royal Helium, Plug Power, and BYD

  • Mining
  • Helium
  • renewableenergies
  • Electromobility

19,887 is the new record high of the NASDAQ 100 index. Dream returns from Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft could accelerate the stock market's growth into the summer once again. This could also make the second quarter of 2024 a good month for equities, as the saying "Sell in May and go Away" does not seem to apply this year. However, there are plenty of lagging stocks with great potential. They are currently on one side, as the attraction of the "Magnificent Seven" is too strong. We take the euphoria as an opportunity to take a closer look at a few promising stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 18th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Reduce CO2 and stop storms now! Lufthansa, TUI, Carbon Done Right and GameStop in the analysis check

  • Sustainability
  • Travel
  • Digitization

Historic floods hit Germany. The rain of the last 4 weeks has brought indescribable masses of water to more than 3,000 communities in southern Germany. Flooded cellars and living rooms, washed away vehicles, and severely damaged buildings caused damage of around two billion euros in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg alone. The Ahr Valley in Rhineland-Palatinate was hit by a flood of the century back in 2021. Investors can take a sustainable approach to stock selection and set green criteria for their portfolio selection. Returns are not always a factor, but at least the savings are working for a good cause. We select a few options.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 17th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Acute threat? Armaments and high-tech in the crosshairs: Aixtron, Almonty Industries, Rheinmetall and Hensoldt

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • hightech
  • Defense
  • armaments

The recent European elections have enabled the conservative camp to make significant gains. Undoubtedly, a whole bouquet of issues has led to the so-called "shift to the right". In times of war, however, the neutral observer may not be surprised that the self-proclaimed peace parties, represented by the colours red and green, have lost considerable ground. After all, the competence for peacemaking and security in Europe tends to be found in the conservative camp. The capital markets currently favour high-tech and armaments, orders are booming, and growth is assured for years to come. It is now crucial for stock market players to take a closer look at these sectors, as the high-yield performers of the first half of the year appear to be correcting more strongly. What will happen here in the medium term?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 12th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

After the election, buy a combustion engine now? Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Globex Mining and BYD on the test track

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Electromobility
  • Batteries

The crushing defeat of the green camp in the EU elections has caused a stir in the automotive industry. Will the ban on combustion engines be overturned in favour of a general openness to technology? It is well known that the best conventional vehicles come from Germany, and they are demonstrably no more harmful to the climate than current e-vehicles. Voters have finally lifted the green veil, and the doctrine of the know-it-alls is now in retreat. From a climate perspective, investing in battery storage systems makes sense, but they do not necessarily have to be installed in vehicles. How can investors benefit from the current situation?
