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Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 4th, 2023 | 07:50 CEST

Nucera IPO boosts Greentech shares: Varta, Manuka Resources, BASF and ThyssenKrupp on the buy list

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • renewableenergies
  • GreenTech

Many companies have set themselves the goal of contributing to offsetting man-made emissions and combating climate change. One proven means is gradual decarbonization, for example, in the energy-intensive heavy industry sector. The IPO of ThyssenKrupp's hydrogen subsidiary, Nucera, is important from this perspective because the newly raised funds will be used to advance green steel production. It is a German project that could set an international precedent. We take a deeper look into an emerging sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 22nd, 2023 | 07:00 CEST

A lot of movement can be expected here: Covestro, Globex Mining, and Nikola - The focus is on 100% returns!

  • Mining
  • PreciousMetals
  • GreenTech

Greentech is politically promoted and booming. Many stocks are traded on the stock market with this fantasy. But what is really technologically feasible? Those seeking to switch from fossil energy to electric forms often overlook the sometimes poor efficiency in converting fossil primary energy sources to electricity from the socket. Truly green solutions are defined per se by applications that improve the overall energy balance of the goods moved or even achieve a net-zero impact. Access to cheap raw materials, especially high-tech metals, is a prerequisite for all endeavours. We look forward to interesting price movements in the sector.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on June 16th, 2023 | 07:00 CEST

Defiance Silver Corp., BASF, Ballard Power - Precious metals drive renewable energy to peak performance

  • silver
  • GreenTech
  • Battery
  • usa
  • basf

Silver is essential to booming industries and is characterized by high conductivity of heat and electricity. Defiance Silver Corp., a Canadian exploration company, has achieved the broadest and highest-grade mineralization to date in its drilling at the San Acacio project in Mexico. Results from 4 of the 6 drill holes confirm the promising potential in the Veta Grande area. Meanwhile, BASF is collaborating with a Chinese green shipping partner to deploy its onboard CO2 capture system for decarbonization. Ballard Power is considering just the opposite. The Canadian battery manufacturer has doubts about China being a reliable partner. The call for money in the form of government subsidies makes them hesitant.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 14th, 2023 | 07:55 CEST

Ballard Power, Regenx Tech Corp., FuelCell Energy - Greentech with signs of life

  • cleantech
  • GreenTech
  • renewableenergies
  • Energy

Hope dies last. Despite the rosy outlook with regard to achieving the climate targets, most shares from the renewable energy and electromobility sector have fallen sharply in recent months. Especially companies from the hydrogen sector performed far weaker than the broad market. With an optimistic statement from Plug Power CEO Andy Marsh regarding the achievement of short-term sales targets, several stocks closed in the green by double digits. This momentum may now have heralded at least a short-term rally.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 7th, 2023 | 08:30 CEST

Billions with Artificial Intelligence? Nvidia, Grid Metals, Deutsche Telekom, Apple - Short sellers spotted!

  • hightech
  • GreenTech
  • Metals
  • AI

The stock market is not a one-way street. Some investors have recently experienced this firsthand. Because in the "ups and downs" of sentiment, new trends are constantly emerging. The biotech sector, for example, has been falling for more than a year, and the charts keep reaching new lows. In 2020, cannabis stocks made a splash, with the related index, POT, increasing tenfold since 2018 to about 1100 points. However, yesterday it reached a new all-time low with 45.5 points or a 95% loss. Currently, investors are trying to ride the wave of "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), with stocks like, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Palantir all performing well in 2023. A new megatrend is underway here that, according to experts, will continue for several years. How long this boom will yield returns is unknown, but these stocks are currently performing strongly.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 6th, 2023 | 07:45 CEST

Climate Crisis: Copper is the new oil! BYD, Orestone Mining, Ford, Nio - 100% acceleration in Greentech

  • Mining
  • Copper
  • Electromobility
  • GreenTech

At the beginning of May, analysts at Bank of America declared a new "super cycle" for basic and raw materials. What they mean by this is that a whole series of important materials will be in great short supply for years. The prime example is the red metal copper. The price of the industrial metal has almost doubled in the past 12 months. It is currently quoted at around USD 8,350 per tonne, not far from the historic high of USD 10,750. During the pandemic, the metal briefly fell to USD 4,500. Currently, however, forecasts are once again pointing upwards. Bank of America expects the price to more than double again to around USD 18,000 in the next three years. We take a look at some hot stocks.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 1st, 2023 | 08:30 CEST

Nel ASA, First Hydrogen, Plug Power - Paving the way for hydrogen technology

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen
  • GreenTech
  • renewableenergies

Germany has shut down its nuclear power plants, and now the expansion of renewable energies is to be accelerated. But what happens to the surplus electricity when the sun shines all day? In order not to overload the grids, the energy is given away to neighbouring countries. In the future, it will be turned into green hydrogen that can cover the energy needs of industry and the transport sector. On May 25, the Federal Cabinet passed an amendment to the Energy Industry Act that defines the legal framework for a future hydrogen core network in Germany. Hydrogen technology will not only prevail in Germany. We, therefore, take a look at three international hydrogen companies.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 3rd, 2023 | 07:15 CEST

The copper war! Nordex, Orestone Mining, Nel ASA, ThyssenKrupp - Shortage of copper weighs on Greentech expansion

  • Mining
  • Copper
  • GreenTech
  • renewableenergies

The World Copper Conference 2023 took place in Chile in mid-April. According to the experts, the global energy turnaround requires huge investments in new industrial metal mines, especially copper. The red metal has become very rare, and the large deposits are working at their capacity limits. One figure made the conference participants turn pale. According to estimates by the International Copper Association (ICA), at least USD 105 billion must be invested to provide enough mining capacity for the upcoming demand. Converted into quantities, this means 6.5 million tonnes more than the production from 2022. Anyone hearing these figures doubts the successful solution to climate change. Some stocks are to be considered in this context.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 13th, 2023 | 09:28 CEST

Varta, Altech Advanced Materials, BYD - Which Greentech stocks are poised for a boom?

  • Batteries
  • Electromobility
  • GreenTech

Greentech focuses on technologies and solutions that protect the environment and are sustainable. Since the car industry wants to focus on electric mobility in the future, a race for the best battery has begun. With new technologies, electricity storage systems can be built to store surplus renewable energy instead of letting it go to waste. Electric vehicles have gained popularity through continuous development as they can be used to get around with zero emissions. Growth opportunities are plentiful in this segment. We, therefore, take a look at three companies in the sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 4th, 2023 | 16:58 CEST

Watch out for these Greentech and battery stocks: Varta, Manuka Resources and BASF in turnaround

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • GreenTech
  • Batteries

Tesla is currently considering building its own battery factory in the US. The Company wants to operate the plant itself, and the battery giant CATL is to contribute the latest technology. For Tesla, the Texas location would be a welcome addition to its assembly plant for electric vehicles. After the decision to phase out internal combustion vehicles in the EU from 2035, international pressure remains high to finally initiate climate change. E-mobility is seen as a pathfinder. Innovations are needed in the battery sector because the performance parameters are not yet convincing. However, there are many profitable conspicuous features for shareholders in the round trip through the industry.
