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Commented by Juliane Zielonka on April 18th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Volkswagen, Altech Advanced Materials, BYD - who can benefit from China's rise

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Electromobility
  • Batteries

Chinese companies such as BYD benefit from state subsidies and domestic access to raw materials. BYD's subsidies have risen from EUR 220 million in just three years to EUR 2.1 billion. These sums are helping BYD dominate the Chinese electric vehicle market and increasingly penetrate the European market. Volkswagen cannot escape the pull of China either. As part of its "In China, for China" strategy, Volkswagen is expanding its cooperation network with Chinese partners. The aim is to reduce costs significantly in the development of EV technology. For companies like Altech Advanced Materials, close cooperation with Chinese market leaders such as BYD and Volkswagen offers the opportunity to commercialize innovative battery technologies that meet the needs of the changing market. One of these innovations, made in Germany by Altech Advanced Materials, increases the longevity of EV batteries by 30%. Here are the details.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 8th, 2024 | 06:30 CEST

Volkswagen, Altech Advanced Materials, RWE - Use the dip in electrification companies for your portfolio

  • Technology
  • renewableenergies
  • Energy

The future is electric. With the growing number of electric vehicles, energy storage technologies are also gaining enormous importance. These technologies form the backbone of a reliable, environmentally friendly energy landscape - they store energy from renewable sources and ensure that electricity flows even when the sun and wind are taking a break. Such progress not only promises a smaller ecological footprint but also a new era of energy independence. We have selected three companies that are helping with electrification.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 27th, 2024 | 08:30 CET

Watch out: DAX record chase! Automotive stocks in the fast lane: Mercedes-Benz, Globex Mining, VW and Tesla

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • hightech
  • Electromobility

The DAX 40 index is chasing from one high to the next, surpassing the 18,400 mark yesterday. In addition to artificial intelligence, it is primarily high-tech and defense stocks that are moving the market. The automotive stocks are still in the doldrums, as an expected decline in GDP also means smaller household budgets. Nothing is worse for the industry than the postponement of new car purchases until next year. The stockpiles are getting bigger, and dealers are plunging into desperate discount battles. However, the market is changing noticeably. Currently, there are clear buying candidates; we analyze the current situation.


Commented by Armin Schulz on March 19th, 2024 | 07:00 CET

Volkswagen, Defense Metals, BYD, Rheinmetall - China's weapon in the tech race

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Electromobility
  • hightech

In the shadow of global power rivalries, rare earths play a crucial role, not only for the defense industry, but also for the booming electric vehicle market and the production of catalytic converters in the automotive industry. These metals are the invisible backbone powering high-tech devices and are of strategic importance for the global economy and security. China's dominance in extracting and processing such resources - as illustrated by Deng Xiaoping's statement: "The Middle East has oil. China has rare earths." - sheds light on potential geopolitical tensions and highlights the importance of supply chain diversification and resilience.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 29th, 2024 | 08:15 CET

Defense Metals, Coinbase, Volkswagen: Critical metals for pioneering technologies

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • crypto
  • AI
  • Electromobility

The demand for critical metals is increasing rapidly worldwide. From growing digitalization to the increased use of cryptocurrencies and AI, from advances in medical technology to electromobility and defense technology - all these areas rely on these critical raw materials. Defense Metals Corporation is an experienced explorer in British Columbia whose Wicheeda project is designed to provide these critical metals. Forward-thinking companies like the crypto exchange Coinbase serve many users who use rare earth metals to power their hard drives for crypto mining. Volkswagen also requires this raw material because car consumers in China have very different needs when it comes to vehicle software than those in the European market. A new CEO for the subsidiary and software company CARIAD knows exactly what needs to be done...


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 1st, 2024 | 07:45 CET

Combustion engine versus battery! BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Mercedes and VW in focus

  • Technology
  • hightech
  • Electromobility

The year 2024 is going like clockwork for the high-tech sector so far. Anything smelling of "Artificial Intelligence" is being valued significantly higher on the stock market with relatively little scrutiny. In the DAX 40 Index, this has notably affected Siemens and SAP and the topic of armaments, which in turn catapulted Airbus and Rheinmetall into new realms. Things are even more dynamic on the Nasdaq, where Microsoft and Nvidia, in particular, are causing a sensation. However, e-mobility, particularly favoured by the Berlin traffic light coalition, is stumbling due to the abolition of the environmental bonus in December 2023. Customers are again opting for domestic combustion engines and Chinese e-imports. We analyze the current opportunities for investors.


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 1st, 2024 | 07:15 CET

Bayer, Almonty Industries, Volkswagen - Three hot stocks for the portfolio

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Electromobility
  • Pharma

While all eyes are on the Fed decision on January 31, and many investors are in a waiting position, one can embark on the search for stocks with significant upside potential. We have identified three exciting stocks whose share prices are far from reaching their potential. Each company has its own story. Bayer is struggling with the Monsanto takeover and rising costs in Germany. Almonty Industries is constructing the largest tungsten mine outside China and is already in production in Europe. Volkswagen aims to transition the entire group to electromobility, which is a colossal task. Which of these three candidates has the most potential?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 16th, 2024 | 07:15 CET

E-mobility boom 2024, when will the German vehicle market take off? BYD, Edison Lithium, VW, BMW

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Batteries
  • renewableenergies
  • Electromobility

The last word in e-mobility has not yet been spoken. While BYD is leading the sales list worldwide, Tesla is struggling with important supplier parts and has had to halt production temporarily. German manufacturers have used the last two years to catch up on technical backlogs and are preparing to score points in the "electric world", too. Last year, buyers were offered a state environmental bonus on top, but this was cancelled before Christmas. Now, the market has to prove that it can survive with fewer subsidies. Where are the opportunities for investors?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 8th, 2024 | 07:15 CET

Infineon, Globex Mining, Volkswagen AG - Excellent general conditions

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Technology
  • Electromobility

The year got off to a bumpy start. The DAX, Dow Jones and Co. started the first trading week of the year with losses. The fact that several traders were still on their well-earned Christmas vacations and volumes were low led to high fluctuations in both directions. Chip stocks, in particular, suffered due to a sales warning from the US. In contrast, gold and commodity stocks benefited due to their stable underlying values. This positive trend could continue after the corrections of the past year.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 5th, 2024 | 08:30 CET

Berlin abolishes the eco-bonus, so what now for e-mobility? Plug Power, Prospera Energy, VW and Porsche in focus

  • renewableenergies
  • Electromobility
  • Oil

Investors who bet on green energy in 2023 took a big hit. Contrary to many forecasts for the future, the wind and hydrogen sector has yet to show any sustained positive development. Government budgets are simply insufficient to promote these still unprofitable forms of energy. Private investors want to see returns on their investments. State-of-the-art combustion technologies will likely remain available for years because they are efficient and work in all weather conditions. Those who experienced their electric vehicle running out of power on December 1, 2023, at minus 10 degrees with 1 meter of fresh snow can attest to the challenges. We look at titles that carry the essence of fossil energy approaches in their soul.
