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September 27th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, Commerzbank – Falling interest rates drive the price of gold

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Recently, the price of gold reached record highs as interest rates continue to fall worldwide. This economic trend reflects deeper uncertainties and adjustments in global fiscal policy. A record high in gold often indicates that investors seek refuge in supposedly safe investments in times of economic turmoil and rising inflation. At the same time, falling interest rates represent central banks' efforts to stimulate economic growth and encourage investment. This dynamic interaction between the gold price and interest rates raises many questions about the long-term economic prospects. Therefore, today, we are looking at two gold companies and will examine the interest-sensitive Commerzbank.

time to read: 4 minutes | Author: Armin Schulz

Table of contents:

    Barrick Gold – Profitability rises with the gold price

    Barrick Gold, one of the world's largest gold producers, is heavily dependent on fluctuating gold prices. In times when governments around the world continue to print large sums of money and let national debt rise, inflation remains a constant threat. This helps the price of gold, which is currently on a steep rise. Nevertheless, political instabilities, such as the recent one in Papua New Guinea, where the operation of the Porgera mine was temporarily suspended due to tribal conflicts, cause problems. Such uncertainties can jeopardize production capacities and cause additional costs.

    Despite the challenges, Barrick is supported by rising gold prices, which significantly increase profitability. The Company has recently performed strongly due to increased demand for gold and global economic uncertainty. In Nevada, US, in particular, Barrick is making positive progress on major projects such as Goldrush and Fourmile, which offer significant growth opportunities. In addition, improved cost efficiency is further strengthening profit margins. The latest investments in copper projects, such as Reko Diq in Pakistan and Lumwana in Zambia, also promote long-term growth.

    CEO Mark Bristow considers the stock undervalued and emphasizes that Barrick Gold is well positioned despite the challenges. At the Gold Forum Americas conference in Colorado, Bristow pointed out that the current growth projections for gold production through the decade's end offer significant opportunities of up to 30%. Combined with a conservative financial policy and a diversified mine base, Barrick anticipates a strong future ahead. Analyst valuations support this optimism. In addition, the Company is always on the lookout for acquisitions to secure its future. The stock has been on the rise since March and currently trades at USD 20.72.

    Desert Gold – Bright prospects

    With gold prices continuing to rise, the spotlight is increasingly falling on gold explorers like Desert Gold, especially as the signs in the gold sector of Mali point to significant growth. Positive developments in government policy and successes of large mining companies such as Allied Gold and B2Gold are creating an optimistic investment climate. The major players operate their mines around the Company's property and benefit from the improved regulatory environment. Desert Gold has been active in the region since 2011 and has gradually expanded its property in recent years. The 440 sq km Senegal Mali Shear Zone (SMSZ) gold project offers significant potential, and the planned heap-leach mining project would turn Desert Gold into a gold producer.

    GBC analysts are optimistic and see the improved regulatory situation as a unique opportunity for the Company to expand its exploration and mining projects. In addition, the high price of gold and the proximity to major gold producers increase the likelihood that the Company will become a takeover target. A target price of CAD 0.425 was issued due to the planned heap leach mining project, the strategic location in a gold-rich region with producing mines, and the existing gold resource, which is to be updated in the fourth quarter. Once gold production begins, the Company will be able to finance its exploration from its own resources.

    Until then, the Company has launched a program for the early exercise of existing warrants. Warrant holders who exercise their rights within a four-week period will receive additional warrants as a bonus. The Company expects this program to generate gross proceeds of up to CAD 3.86 million. The funds generated will be invested in exploration and development work on the SMSZ project. The program requires the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The stock is currently trading at CAD 0.075, resulting in a small market capitalization of around CAD 17 million. There is room for recovery here due to the positive outlook.

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    Commerzbank – Falling interest rates weigh on earnings

    The recent interest rate cuts pose a significant challenge for the banking industry. Commerzbank is particularly affected, as its profit last year was primarily fueled by an increase in net interest income. This rose by almost 30% last year to EUR 8.4 billion, while other sources of income, such as commission business, declined. The recent interest rate cut could now jeopardize this key source of income. The bank is, therefore, taking cost control measures and plans to diversify its revenues in the areas of corporate customers and digital payment products.

    In recent weeks, Commerzbank has seen significant changes at the management level. Bettina Orlopp will succeed Manfred Knof as CEO on October 1, 2024. Orlopp thus takes on a challenging legacy, while Michael Kotzbauer will also play a central role as the new Deputy Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors. These personnel changes point to a strategic realignment that should signal to investors that Commerzbank remains strongly positioned despite the current challenges and uncertainties in the industry.

    At the same time, Commerzbank is facing takeover ambitions from Italy's UniCredit, which has increased its shareholding to 21% and plans to expand it to 29.9%. This push has caused a stir in Berlin, which is why the German government has stopped further share sales for the time being. Despite these tensions, Commerzbank is confident and has formulated ambitious goals for 2027. It is targeting a return on equity of over 12% and earnings before interest payments of EUR 3.6 billion, supported by a payout ratio of 70%, which should increase its attractiveness for investors. The share has broken through the resistance zone at EUR 15.80 and is currently trading at EUR 16.23.

    Given the rising gold prices and falling interest rates, the economic picture is mixed. Barrick Gold benefits from the high gold price and is more profitable, but political instability is currently jeopardizing production targets. Desert Gold has good prospects thanks to a planned gold mine in Mali and could become a takeover target. Commerzbank, on the other hand, is suffering from the interest rate cuts, but is trying to counteract this with strategic diversification and cost controls and, according to analysts, has long-term potential despite UniCredit's takeover ambitions.

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    Pursuant to §85 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), we point out that Apaton Finance GmbH as well as partners, authors or employees of Apaton Finance GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Relevant Persons") may hold shares or other financial instruments of the aforementioned companies in the future or may bet on rising or falling prices and thus a conflict of interest may arise in the future. The Relevant Persons reserve the right to buy or sell shares or other financial instruments of the Company at any time (hereinafter each a "Transaction"). Transactions may, under certain circumstances, influence the respective price of the shares or other financial instruments of the Company.

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    Der Autor

    Armin Schulz

    Born in Mönchengladbach, he studied business administration in the Netherlands. In the course of his studies he came into contact with the stock exchange for the first time. He has more than 25 years of experience in stock market business.

    About the author

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