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Commented by Armin Schulz on September 24th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Deutsche Bank, BlockchainK2, Commerzbank – Digitization is inevitable in asset management

  • Blockchain
  • Banking
  • Financial

Asset management is at the center of numerous financial strategies that offer customized solutions to both private and institutional investors. In an era when economic uncertainty and volatile markets have become the norm, banks and professional asset managers play a crucial role in protecting and growing wealth. They navigate complex financial landscapes, offer in-depth knowledge and develop strategies tailored to individual needs. Those who miss out on digitalization will be at a disadvantage. Today, we are taking a look at the major German banks and examining a company that offers digitalization solutions.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 23rd, 2023 | 10:11 CET

Aurelius, Smartbroker Holding AG, Hypoport - Strong movements

  • Investments
  • Financial

For years, the construction industry was booming. However, the sector slid into a deep crisis last year due to rising construction costs and the end of low interest rates. Experts are not yet giving the all-clear for the current year, either. The figures for online brokers were also down sharply. As a result, the share prices of the companies concerned plummeted. At a discounted level, this offers attractive entry opportunities for a company that should enjoy an absolutely unique selling proposition in the event of a successful launch of its new platform.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 4th, 2022 | 11:26 CEST

Pay attention to financial stocks: PayPal, MAS Gold, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank - inflation, real interest rate and precious metals!

  • Financial
  • Investments
  • Gold
  • Inflation

It is going to be a lot of work! The Ukraine war is leaving its ugly mark on the humanitarian and material aspects. A lot of money is needed for reconstruction and the return of the many refugees. Since debt levels are high, interest rates will likely continue to rise to meet the growing need for capital. In addition, there is a shortage of fossil raw materials, and there is a threat of supply shortages. In order to avert a default, Russia has settled USD 650 million in interest on various foreign securities, as expected. Can financial chaos still be averted? Who will pay for the war damage? Financial stocks and gold come into focus during large debt movements. Where are the opportunities for investors?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 28th, 2022 | 12:34 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Hong Lai Huat, Commerzbank - Strong comeback

  • RealEstate
  • Financial

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions, banks, in particular, lost disproportionately in stock market value. Concerns about possible loan defaults in neighboring Eastern European countries caused the major European banks and domestic financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank to plummet in the short term. In recent days, however, it is precisely these stocks that showed relative strength, driven above all by interest rate fantasies triggered by the US Federal Reserve.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2021 | 07:30 CET

FlatexDEGIRO, Adyen, Marble Financial: A comparison of 3 growth stories

  • Financial

Digitization is bringing with its numerous innovations, especially in the financial industry. Costs are falling and more and more services can be implemented in a digitally customer-friendly way. Examples include crowdlending platforms and digital insurance folders, which primarily offer customers transparency. Traditional financial institutions have also long since recognized that they can no longer do without an app. Nevertheless, there are still niches in which young and innovative companies are gaining market share and generating returns for investors along the way. We present three exciting investment stories.
