Commented by Fabian Lorenz on January 9th, 2025 | 07:00 CET
Plug Power share price explodes! Golden times ahead for Siemens Energy and F3 Uranium?
The saying "those declared dead live longer" applies to the stock market - and seemingly to Plug Power. The hydrogen stock rose by almost 50% in the first few days of trading, although it has recently struggled to maintain this level. Is this the breakthrough, or is it going down again? Siemens Energy and F3 Uranium could be on the verge of golden times. Both are benefiting from the boom in data centres. In the past few days alone, billion-dollar investments have been announced in the US. To supply energy to the data centres for artificial intelligence, grids and nuclear power plants are needed. However, analyst sentiment is weighing on the price of Siemens Energy. In contrast, F3 Uranium appears ripe for a breakout from the sideways movement, with the potential for its stock to double.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on January 7th, 2025 | 06:50 CET
RESCUE for Lilium!? HYDROGEN WINNERS dynaCERT and thyssenkrupp nucera instead of Nel and Plug Power Share!
dynaCERT and thyssenkrupp nucera have emerged as new hydrogen favourites in the past year. dynaCERT's shares almost doubled in the second half of the year, and there is a good chance that a new multi-year high will be reached in 2025. The technology is convincing customers, and new major orders would justify a revaluation. thyssenkrupp nucera has already proven that it can operate profitably - a milestone that former favourites Nel and Plug Power have yet to achieve. Similarly, Lilium filed for insolvency just before Christmas, but now investors, including Frank Thelen, are expected to inject millions. Is this the rescue?
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on January 2nd, 2025 | 07:05 CET
+500% return in 2025 with D-Wave, Plug Power, or BMW partner European Lithium stock?
500% price gain in 2 months! This is extraordinary but possible, as D-Wave's share price demonstrated at the end of 2024. Analysts believe that European Lithium's share price is capable of a similar price jump. Maybe not in 2 months, but there is massive upside potential expected by March. Experts believe that lithium can make a comeback in the new year. BMW partner European Lithium, with deposits in Austria and Ireland, should benefit from this. Additionally, the Company has other valuable resources, including rare earth elements. Plug Power shareholders are hoping for a hydrogen comeback. Can the turnaround succeed, or is insolvency looming at the start of the year? By contrast, quantum computing is likely to continue to electrify the stock market in the new year. So, will the rally continue for D-Wave & Co.?
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on December 23rd, 2024 | 08:05 CET
Takeover candidates 2025: Plug Power, Evotec, Desert Gold
Will Plug Power be taken over, or is there a risk of a sharp drop in the share price? The latter is possible in the coming weeks, and shareholders must be careful. A hot takeover candidate in the gold sector is Desert Gold. Analysts see significant upside potential, and the Company is convincing with an exciting mix: production is expected to start in 2025, the resource has increased to 2 million ounces, and gold producers with deep pockets are active in the neighbourhood. At Evotec, a takeover attempt – albeit an amateurish one – has already failed this year. Will financial investor Triton make a serious bid in 2025, or will Deutsche Bank prove right with a target price of EUR 4?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on December 16th, 2024 | 07:00 CET
Bull's eye in 2025: Nuclear energy and hydrogen! Watch out for Nel, Plug Power, First Hydrogen, Mercedes and BMW
The production of hydrogen using nuclear energy is seen as a promising way to create a flexible energy carrier in a climate-neutral manner. Especially in areas where renewable energy sources are insufficient or a continuous power supply is required, hydrogen demonstrates its strengths. The carbon footprint of hydrogen from nuclear energy is comparable to that of renewable sources such as wind and solar since nuclear power plants operate almost emission-free. Unlike wind or solar energy, nuclear power can generate electricity around the clock because it is not dependent on weather conditions. This helps to avoid so-called dark doldrums, such as the one recently experienced in Germany on Friday. In countries such as France and Japan, nuclear energy is already considered an option for hydrogen production to advance the decarbonisation of industries. Which stocks are coming to the fore as a result?
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on December 11th, 2024 | 07:45 CET
New hydrogen hype in 2025? Nel ASA, thyssenkrupp nucera, Plug Power, and First Hydrogen
Is nuclear-based hydrogen fueling a comeback for the industry? The growing energy demand for AI and other technologies is straining electricity grids. Shares of First Hydrogen have surged 17% following its announcement to venture into small nuclear reactors for hydrogen production, yet the Company is still valued at less than CAD 20 million. Nel is to build a pilot plant in South Korea to produce hydrogen from surplus nuclear power. However, the valuation of the Norwegian company still seems too high. Plug Power shareholders might face turbulent times in the coming weeks as short-sellers position themselves. By contrast, thyssenkrupp nucera is recommended as a "Buy". Which hydrogen player will take off in 2025?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on December 9th, 2024 | 07:15 CET
DAX 20,400 – Year-end rally underway! 100% opportunities are still lurking at Shell, BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, Nel ASA, and Plug Power
All EU countries have ramped up their alternative energy production in recent years. In particular, countries like Germany achieved a 65% share of electricity from renewable sources in the first half of 2024, with wind and solar as the main drivers of growth. However, the conflict in Ukraine since 2022 has now jeopardized the achievement of the 2050 targets more than ever because the lack of affordable fossil gas is threatening the transformation of the economy. The rising gas prices of recent weeks have awakened bad memories of 2022 among European energy traders and politicians alike. When the continent was in a rush to end its dependence on Russian gas, prices had already risen by 400%. The energy sector offers great opportunities – timing is of the essence!
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on December 4th, 2024 | 07:00 CET
JinkoSolar, Myriad Uranium, Plug Power – How the energy crisis can be solved
During the recent dark doldrums in Germany at the beginning of November 2024, the challenge of driving forward the energy transition exclusively with renewable sources once again became clear. Days with minimal wind and solar power production forced the country to rely heavily on fossil fuel power plants and expensive electricity imports. At the same time, energy demand is growing rapidly due to factors like electric mobility, digitalization, and industrial transformation. Given these dynamics, the debate over CO2-neutral, baseload-capable nuclear power plants is coming back into focus. Unlike wind and solar energy, these nuclear power plants provide reliable electricity and could make a decisive contribution to ensuring energy supply while meeting climate targets. We look at three companies and analyze what it takes to make these technologies a success.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on December 2nd, 2024 | 07:30 CET
Almost 200% upside potential! Plug Power, Renk, and F3 Uranium!
Uranium stocks from North America are likely to have a strong year in 2025. Russia and the US have imposed mutual export and import bans. At the same time, the US wants to triple its nuclear energy capacity. As a result, analysts see almost 200% upside potential for the Canadian uranium explorer F3 Uranium. The majority of experts also expect Renk's share price to rise. However, its performance this year is well behind that of Rheinmetall and Hensoldt. Plug Power is also likely to be among the disappointments of the year. However, JPMorgan believes the hydrogen company is well positioned and includes it in its list of top sustainability picks for 2025. Rightly so?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on December 2nd, 2024 | 07:10 CET
The shooting stars of the energy transition – 325% gains with Siemens Energy, dynaCERT, Nel ASA, and Plug Power
The NASDAQ technology exchange has been the standout performer this year. With gains of over 30%, the past 12 months will go down in history as a remarkable rally. Few doubt that the mood will deteriorate again significantly by the end of the year. The spotlight was on high-tech stocks and stocks that incorporate the megatrend of "artificial intelligence" into their business model. However, one selected DAX stock was able to outperform the NASDAQ by a factor of 10: Siemens Energy. The losers in this mix were clearly the once-popular hydrogen stocks, Nel ASA and Plug Power, which each lost around 50%. Yet, these could be among the rising stars of the new year. Meanwhile, dynaCERT has already seen significant gains in 2024, but there is still plenty of upside potential. A detailed analysis reveals why!