Commented by Juliane Zielonka on November 29th, 2024 | 07:00 CET
RWE, Globex Mining, Plug Power - Energy transition: Euphoria, disillusionment, and investment opportunities
The path to a sustainable energy supply is not linear but is characterized by successes, setbacks and surprising developments. Despite possible supply risks, the German energy giant RWE is posting record earnings of EUR 4 billion (EBITDA) and is a thorn in the side of the Federal Cartel Office due to its market dominance. With its "mineral bank" model, mining specialist Globex Mining proves how traditional commodity businesses can also develop sustainably. The mining sector faces a double challenge: on the one hand, the industry contributes massively to the increased carbon footprint, while on the other hand, it is indispensable for the energy transition, as the demand for metals for batteries and renewable energies is increasing dramatically. With over 252 projects and smart royalty rights, Globex Mining is growing continuously, and its enterprise value is increasing. Hydrogen pioneer Plug Power, on the other hand, is struggling with a significant 20% revenue drop despite ambitious growth targets. "Hope dies last," one thinks when considering the perseverance of Plug Power's management. Where do investment opportunities lie?
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on November 27th, 2024 | 07:25 CET
WINNERS of the CLIMATE CONFERENCE: Siemens Energy, Plug Power, dynaCERT!
The CO2 markets and emissions trading are among the few winners of the climate conference in Baku. The dynaCERT share should benefit, as the technology company could face a surge of orders in 2025, potentially leading to a revaluation of the stock. Siemens Energy has recently demonstrated just how quickly and dramatically a revaluation can occur. According to analysts, the rally is far from over. In contrast, Plug Power faces an uncertain future. While experts remain optimistic about the hydrogen sector, the US company is not among their recommendations. So, who are the true beneficiaries of the hydrogen boom?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 21st, 2024 | 07:00 CET
Make Trump love hydrogen – why not? Nel, Plug Power, First Hydrogen, thyssenkrupp and nucera
- Even though Trump ignores or denies climate change, he has an advisory team focused on the future of the US. After all, the Republican Party wants to continue to govern even after the Donald era. However, the current election result is weighing on the entire green tech sector, so investors should selectively take advantage of the current sell-off. After all, the technologies will not disappear but continue to develop in the background. Hydrogen propulsion systems still play a niche role but could become more important due to technological advances and infrastructure investments. Their future depends heavily on how effectively renewable hydrogen can be produced and made available and how costs develop compared to other zero-emission technologies. First Hydrogen is demonstrating how the logistics and transportation sector could develop under the EU's "Net Zero 2050" target! Sentiment is low, so investors should switch in time to benefit from the impending rebound.
Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 14th, 2024 | 07:30 CET
Big news for Siemens Energy and F3 Uranium! Shock at Plug Power!
A golden age for uranium. The US aims to triple its nuclear energy capacity, and uranium explorers such as F3 Uranium should benefit massively from this. Like the uranium price, stocks in the sector have consolidated and are currently offering an exciting entry opportunity. This year, Siemens Energy has impressively demonstrated how quickly things can go up. Now, the DAX-listed company has also raised its medium-term targets. However, the wind power division continues to struggle. At Plug Power, revenue is now also faltering. Shareholders of the hydrogen specialist have become accustomed to losses, but they are still higher than revenue. Can it go on like this?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 12th, 2024 | 07:30 CET
Trump is back! Buy commodities; hydrogen is on the sidelines! Siemens Energy, Globex Mining, Nel and Plug Power
With Trump's election victory and the resignation of the coalition government, the European Union's "NetZero" strategy by 2050 could be undermined. New governments now recognize that persistently high energy prices lead to significant job losses in industry. Large corporations are turning their backs on Germany in particular, where energy costs are sometimes ten times higher than in other countries around the world. America is once again taking a unique path. According to Trump, energy prices should be halved, signaling clear support for expanding fossil fuels and a strong stance against costly hydrogen solutions. However, the strengthened industrial policy should also drive up the consumption of raw materials, positioning Globex Mining in a good position and sidelining Nel ASA and Plug Power. What should investors look out for now?
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on November 12th, 2024 | 07:15 CET
Commerzbank, Thunder Gold, Plug Power – What happens after the US election?
After Donald Trump's commanding victory in the US election, the financial world faces a new era of economic transformation. In the midst of this changing political landscape, the markets are clearly identifying winners and losers. If the first term is anything to go by, banks will experience a boom due to deregulation measures and tax incentives, while the renewable energy sector will face new challenges. The rally in the price of gold has been slowed for the time being by a stronger dollar. On the other hand, interest rates continue to fall, making gold investments more attractive again. The return of Trump's economic policy agenda promises not only opportunities but also risks for sustainable investments. We look at one candidate from each area.
ReadCommented by Juliane Zielonka on November 8th, 2024 | 07:00 CET
Myriad Uranium, Plug Power, RWE: New US policy creates winners and losers in the energy sector
Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential elections could lead to significant shifts in the global energy markets. While some market participants will have to reposition themselves, promising prospects are opening up for others. The Canadian explorer Myriad Uranium will benefit from the strategic realignment of US energy policy. The decision to ban the import of Russian uranium and the successful drilling results at the Copper Mountain project in Wyoming are excellent opportunities. Hydrogen specialist Plug Power, on the other hand, is experiencing a price decline of over 22% on NASDAQ – a possible indicator of the expected changes in funding policy. Global energy supplier RWE is attracting increased attention due to speculation surrounding the entry of the activist investor Elliott...
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 7th, 2024 | 07:45 CET
Trump triumphs! What happens now with gold, e-mobility and green tech? BYD, VW, Thunder Gold, Nel, and Plug Power in focus
The US election is over. Donald Trump is moving back into the White House. Along with a tougher stance on China, conservative voters in the US are hoping for a greater focus on their own country. America needs a complete renewal of its infrastructure and will push ahead with armaments, so commodities of all kinds will come into focus. For Europe, the degree of responsibility for its own affairs will increase significantly, and the development of stable supply chains is imperative. Trump supports Bitcoin, so gold may have to give up some of its recent gains. What are the yield or loss drivers for investors now? After the election, investors should separate the wheat from the chaff to ensure their portfolios are properly positioned.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on November 6th, 2024 | 07:35 CET
Soaring share prices, battery revolution, sales record! BYD, Plug Power and Altech Advanced Materials shares!
Altech Advanced Materials is getting ever closer to the battery revolution. And it is all happening in Germany! The prototype of their revolutionary solid-state battery is operational, and there is an initial declaration of intent in the three-digit million-euro range. The Company is valued at around EUR 25 million, providing solid reasons for a potential rapid 50% price increase. Meanwhile, Plug Power's stock has shot up a good 20% since Friday. Is this just a blip, or is there more to it for the former hydrogen high-flyer? In any case, Plug shareholders should be cautious next week. There is also a lot to be said for rising prices at BYD. The Chinese electric carmaker is in a thrilling race with Tesla for industry leadership, and analysts are forecasting over a 20% upside potential.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on October 31st, 2024 | 07:15 CET
Uranium Energy Rally 3.0! Another 100% with acquisitions at Nel, F3 Uranium, Plug Power, JinkoSolar and ARI Motors
Energy policy has become quite complex. The EU sanctions fossil fuels and gold from Russia but leaves out uranium. Why? There is one nuclear energy fan that vehemently opposes it behind the scenes in Brussels: France! Other countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland have also emerged as followers. Sweden and Romania each have two additional reactors in the planning stage, which the authorities have already approved. So, it is a two-tier society within the EU, which leaves Economic Minister Robert Habeck looking particularly foolish, especially as he secured costly LNG gas from Qatar on a 10-year contract to shut down domestic reactors. More mismanagement is hardly possible. The fact remains: with the renewed demand for uranium, supply will likely struggle to keep up in the coming years. F3 Uranium holds extensive concessions in the largest uranium mining district in the world: the Athabasca Basin. The industry is preparing for the impending supply bottleneck with acquisitions and purchases. Investors have the potential to double their returns now!