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Commented by Mario Hose on July 24th, 2020 | 07:30 CEST

NEL ASA, Royal Helium, SolGold - profit lies in purchasing

  • Investments

These are exciting times for investors who focus on trends and technologies. Mobility is a hotly debated topic of the present. The storage of energy plays a decisive role alongside its generation. Those who can demonstrate solutions in this market have a lucrative future ahead of them. There are also niches that offer great added value and are indispensable for a modern society. In addition, the topic of asset protection is of concern to people around the globe. More than ever before, it is worth thinking about strategic investments.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 13th, 2020 | 06:20 CEST

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Royal Helium - this stock really lifts off

  • Helium

The French astronomer Jules Janssen first discovered helium on our Sun in 1868. Since then, experts have discovered that the Sun consists largely of helium and hydrogen. In reference to the Greek sun god Helios, the discovered inert gas was called helium. After hydrogen, helium is the second most abundant chemical element in the universe. It is estimated that up to a quarter of the known matter in the universe consists of helium. However, helium is rarely found on earth and has been one of the critical raw materials in the EU since 2018. The list of consumers around the globe is headed by the US space agency NASA.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 9th, 2020 | 07:41 CEST

Ballard Power, NEL ASA, Plug Power - what comes after hydrogen now?

  • Hydrogen

The shares of hydrogen companies are constantly reaching new highs and the profits of the shareholders are increasing accordingly on paper. Paper profits are a fine thing, but they better not melt away. Selling in a falling market is usually harder than dealing with the lost profits from a rising share price. Given that hydrogen as an energy carrier is still a future technology that depends on many political factors to really offer environmentally friendly added value, it is advisable not to hope that the trees will grow endlessly into the sky. Realizing partial profits has not harmed anyone yet. The next big trend has already begun and it is time to position ourselves.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 24th, 2020 | 06:57 CEST

NEL, Nikola, Tesla - is Germany facing a new billion euro scandal?

  • Electromobility

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) is a renowned organization focusing on research, economic policy advice and analysis. It sees itself as the research institute for globalisation issues in Germany. The institute cooperates worldwide with universities, research institutions and think tanks. In short: the independent organisation is credible and its statement carries weight. One of the latest studies on the subject of e-cars has now brought clarity to light, as we have already reported, which cannot be in the interest of German politics and how the exposure of a scandal appears. Outsiders are asking the question; how can it be that tax money and subsidies are flowing to increase greenhouse gas emissions by 73%? One thing at a time.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 27th, 2020 | 16:35 CEST

Air Liquide, NEL ASA, RHC Royal Helium Corp. - Helium replaces hydrogen

  • Helium
  • Hydrogen

Helium is a chemical element and is lighter than air. It belongs to the pure gases, is colourless, odourless, tasteless and is generally regarded as non-toxic. Because of these characteristics, helium is already replacing hydrogen in industrial use. However, experts warn of a global shortage, as the supply of this strategic raw material has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 25th, 2020 | 07:43 CEST

Daimler, dynaCERT, NEL, Nordex - who brings investors sustainable returns?

  • Environmental Protection

Energy and mobility go hand in hand. The automotive industry has been regulated in Europe since the 1990s with strict guidelines and requirements for fuel economy and the reduction of pollutants. Objectively speaking, various trends have emerged since then and raise questions. In the name of environmental protection, the coal phase-out was decided upon, which will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions in Germany. In addition, the phase-out of nuclear energy was approved, an energy source that is not responsible for CO2 emissions but does pose a disposal problem. The wind industry is also heading for a disposal catastrophe for which, according to the responsible federal office, there is no solution yet. Innovations with hydrogen, on the other hand, offer solutions that can also be lucrative for investors. The future will be exciting.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 11th, 2020 | 12:38 CEST

Ballard Power, dynaCERT, NEL - Major order boosts share price

  • Hydrogen

In recent months, investors have focused on the shares of companies in the hydrogen sector. In addition to manufacturers of fuel cells and equipment for the production, storage and sale of the energy carrier, suppliers offering retrofit solutions were also in demand. Mobility is changing and the need for a clean environment is increasing. The use of different promising technologies depends on a number of factors. But there are already scalable solutions for now and today.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 7th, 2020 | 05:50 CEST

Daimler, dynaCERT, NEL, Tesla - who will double the share price in 2020?

  • Environmental Protection

In the past few weeks, many vehicles have come to a standstill. Despite the decrease in traffic, pollution levels at measuring stations in German city centres have not decreased, as reported in the media. Detached from this realization, politicians are bringing a scrapping bonus into play, which is intended to boost vehicle sales. The primary aim of the redistribution of taxpayers' money is to have roadworthy cars scrapped and then use government subsidies to buy new electric cars. Against the background that only a proportion of the energy mix consists of renewable energies and that there is still no solution for the disposal of lithium batteries, the environmental balance is questionable. There are things that cannot be explained to children or should not even be tried.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 29th, 2020 | 08:36 CEST

Ballard Power, dynaCERT, NEL ASA - who has the most lucrative hydrogen technology?

  • Hydrogen

The economy around the globe is in a waiting position. As soon as the spread of the Corona Virus no longer poses a general threat or the social understanding of restrictions disappears, the economic race for customers and market share begins. In recent weeks, companies have had the opportunity to reflect and orient themselves. As soon as the restrictions for the general market disappear, it will become clear who has done their homework and which economic area can still afford subsidies.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 6th, 2020 | 08:40 CEST

NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas, Varta - who has the highest catch-up potential?

  • Energy

The share prices of most companies around the world have been falling since February 2020 and the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic. Whether it's hydrogen, oil or batteries, it's hit everyone. The reasons are very different, but they are nevertheless interrelated. Globalization not only has price advantages, but dependencies on supply chains can lead to painful bottlenecks. The current situation is most obvious in the example of protective clothing, which is mainly produced in China and is also needed there in the country of origin of Covid-19. The rest of the world is now facing supply bottlenecks.
