Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 15th, 2023 | 07:50 CEST
New record prices every day, but where is the perfect battery? Varta, First Phosphate, Volkswagen in focus
Without the next evolutionary step in traction batteries, it will probably be a long time before e-mobility can replace the combustion engine market. Short service life, limited flexibility and high production and disposal costs stand in the way of an economic approach, even if the red-green government likes to downplay these facts. In the end, politics has also failed to provide electricity in an appropriately "sustainable" manner and at an affordable price. Therefore, anyone who wants to promote ecology through politics must ensure that electricity prices are halved, and all currently required fossil components are eliminated from the energy mix. Otherwise, the enlightened consumer may revert to purchasing fuel-efficient internal combustion engine vehicles, even if they eventually have to import them into the EU at some point. Where are the opportunities for dynamic investors?
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on June 13th, 2023 | 07:50 CEST
Standard Lithium, Grid Metals, Volkswagen - Lithium is essential for electromobility
Electric vehicle sales continue to outpace sales expectations, driving demand for lithium, nickel and other battery raw materials. At the same time, the supply of these raw materials faces challenges, including technical problems with new types of lithium deposits, permitting procedures and social issues. This situation could lead to a 5-6 year opportunity for sustained higher lithium prices. First-to-market projects can achieve significant market valuation, so companies are focused on rapid implementation and revenue generation. We, therefore, look at two lithium companies and examine how Volkswagen plans to address the challenges in procurement.
ReadCommented by Juliane Zielonka on June 8th, 2023 | 07:00 CEST
Saturn Oil + Gas, Apple, Volkswagen - Technological breakthroughs and sustainability strategies for an innovative industry
An exciting weekend in Troisdorf brought together renowned investors, celebrities and tennis enthusiasts to experience the exciting matches of the Saturn Oil Open ATP Challenger Tour. During the event, there was an opportunity for discussions on the groundbreaking developments at Saturn Oil & Gas. The Canadian company, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, recorded outstanding success in the first quarter of 2023 following the acquisition of Ridgeback Resources. On the other side of the globe, Apple presents its groundbreaking mixed VR set, "Apple Vision Pro", with augmented reality and innovative hand control, offering users a fascinating virtual experience. Volkswagen, on the other hand, is restructuring its production in China to meet the growing demand in the field of electric vehicles. These developments are shaping the future of these companies and driving innovation as they face the challenges of modern times.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on June 5th, 2023 | 07:30 CEST
Headwinds for e-car manufacturers - What matters now: BYD, Volkswagen, First Phosphate
With strong acceleration, a connected cockpit and lots of rear-seat amenities - these are the features that score points for e-cars. However, investors are taking a closer look. An article in Handelsblatt reveals that some carmakers are not faring well in the favour of sustainably-minded investors. We look at why that is and why shareholders should consider it - an analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in the automotive industry.
ReadCommented by Juliane Zielonka on June 2nd, 2023 | 07:30 CEST
Altech Advanced Materials, Volkswagen AG, BYD - Electric drive solutions fuel the share rally
Heidelberg-based Altech Advanced Materials AG is revolutionizing the market for lithium-ion batteries and is now expanding into the renewable energy sector. With a focus on the development of solid-state batteries for stationary applications under the CERENERGY® brand, the Company has already produced prototypes with promising results. Europe is becoming the world's second-largest market for electric vehicles and offers a promising opportunity, especially for Chinese battery manufacturers. Volkswagen is moving to Southeast Asia to build battery factories. However, they are not alone in this endeavour because one of their strongest competitors, BYD, is already one step ahead...
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on May 24th, 2023 | 08:10 CEST
IPO Price driver: ThyssenKrupp, Volkswagen, Desert Gold
In an IPO, it is not only the newcomer to the stock market that is interesting for investors. A parent company often benefits - e.g. Volkswagen or Mercedes-Benz - when the subsidiary becomes fully or partially independent. Shareholders of ThyssenKrupp are currently hoping for a share price driver. Thus, the IPO of the hydrogen subsidiary nucera. However, analysts are skeptical. Yet, an initial public offering can also pay off for the peer group when investors take a closer look at the industry again. Desert Gold could benefit from this. The neighbour of the gold explorer Allied Gold Corp wants to go public in London. Desert Gold should also benefit from this and help the share to break out. Within the VW Group, the Porsche share has outperformed its parent company since the IPO. Analysts warn: Will Tesla and BYD leave Volkswagen behind?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on May 23rd, 2023 | 08:00 CEST
DAX on a record chase, and hydrogen is making a comeback! VW, Daimler Truck, First Hydrogen, Traton. Who can convince?
The EU wants to invest about EUR 25 billion in hydrogen over the next 10 years. To this end, the Commission has drafted the concept of a "Hydrogen Accelerator" to promote the use of renewable hydrogen. The "REPowerEU plan" launched for this purpose aims to produce 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen within the EU by 2030 and to import a further 10 million tons. It is hoped that this will provide an important building block for saving the climate. The private sector is also involved. We take a look at some of the key players.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on May 22nd, 2023 | 09:30 CEST
Varta, Altech Advanced Materials, Volkswagen - The battle for the battery of the future
The energy transition will not succeed without batteries, and electromobility cannot be implemented without them either. South Korea plans to invest USD 15 billion in the development of solid-state batteries for electric vehicles by 2030 in order to secure a long-term competitive advantage in the global market for electric vehicles. China is already the pioneer in electric cars and batteries for these vehicles. Experts in the American automotive industry fear a dependence on China for batteries and their raw materials. Since the automotive industry has embraced electromobility and the energy transition is being pushed forward faster, the field of battery development has become tremendously important. Therefore, today we will look at three companies dealing with this issue.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on May 17th, 2023 | 07:20 CEST
Withdrawal from Russia, Asia says thank you - shares of BYD, Canadian North Resources, and Volkswagen in focus!
The triumphant march of electrification is gathering pace. While European producers are abandoning their production facilities in Russia, a new axis of industrialization is forming between Moscow, Beijing and New Delhi. For symbolic prices, local technology leaders are selling their plants in Russia to investors and speculators. What is no longer delivered to Russia from Europe is now produced by others, such as the Chinese manufacturer BYD, which can hardly be stopped in its expansion policy. It is interesting how a competitive picture can change completely within months. We analyze this a little more closely.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on May 15th, 2023 | 07:20 CEST
Thanks to Macron: Special boom for fuel cells? Plug Power, First Hydrogen, Volkswagen
It is a bombshell announcement that is expected to be made by the French Cabinet in Paris this week. As reported by Handelsblatt, in the future, emissions generated during the production of electric vehicles will be taken into account when promoting these vehicles. Until now, France, similar to Germany, has provided incentives for each electric vehicle priced below EUR 47,000. With the new law, Chinese manufacturers could be left out. We look at what this means and why hydrogen could be heading towards a special boom.