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Commented by Mario Hose on April 1st, 2020 | 10:32 CEST

Daimler, dynaCERT, Tesla, Volkswagen - Electromobility threatens setback

  • Mobility

The world stands still. Only a few vehicles are still rolling on the roads. Trucks supply the supermarkets with food and those who can, take their own car for shopping or for the way to work to avoid the risk of public transport becoming infected. However, most people currently spend most of their time at their home or home office, as it is now called. The exciting question these days is: when can the old normality finally start again? But there is also enormous uncertainty about the personal economic situation. Will your company or your employer manage to survive? The need to buy a new car in such a situation should be close to zero.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 24th, 2020 | 06:24 CET

Daimler, dynaCERT, Tesla - who has the best Mobility shares?

  • Mobility

The Corona Crisis is omnipresent. The discussions about CO2 emissions and climate targets have given way to the pandemic. The streets are empty and the population stays at home. People around the globe are taking a break - or rather, they are being asked to take a forced break and avoid social contact. For the economy, the state of deceleration and standstill is a maximum stress test. Conveyors stand still. Supplies are stuck. The finished products cannot find a customer and salaries must continue to be paid. The German government wants to help quickly and offers support programs for salaries. The state basically distributes tax money that has to be earned sooner or later.


Commented by Mario Hose on February 17th, 2020 | 09:09 CET

BMW, Daimler, Tesla - who buys whom and why does everything turn out differently?

  • Mobility

The entrepreneur Elon Musk has had numerous existential near-death experiences with his battery car manufacturer Tesla since its foundation. Debts, postponements and quality issues were among the reasons why the US company was often closer to the end than to a breakthrough in the past. But somehow Musk always managed to raise money and emotionally pull the investors along. At BMW and Daimler, the management team is much more relaxed - still.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 27th, 2019 | 07:20 CET

BMW, Daimler or Volkswagen - who gives up first?

  • Mobility

Ludwig Erhard, the second German Chancellor and economist, said in the 1950s the much-quoted sentence: "No state can give its citizens more than it has taken from them before". A conscientious government should therefore strive to keep the delta between tax revenue and benefit to the taxpayer as small as possible. In this context, government subsidies are always a sensitive issue. The economic sustainability of government support for technology and innovation must lead to industries and companies learning to stand on their own two feet and the market regulating demand. The solar industry in Germany is a prime example of how tax money can be wasted. No well-known German company in the solar industry has survived in competition with Asia. Is there any reason to worry that German electromobility will suffer a similar fate?


Commented by Mario Hose on December 11th, 2019 | 19:52 CET

Syzygy as expected due to Daimler, Lufthansa and Porsche

  • Marketing

Syzygy AG, the internationally active German full-service agency for digital marketing, recently published its results for the first nine months of 2019. Syzygy AG's operating performance was characterised by the continued positive development of its German subsidiaries, which, however, were offset by the continued decline in business at the companies operating abroad, in particular the UK subsidiaries. The group operates as a creative, technology and media service provider for digital marketing.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 9th, 2019 | 12:35 CET

BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen - GBC's buy recommendation for retrofitter dynaCERT

  • hydrogen

The German automotive industry is facing major challenges. Customers want vehicles with performance and range, but politicians have persuaded the industry to manufacture and market economical engines. What happens if the manufacturers' offerings do not meet the wishes and needs of the market? Nothing more and sales collapse. The consequences of this misguided policy will become visible in the coming years. The demand for new cars will decrease with further tightening of emission standards and the holding period of existing vehicles will increase. At the same time, the loss in value of vehicles with internal combustion engines is unlikely to remain as high. GBC Research today published an update on a study on an exciting retrofit with hydrogen technology for internal combustion engines, confirmed the buy recommendation and raised the price target.


Commented by Mario Hose on November 18th, 2019 | 05:50 CET

Daimler, dynaCERT and Tesla - what do investors need to know now?

  • environmental protection

As a result of the costly rebuild, the Daimler Group is using the red pen at Mercedes-Benz. 10% of the management level will be dismissed - i.e. around 1,100 people. CEO Ola Källenius will give a concrete account of the savings in his presentation and aims to reduce personnel costs by more than EUR 1 billion by 2022. While Stuttgart is in a crisis mood, Berlin-Brandenburg seems to be in a champagne mood, as Elon Musk had announced the construction of a Gigafactory in the region. Ironically, Tesla would no longer exist without the help of Daimler.
