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Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 24th, 2021 | 10:14 CET

Daimler, Kodiak Copper, SFC Energy - This will be expensive!

  • Copper

Germany is stepping on the gas! Stop, don't rejoice too soon. Unfortunately, it's not about the German government accelerating vaccination programs and fighting the Corona pandemic. Instead, domestic automakers have been causing a stir in recent days. A move away from internal combustion engines and the consistent expansion of the electric vehicle divisions should help them return to their old strength. However, the exceptionally high demand for the raw materials needed for electric mobility could lead to significant bottlenecks and dramatic price increases in the near future. The winners are clear.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 22nd, 2020 | 09:49 CET

Daimler, dynaCERT, Tesla, Volkswagen - state-subsidized share gains

  • Investments

The German energy transition and the change in mobility can be summarized in one sentence: maximum effort for minimum success. While the impact of the German population on global environmental responsibilities is marginal, the financial burden is enormous. The introduction of battery cars has already failed and is now only getting off the ground thanks to unprecedentedly high premiums on a new purchase. The original selling point that battery cars are better for the environment has failed miserably. The federal government is now engaging in damage control and appealing to subsidy hunters. On top of that, the acquisition is now sweetened with a state-subsidized charging station. Speculators are rubbing their hands.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 8th, 2020 | 10:26 CET

BMW, BYD, Daimler, Tesla, Volkswagen: Battery cars threaten a forced shutdown

  • Electromobility

Electric mobility is one of the hottest topics of our time. Politicians have prioritized the change in road traffic in connection with climate change. Ever stricter emission limits are intended to encourage manufacturers and users to buy battery and hybrid cars. Because driving from A to B with modern combustion engines is also more environmentally friendly than 10 or 20 years ago, there was a lack of interest among users for a change. The federal government is now using taxpayers' money to promote the sale of this technology. This measure is controversial among experts because environmental protection is being neglected, and the national security of supply is now under threat, according to the energy supplier.


Commented by Nico Popp on September 23rd, 2020 | 14:13 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Daimler, Triumph Gold: What about these fallen angels?

  • Investments

When investigative journalists immerse themselves in the world of business, the name of Deutsche Bank is mentioned more and more often. Despite countless legal disputes and fines in recent years, the news flow does not end, the latest accusations being activities that observers call money laundering. The documentation surrounding the business relationship between Donald Trump and Deutsche Bank has cast what was once the world's largest financial institution, in a bad light. Although Trump had owed money to one department of the bank for a long time, another department of the bank lent money to the then dazzling real estate mogul to pay off his debts. Many investors would certainly not have thought that such a transaction, based on the principle of right pocket to left pocket would be possible at all. Deutsche Bank rejected a comment on the above-mentioned incident concerning banking secrecy.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 21st, 2020 | 07:35 CEST

Daimler, Nikola, dynaCERT: He who can deliver, makes the business!

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the better alternative to batteries - No other topic like hydrogen is causing the waves on the stock market to beat as hard as they have done recently. The supporters of clean air, CO2 reduction, and ongoing greenhouse gas discussions see battery technology only as a temporary hype, which was started by Tesla in particular. The industry has long known that battery technology will always remain "unclean", because its production and subsequent disposal alone consumes many times more resources than technologies that have long been available, such as water electrolysis, i.e. the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen. If we consider the fuel diesel, with a share in transport of over 90%, a much more efficient and environmentally friendly combustion process can be designed by using these highly reactive elements. The energy efficiency of the electrolysis of water is over 70%. It is therefore essential that companies such as Tesla and Nikola actively strive for these findings given the wide-ranging discussions on sustainability. But Daimler also recently declared that it does not want to simply let the sleepy trend toward e-mobility standstill and will rely on hydrogen as the technology of the future.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 7th, 2020 | 05:50 CEST

Daimler, Lufthansa, Royal Helium - the crisis is an opportunity for wealth

  • Investments

As is well known, the future is traded on the stock exchange and for this reason investors are always looking for the right time to start a new investment. It can be political decisions or new technological trends that cause sales and profits to soar. In the case of Covid-19, restrictions imposed by governments around the world brought many industries to a standstill. Gradually the picture around the Corona pandemic is clearing up and normality is slowly returning in many parts of society with a new understanding of hygiene. Since mid-March 2020, the peak of the Corona panic on the world's stock markets, many share prices have more than recovered. But there are also some companies that still have potential or are waiting to be rediscovered.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 30th, 2020 | 06:23 CEST

Daimler, Tesla, Volkswagen - will electric mobility end with Chancellor Merkel?

  • Electromobility

The South African Elon Musk is a smart entrepreneur and knows when to access the capital market in order to remain liquid. Due to his space activities he enjoys a kind of fool's licence in the USA and sometimes smokes a joint in front of a running camera. On Twitter he announced a fake takeover in order to heat up short sellers without having to fear imprisonment. Nevertheless, it remains exciting to see how Tesla will develop in the future. The electric car maker has divided the capital market and the development is now looking threatening, as the details and background show.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 22nd, 2020 | 11:03 CEST

BMW, Daimler, Tesla, Volkswagen - Study proves big miscalculation for e-cars

  • E-cars

The renowned Kiel-based Institute for the World Economy (IfW) has published a study that is quite something. "Nowadays, electric cars run de facto on 100% coal-fired power," says IfW researcher Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Schmidt, head of the Department of Social and Behavioral Economics Approaches to Solving Global Problems. "This is because the share of renewable energy in their electricity consumption is not available to displace fossil fuels elsewhere, and the increased demand for electricity requires the additional use of fossil fuels". Electric cars, which run on 100% carbon electricity and cause emissions of about 300 grams of CO2 per kilometer, whereas modern diesel vehicles emit only about 173 CO2 according to an ADAC study, cause considerable damage to the environment through the additional emission of greenhouse gases.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 18th, 2020 | 09:12 CEST

Daimler, SAP, Triumph Gold - the changing world offers opportunities

  • Investments

What is the next big trend or with what can you achieve a decent return in the next days, weeks, months or even years? These are the questions that investors are currently asking themselves because the world and the investment environment have changed dramatically since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic. On the one hand, social and economic life around the globe came to a virtual standstill and, in contrast, the German leading index, for example, after a short and sharp correction, is now only around 10% below its all-time high of last February. Those who have so far missed the start of the recovery phase are now looking for opportunities that have attractive price potential in the second half of the year.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 25th, 2020 | 07:43 CEST

Daimler, dynaCERT, NEL, Nordex - who brings investors sustainable returns?

  • Environmental Protection

Energy and mobility go hand in hand. The automotive industry has been regulated in Europe since the 1990s with strict guidelines and requirements for fuel economy and the reduction of pollutants. Objectively speaking, various trends have emerged since then and raise questions. In the name of environmental protection, the coal phase-out was decided upon, which will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions in Germany. In addition, the phase-out of nuclear energy was approved, an energy source that is not responsible for CO2 emissions but does pose a disposal problem. The wind industry is also heading for a disposal catastrophe for which, according to the responsible federal office, there is no solution yet. Innovations with hydrogen, on the other hand, offer solutions that can also be lucrative for investors. The future will be exciting.
