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Commented by Nico Popp on February 1st, 2023 | 18:14 CET

Scholz on lithium trip in South America - Who benefits? BYD, Saturn Oil + Gas, American Lithium

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • Lithium
  • Electromobility

China has been active in South America for years and has put out feelers for raw materials. But first movers are not always rewarded. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has now been to Chile and made the country an extremely attractive offer. We take a detailed look at what it is all about and how investors can deal with the news.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on January 31st, 2023 | 14:48 CET

Energy transition price rockets: American Lithium, Plug Power, Auxico Resources

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Lithium
  • hightech

Are shares related to electromobility among the price rockets of 2023? In any case, the start of the year was promising. After a partially disastrous second half of 2022, many stocks are showing strength in the new year. Lithium shares, in particular, are in demand again. Among the high flyers of recent months is American Lithium. After the Nasdaq listing and the planned spin-off of the uranium division, investors are eagerly awaiting the feasibility study. Will the share price fireworks continue? Analysts also expect such fireworks at Auxico Resources. They believe that the share price of the trader of rare earths and critical raw materials could almost triple. Hydrogen pioneer Plug Power has also bounced back in the new year. But once again, the US company has disappointed operationally. How do investors react?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 26th, 2023 | 20:00 CET

Nordex, Manuka Resources, American Lithium - The profiteers of scarcity

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Lithium
  • Commodities

Besides the raging war in Ukraine, the discussion about the energy industry of the future accompanies us daily. It has already been decided that renewable energies such as wind power and photovoltaics will be the way forward. Likewise, the move away from the internal combustion engine to battery-powered electric motors is in the bag. But the implementation problems will be with us over the next few years. Where will producers get the raw materials that are already in short supply? Another critical issue is energy storage. Here, too, there is an increasing demand for a raw material that is currently produced primarily in Russia and China.


Commented by Armin Schulz on January 18th, 2023 | 10:46 CET

K+S, Alerio Gold, American Lithium - Which commodity stocks offer the most potential in the supercycle?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Lithium

Commodities will outperform the other major asset classes, equities, bonds and currencies, in the new year. Goldman Sachs has been predicting a commodities supercycle for some time. Of course, not all commodities will perform equally well. There is a supply problem in some areas. In the US, for example, experts are critical of corn or soybean inventories. Therefore, we look at three companies and shed light on whether the commodity produced could experience a boom in 2023.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on January 17th, 2023 | 16:28 CET

Commodity stocks poised for a comeback? Barrick Gold, American Lithium, Globex Mining, Standard Lithium

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Lithium
  • Commodities

Inflation is weakening, and the interest rate cycle is nearing its end. This argues for a comeback of gold mining stocks. In any case, the gold price is already pointing in the right direction. Now heavyweights like Barrick Gold must follow. Explorer shares offer disproportionate opportunities. However, Globex Mining is an interesting alternative for those who shy away from individual risks. With more than 200 investments in the commodity sector, the Canadians are positioned similarly to a fund. Currently, the cash balance alone corresponds to half of the market capitalization. In addition, there is positive news from the projects. The lithium sector is also starting to recover. Companies like Standard Lithium and American Lithium are recovering from the sell-off at the end of the year. In addition, takeover fantasy attracts.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 13th, 2023 | 12:14 CET

Auxico Resources, Rheinmetall, Rock Tech Lithium - Important news

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Defense
  • Lithium

Fears of a global recession are still pervasive, and commodity prices are at moderate levels after the sell-off of recent months. In contrast, the price of lithium remains high. The reason is the continued strong demand from the electric car industry. However, the existing supply of lithium resources is scarce. The primary beneficiaries of this shortage, in addition to existing producers, are exploration companies that have already secured attractive properties. A similar phenomenon is occurring now with the critical commodity of rare earth metals.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 6th, 2023 | 09:44 CET

Power Nickel, American Lithium, Cameco - Last chance before new wave?

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Nickel
  • Batteries

The climate targets have been set, and the energy turnaround must be achieved. After the escalation of the conflict in Eastern Europe, the future must become green even faster to escape dependence on Russian oil and gas. Decarbonization is to succeed alongside the electrification of transport and the significant expansion of renewable energies. To date, it has yet to be precisely analyzed where the required industrial metals and raw materials are to come from. A shortage and, thus, sharply rising prices are pre-programmed. Producers of critical goods, especially from the West, are the clear beneficiaries.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on January 4th, 2023 | 07:17 CET

Takeover fever 2023? BioNTech, Barrick Gold, Standard Lithium, Manuka Resources

  • Mining
  • Vanadium
  • Lithium
  • Biotechnology
  • Gold

The pharmaceutical sector was already in takeover fever last year. BioNTech partner Pfizer, among others, made several acquisitions. The hunger for acquisitions is likely to continue in the current year as major pharmaceutical and biotech companies are looking to fill up their pipelines. The current year could also be exciting for gold stocks. In 2022, companies failed to keep pace with the positive gold price. Producers of raw materials for the energy transition could also get into takeover fever. Manuka Resources could benefit from the latest two trends. The Canadians have just carried out a capital measure to advance their projects. Corporations could also target specialists like Standard Lithium. Rumours that Tesla is looking at lithium projects have been doing the rounds for a long time. And what about Barrick Gold and BioNTech?


Commented by Armin Schulz on December 19th, 2022 | 13:54 CET

Power Nickel, Rock Tech Lithium, BYD - Race to secure critical raw materials

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Electromobility
  • Copper
  • Batteries

Since the major car manufacturers decided to equip their cars with electric drives, the demand for certain raw materials has skyrocketed. The result has been a sharp rise in prices. Some of the most important raw materials needed for the production of electric cars include lithium, cobalt and nickel. At the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, the world's largest nickel producer proposed to the Canadians that they set up an organization similar to OPEC for nickel. Such moves are a sign that the battle for key EV commodities is growing. So today, we look at one nickel and one lithium company and see how the battery and electric car maker BYD is positioning itself.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 30th, 2022 | 12:01 CET

Profit now from the energy transition - Rock Tech Lithium, Power Nickel, Shell

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Electromobility

In the past, the internal combustion engine was at the center of the automotive industry, but this is now to change as quickly as possible in order to achieve the specified climate targets. Electrification is the magic word. However, there are high hurdles to overcome in implementing this. For example, it is still not certain whether the battery metals required for this, such as lithium, cobalt, copper and nickel, are available in sufficient quantities. Demand for the critical metals already exceeds supply. The beneficiaries are undoubtedly the producers of the scarce goods.
