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Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 29th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Newmont, Royal Helium, Anglo American - Commodities on the rise

  • Mining
  • Helium
  • Commodities
  • Gold

Precious metals remain in demand due to geopolitical uncertainties. After gold moved away from its highs above the USD 2,400 per ounce mark, there were no further major sell-offs. Industrial metals are also still in vogue. Copper has risen by around 20% since the beginning of the year and posted a new high for the year, while nickel has moved well away from its lows for the year. On the other hand, the noble gas helium, for which a global undersupply is predicted due to rising demand from the defense industry, has seen little movement.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 29th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

More than 100% with Gold, Bitcoin and Tourism: TUI, Lufthansa, Desert Gold and Deutsche Bank

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Banking
  • Tourism
  • Travel

The stock market has already performed very strongly in 2024. The focus has been on the artificial intelligence, high-tech, crypto and defense sectors. Many signs indicate that a sector rotation is imminent in the coming weeks. Precious metals, for example, have already made significant gains, but mining companies are lagging behind. Shares in the tourism sector have been equally subdued so far, although the COVID-related declines in the travel business should have long since been offset. In the financial sector, Deutsche Bank is attracting attention. After Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta and Rheinmetall, where are the next 100-percenters lurking?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 22nd, 2024 | 07:30 CEST

After Gold and Silver: Nickel on the Move! Kinross Gold, Power Nickel, Royal Gold

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Nickel

The geopolitical uncertainties with the escalation between Iran and Israel helped precious metals to further price surges. Despite being technically overbought, gold was able to hold its ground near the USD 2,400 per ounce mark, while silver closed the week with a further gain of around 3%. In the shadow of this, industrial metals are moving into the spotlight after a weak overall year in 2023. Alongside copper, nickel, an important raw material for many low-carbon technologies, has established a solid base in recent months.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 22nd, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

War in the Middle East and the explosive commodity cycle: Rheinmetall, Renk, Globex Mining, and Varta in focus!

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Defense

Well, that escalated quickly. Just a week has passed since Iran carried out a nighttime attack on Israel. That was followed by a few days of commemoration, a few phone calls with Washington and the UN, and then last Friday, an Israeli counterattack was reported. While the agency news is not really clear yet, the stock markets are taking the current uncertainty as an opportunity to finally let some air out of the inflated system. Central banks are also stepping back from hoped-for interest rate cuts, as current inflation is too high and the negative signals from the economy are not yet excessive. All in all, defense stocks are holding up well, and a new upward cycle is beginning for commodities. It took a while, but now is the time to have the right stocks in the portfolio.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 17th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Barrick Gold, Globex Mining, BP - Commodities In the spotlight: Supercycle started?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Commodities
  • Oil
  • Gas

Global demand for commodities is reaching new heights, partly driven by increasing geopolitical tensions. The exchange of attacks between Iran and Israel is a case in point. This conflict, deeply rooted in religious and political differences, continues to escalate and could have far-reaching consequences for international stability and commodity markets. With this latest escalation of the Middle East conflict, security aspects in the global competition for important resources such as gold, silver and copper are taking center stage. China is demonstrating its hunger for resources. However, the price of oil has also risen recently. There has long been talk of a commodity supercycle. Perhaps it has now finally begun. Where should one invest now?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 17th, 2024 | 06:30 CEST

Discount battle over: Commodities on the counter-offensive! Rheinmetall, Power Nickel, BASF and Varta in focus

  • Mining
  • Nickel
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Defense

Since the bombing of Israel by Iran, the clocks are ticking differently in the Middle East. The next stage of escalation has been reached. If Israel now uses the right to defense as an opportunity to initiate something bigger, it is here: the conflagration. Gold and silver are shining as safe-haven currencies and pulling long-neglected commodity shares through the roof. Now is the time to keep the sails in the wind and ride the long-awaited upward momentum. In the energy transition, strategically safer jurisdictions that can safely serve the growing hunger for commodities are still in demand. We highlight a few opportunities.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 16th, 2024 | 07:05 CEST

The cannons are thundering, and gold and silver remain in demand! Barrick, Newmont, Desert Gold and SMT Scharf in focus

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Commodities

The overnight attack by Iran on Israel underscores the current geopolitical uncertainty. Regardless of whether there is further escalation in the Middle East, the world has already changed dramatically since February 2022. This includes shifts in investor behavior. Until the first quarter of 2024, shares in the artificial intelligence and high-tech sectors were bullish; now, defense stocks and precious metals are on the agenda. After decades of disarmament, NATO, in particular, is now facing a decade of rearmament, and private investors are expressing their restraint in consumption by increasing their focus on private security. This is reflected in the increased purchases of gold and silver. For years, precious metals have been stable guarantors of the daily dwindling purchasing power. We believe that the new valuation cycle in the commodities sector is only just beginning, which is why we are examining favorable entry opportunities.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 15th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

First Majestic Silver, Desert Gold, Albemarle - Escalation paves the way

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • chemicals
  • Lithium

The events at the weekend, during which Iran carried out a massive airstrike on Israel for the first time, are likely to have escalated the already troubled geopolitics to a new level. It is not yet known whether Israel is planning a counter-attack. Precious metals gold and silver are once again likely to benefit from the uncertainties following the rather weak close to the week. The yellow precious metal could recapture the USD 2,400 per ounce mark, which could also boost the shares of producers and gold exploration companies.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on April 11th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Out of defense, into gold!? Renk, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • defense
  • armaments

On Tuesday, German defense stocks were shaken briefly and sharply. In a flash crash, Renk, Rheinmetall and Hensoldt fell by more than 10%. This indicates that defense stocks have run hot. The future prospects for the companies are undeniably positive, but a consolidation is in order. Gold is an entirely different story. The price of the precious metal is at record levels, but the shares of gold producers are still a long way from their 2020 highs. This applies to the heavyweights like Barrick Gold and Endeavour Mining, but even more so to the explorers. One of the promising explorers is Desert Gold. The Company operates in an attractive region, is on the verge of becoming a Tier 1 mine producer, and is a takeover candidate. Barrick Gold is one of many companies that could make a move on Desert Gold.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 9th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Palantir, Globex Mining, Bayer - The trend is pointing upwards

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Pharma
  • Software

After a successful first quarter of 2024, the DAX and Dow Jones took a well-deserved breather last week. In contrast, the precious metal markets for gold and silver continued their upward trend. Gold also reached new absolute highs of USD 2,354 per ounce. While gold producers such as Barrick Gold and Newmont remained in hibernation, they have been following the rising base price for several weeks now. There is currently also an opportunity for smaller commodity stocks to participate disproportionately in the upward trend.
