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Commented by Mario Hose on July 6th, 2020 | 08:48 CEST

Desert Gold, Steinhoff, Wirecard - what investors need to know now

  • Gold

Central banks have been printing more money than ever before since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic. Those who want to escape from money are buying shares or purchasing physical assets such as real estate or precious metals. Gold is the oldest and most secure currency in the world. The value of bars and coins has been rising since the second quarter of 2019 and is increasingly gaining momentum. In the case of Wirecard, the extra time has begun and the fair value will move towards zero after the insolvency filing. What is now going on at Steinhoff? An exciting week has begun.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 24th, 2020 | 12:10 CEST

Barrick, Franco-Nevada, Yamana - Gold price at record high and now the second row is getting interesting

  • Gold

In the morning the price of gold rose to over USD 1,770.00, its highest level since 2012, and continues to gain momentum; there is no end in sight. The big gold companies can already profit from the price increase since May 2019. Their margins have risen significantly and profits are developing in line with this. The share prices of the largest companies reflect what shareholders are already benefiting from: the flight of money into gold is in full swing. Gold is virtually the only independent currency in the world. There are now many opportunities to profit from it.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 16th, 2020 | 11:34 CEST

Barrick, Desert Gold, Endeavour Mining - Who benefits from the gold shortage?

  • Gold

The production of gold is expected to reach its historic peak this year and from then on it will go down more or less dramatically. While the production of the largest producers was still below 80 million ounces in 2009, since then it has risen almost linearly to the volume of over 117 million ounces forecast for 2020. In 2029, not even 55% of this quantity is expected to be reached - with consequences for the gold price.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 11th, 2020 | 11:03 CEST

Newmont, Triumph Gold, Victoria Gold - Precious metals belong in the portfolio

  • Gold

The financial crisis in 2008 and the current corona crisis differ fundamentally in the assessment of the economic aspects. Central banks and politicians have maintained growth and productivity by increasing the money supply in order to avert a global economic standstill in connection with the Lehman bankruptcy and its aftermath. At that time, the freshly printed money was used to invest, create something and create value. The current measures are about four times as high and the global economy is at a standstill - it is even in recession. From a social point of view, the measures to maintain social peace are appropriate, but when it comes to wealth creation, they resemble a catastrophe. There is a need for action.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 28th, 2020 | 17:28 CEST

Agnico Eagle, Osino Resources, Scottie Resources - Preparing for the end of the euro

  • Gold

The Corona Pandemic has changed a lot and brought things to light that were previously unimaginable. In connection with the curfews, most people only spent money on the most necessary purchases. As a result of this restriction, large parts of the economy came to a standstill. To bridge the problems, governments and central banks stepped in to alleviate the effects and consequences for citizens. The package of measures to stimulate the economy around the world is now estimated to be four times greater than was needed during the financial crisis in 2008 - a process with consequences. Following the financial crisis, the price of gold rose from less than USD 800.00 to over USD 1,900.00 per troy ounce. A preview of what is now to follow.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 27th, 2020 | 14:38 CEST

B2Gold, Barrick, Desert Gold Ventures - Gold rush in West Africa

  • Gold

Interest rates in the G20 countries are historically low. Those who have cash in their bank accounts receive low interest rates at best or even have to pay a penalty. This situation will not change in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, the central banks' measures to stop the Corona Pandemic are expected to increase inflation and reduce purchasing power. Gold and shares of companies that participate in the value chain of the precious metal are a classic hedge for wealth and offer protection against slow devaluation.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 13th, 2020 | 08:22 CEST

B2Gold, Newmont, Osino Resources - maximizing profits for shareholders

  • Gold

In uncertain times, cautious investors seek a safe haven for their money. In addition to real estate, gold in particular is a popular currency for people who have the need to be able to move their assets. But it does not have to be bars and coins. As an alternative to physical gold, shares of companies in the gold industry can offer an interesting investment opportunity. However, there are some important rules to follow in the commodities industry.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 12th, 2020 | 06:55 CEST

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, Roscan Gold - protection against shock after Corona

  • Gold

The state aid measures in connection with the containment of the Corona Pandemic cost a lot of money. The restrictions have brought social life and the economy to a virtual standstill. To avoid chaos and unrest, the states are making payments that are currently only partially covered due to declining tax revenues. In the coming months, when the chaos has cleared up and Covid-19 has hopefully disappeared, a cash check will bring the exact costs to the table. Given that the state refinances itself through fees and taxes, citizens and companies will have to bear an additional burden. Moreover, it is to be expected that the value of currencies will fall due to inflation as the money supply increases. Gold can offer a safe haven as a hedge.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 4th, 2020 | 05:50 CEST

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time!

  • Gold

Last week, the stock markets in Europe and North America continued their recovery from the lows of March 2020. However, as the week drew to a close, declines were recorded again, due to the tone of the West's tightening stance towards the Chinese leadership in connection with the health and economic consequences of the Corona Crisis. According to media reports, the five secret services of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and the UK found out that the political leadership in Beijing covered up the deadly danger of the Corona Virus at the beginning of its spread. This accusation holds a lot of potential for further market uncertainties and gold is likely to gain further importance as a safe haven. The Bank of America recently called a potential of up to USD 3,000.00 per troy ounce in 2021. Since we have learned that the price of WTI futures can be negative, price targets of this range for gold are no longer utopian - perhaps the potential is even greater.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 16th, 2020 | 14:21 CEST

Desert Gold Ventures, Osino Resources, Scottie Resources - Investing like billionaires

  • Gold

The price of gold has risen since May 2019 from below USD 1,270.00 per troy ounce to now over USD 1,700.00. The reasons for this are obvious, as the money supply is constantly being increased by the central banks and at the same time, aid programmes to stabilise the economy are helping to devalue money. Gold is considered a safe haven in uncertain times and in connection with the Corona Crisis the interest in the precious metal is correspondingly high. The high demand for bars and coins, as well as the logistical challenges due to the current pandemic, are causing sell-out trading houses. Prominent investors have already invested in gold companies with price potential.
