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Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 9th, 2020 | 11:00 CET

JinkoSolar, Scottie Resources, Palantir - Buying the future!

  • Investments

Comparing the figures of companies with their stock market valuation at the moment could make you dizzy. Particularly in the future topics of hydrogen, photovoltaics or data analysis, market capitalizations are five to six years ahead. What is important here is an innovative business model, growth and above all, a dominant market position.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 9th, 2020 | 10:37 CET

Berkshire Hathaway, Coca-Cola, Blackrock Gold - a long runner in the Advent season

  • Investments

The point is this: Even before the pandemic, a market correction was more than likely. Global debt once again reached a dangerous fever level. Then, of course, came the pandemic, which turned everything upside down and accelerated the debt wheel once again. But that was then, and this is now. The problems from before the March crash are still there, and in some cases, they have even intensified. Between January and September of this year, world debt has increased by another USD 15 trillion. Economists estimate that by the end of this year alone, global debt will have risen to USD 277 trillion. This liquidity will flow into the structural aid that has been promised, but above all into the financial markets, which are floating in orbit given weak economic figures. In the meantime, the pandemic continues to spread around the world, and the prospect of a rapid vaccination of 8 billion people or increasing herd immunity alone remains a hope for the quiet days, which will carry a very special sensuality this year because the future of humanity is at stake! Another year like 2020 - we don’t need that!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 9th, 2020 | 10:00 CET

Bitcoin Group, BIGG Digital Assets, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank - double-digit price gains within a few days

  • Blockchain

Promising business developments and advantageous trends brought shareholders of the above-mentioned Companies significant share price gains within a week. We shed some light on the background. Who has the most significant short-term potential?


Commented by Nico Popp on December 9th, 2020 | 06:10 CET

Zalando, RYU Apparel, Shopify: Lockdown winnings beckon

  • Shopping

Is hard-lockdown coming, or is it not? After light-lockdown, the selective "deepenings", and the holiday relaxations, the classic lockdown is now back in Germany. In addition to gastronomy and leisure facilities, the retail sector could also be hit again. In some federal states, this could even occur before the Christmas holidays. What leaves the sweat of fear on the foreheads of traditional businesses could generate sizable revenues for digital business models, and this development is shown, for example, by the performance of the Zalando share. For years, the share price rose moderately - but since March 2020, the value has been through the roof.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 8th, 2020 | 10:26 CET

BMW, BYD, Daimler, Tesla, Volkswagen: Battery cars threaten a forced shutdown

  • Electromobility

Electric mobility is one of the hottest topics of our time. Politicians have prioritized the change in road traffic in connection with climate change. Ever stricter emission limits are intended to encourage manufacturers and users to buy battery and hybrid cars. Because driving from A to B with modern combustion engines is also more environmentally friendly than 10 or 20 years ago, there was a lack of interest among users for a change. The federal government is now using taxpayers' money to promote the sale of this technology. This measure is controversial among experts because environmental protection is being neglected, and the national security of supply is now under threat, according to the energy supplier.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 8th, 2020 | 10:02 CET

Nio, Desert Gold, Bayer - Don't miss these opportunities!

  • Investments

If in March 2020 before the first lockdown due to the Corona pandemic began you had consistently filled your portfolio with shares, primarily with papers from the technology sector, you would be happy to see growth rates of several 100%. However, one does not earn money on the stock market with ifs and buts. The good news is that there are always new opportunities that you can take advantage of without any ifs and buts.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 8th, 2020 | 08:59 CET

Cisco Systems, BASF, Defense Metals - Everyone is extremely important!

  • Investments

Current advances in technology are changing the industry forever. It is the data worlds that play an increasingly important role in all stages of the production process today due to their availability and analytical capabilities. They make operational activities more transparent and much easier to control. Production data is automatically matched with supply chains and the resulting end products. In this context, digitization has a healing and destructive component. Healing, because the understanding of the process is getting better and better, and all eventualities can be mapped. Destructive, because it has a damaging effect on routine activities that were historically performed by a large number of people and will be increasingly dispensable in the future. In the field of cybersecurity, numerous investigations are conducted, thousands of vulnerabilities are identified, and forensic tools are developed to help protect corporate assets. A new era has begun - complete transparency is the order of the day!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 7th, 2020 | 10:01 CET

EXMceuticals, Aurora, Xphyto Therapeutics - Cannabis 2.0 and Psilocybin!

  • Cannabis

The North American Cannabis Index has brought itself back to life in October! The index lost 80% since the beginning of 2019, but it's going up again with the survivors of the industry. Overall, the capitalization of the sector has decreased by 85%, with the election of Joe Biden, the second buying wave of purchases is underway. If hemp production was the initial focus, it is now the applications, the achieved market access and new active ingredient combinations. In the slipstream of the therapeutic plant customer, another topic came to the fore that has caused investors' hearts to stutter in recent weeks: the psychedelic drugs in the form of psilocybin. Psilocybin has been used as an entheogen and hallucinogenic drug since prehistoric times. Now the medical applications are being investigated. The trend is already running at full speed, the Canadian brokerage house Canaccord estimates the market volume of all indications that are suitable for treatment with active psychedelic ingredients to be USD 100 billion.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 7th, 2020 | 09:39 CET

Nordex, Osino Resources, home24 - good news far from being processed in the price

  • Investments

Information is not always wholly and immediately reflected in the price of securities. Especially for companies outside the large caps, this information processing takes longer, which often opens up suitable trading and investment opportunities for investors. Who will win the race?


Commented by Nico Popp on December 7th, 2020 | 09:27 CET

Telekom Austria, Upco International, PayPal: Pioneering spirit pays off in the long term

  • Telecommunications

Industries are changing, and this change can be extremely lucrative for investors. Just think of the boring automotive sector and the success of Tesla and Co. Digital payment service providers, such as PayPal, are also much better off today than traditional banks. One industry that could benefit from a similar transformation by new players is telecommunications. Many small service providers or telephone companies have a scale problem despite ever-increasing networking—the reason: the classic business with telephony or SMS is eroding and shifting to the network. However, to be a full-fledged provider, telephone companies must continue to offer traditional solutions. That creates problems - even for the big players in the industry.
