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Commented by Nico Popp on December 15th, 2020 | 14:46 CET

TeamViewer, Dermapharm, Q&M Dental Group: Deciding tomorrow's profits!

  • Investments

When it became apparent in March that millions of employees would suddenly be working from home offices, the market initially focused on the obvious solutions. TeamViewer is a software that many users were already familiar with at the time, allowing them to access PCs remotely. Particularly for people who had previously worked exclusively in the office, the software, some of which was free, was a good solution. But the world keeps turning. In the meantime, many companies have made the switch, offering their employees VPN access to the company network or using other cloud solutions. It is also likely that one or two mobile devices have been distributed to employees in recent months, at least according to sales in the hardware sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 14th, 2020 | 13:11 CET

Airbnb, technotrans, Focus Mining - Focused into the New Year!

  • Investments

The lockdown is now a done deal. Until January 10, almost nothing will move in Germany. The stock exchanges, however, developed in the last days of the year again really dynamically - although not the lame DAX - it is the siblings MDAX and SDAX, which defined new highs with 29,802 and 14,129 points. The wave of issuances on NASDAQ is also flushing more money than ever into the coffers of the all-time favourite stocks. Tesla, for example, recently raised USD 5 billion, food delivery Company DoorDash collected USD 3.4 billion and Airbnb came in at a whopping USD 3.5 billion. Who would have thought it - you get the impression investors' money needs to get out? Bitcoin has also turned around at USD 17,800 and is now trading at USD 19,400. Price fireworks greet us daily!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 14th, 2020 | 12:54 CET

TUI, Blackrock Gold, ThyssenKrupp - This news will move the share prices

  • Investments

Very different developments have been reported by the Companies mentioned in recent days. In our opinion, this news will also determine the direction of prices in the near future. How should traders and investors position themselves? We took a closer look at these shares.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 14th, 2020 | 12:37 CET

BYD, Almonty Industries, Alexion - Take advantage of the correction!

  • Investments

It is here, the second hard lockdown due to the global Corona pandemic. After the broad market in the past few days announced a correction, there are again numerous opportunities to get more favorable stocks of great interest. Even sectors that have risen disproportionately, such as electromobility, hydrogen and e-commerce, are heading south—a new opportunity to bet on the winners of the future.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 14th, 2020 | 12:22 CET

Delivery Hero, DoorDash, wallstreet:online, Alibaba: Where profits now beckon

  • Online

While Germany is back in lockdown mode, speculative investors are traditionally scuffling their feet between the current and new year. Thin turnover provides fertile ground for one or two holiday gambles - this is likely to remain the case even during the crisis. Even if it currently looks like the overall market is running out of steam a bit as the year draws to a close, there are still stocks with great potential. One classic lockdown stock is Delivery Hero. In the past year alone, the value has increased by almost 120%. But what are the chances today?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 11th, 2020 | 12:51 CET

Linde, Saturn Oil & Gas, Bayer – green return opportunities for 2021

  • ESG

The issue of sustainability is attracting more and more attention in investment decisions. Companies that do not adhere to ESG standards are likely to be increasingly left out in the cold in the future. ESG refers to the consideration of criteria from the environmental (Environmental), social (Social) and responsible corporate management (Governance) areas. But definitions of what is sustainable or green vary widely. We highlight three very different ESG stocks for you. Who has done its homework best?


Commented by Nico Popp on December 10th, 2020 | 11:33 CET

Barrick Gold, Newmont, Triumph Gold: Where can you get a 300% return?

  • Gold

Even though the gold price has taken a breather in recent months, the general conditions for the crisis metal are still favorable. All over the world, central banks and governments are overturning support measures. In Germany in particular, the consequences of the pandemic restrictions are aggressively cushioned - at the expense of higher new debt. Meanwhile, it is clear that in economies such as the USA, corona aid has been effective. In some cases, the net wealth of households have even increased. But this points to a consumption backlog, which could result in rising prices and thus a growing awareness of inflation. In the first half of 2020, the gold price has already shown how sensitive it can react to such a development. Now that gold has regained its strength after the price losses, it may be a good time to enter the market.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 10th, 2020 | 11:22 CET

Plug Power, wallstreet:online, AMS - Follow the trend!

  • Investments

Since the corona low in March, it has been possible to see that some industries have been able to celebrate above-average price increases, while others, especially the cyclical ones, have barely performed. The further growth prospects for these boom markets remain optimistic so that the trend remains intact. Trend following is proven to be the most successful stock market strategy because stock market profits are always achieved when the markets move in trends.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 10th, 2020 | 10:59 CET

AdTiger, Formycon, CureVac - Brilliant to the finish line!

  • Investments

It seems strange that a single company should be worth as much as all its colleagues in the industry put together. There is no such thing - there is! Yesterday, Tesla had a valuation of USD 625 billion at the start of the stock market - that's more than all other car manufacturers put together. Of course, Elon Musk's creature has not been a pure car manufacturer for a long time. Tesla is a high-tech Company, led by a visionary who brings a new great idea from his inner design studio to the light of day every few weeks. With his visions about essential facts of the human future, he is as creative as Karl Lagerfeld and as crazy as Jean-Paul Gaultier. But everyone is looking for the favor of their customers and genius is what we urgently need in a pandemic environment.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 9th, 2020 | 14:16 CET

Valeo Pharma, CureVac, Moderna, Sartorius: high-flyers or latecomers?

  • Medical

The pandemic continues to spread: Germany is now facing a complete lockdown. Meanwhile, there is good news from the vaccine and drug manufacturers. There are several vaccines available, and from 2021 onwards, vaccination programs are to be implemented rapidly in all industrialized countries. Nevertheless, question marks remain: How long a vaccination will protect a person remains to be seen. For this reason, drugs and other measures to treat patients successfully remain essential. One of these drugs has just received approval from the Canadian regulatory authorities.
