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Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 29th, 2020 | 09:00 CET

RYU Apparel, Adidas, Under Armour - Styling high on the agenda!

  • Sportswear

The third wave of closures in Austria and now complete lockdown! Until January 18, not much is running in the Alpine country - however, the ski resorts are still open. Sports training is not a problem even in pandemic conditions - likely responsible for this is the strong lobby of ski tourism, which extends from hoteliers, restaurant owners, and mountain railway operators to the sports industry. The government followed the request and successfully resisted European uniformity. Reason: The Austrian gross domestic product is dependent on tourism to 37%, and here the winter pays two-thirds of the fee again. Turning off the tap at this point would immediately raise the question of who has to bear the economic damage. In any case, the EU will not pay - this has already been announced, so that skiing pleasure remains possible in Austria. We look at the sports and styling industry - is a new outdoor boom starting?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 28th, 2020 | 10:48 CET

Alibaba, FuelCell, Desert Gold - Bet on gold!

  • Gold

The long Christmas weekend still shows minor after-effects on the scales, but the Bitcoin has gained weight, it reached a new high yesterday at almost USD 27,700. A small correction usually follows, and it then continues to go up. We will see what is started as a new target zone. Analysts attest the cryptocurrency potential to over USD 100,000. Meanwhile, some old acquaintances are making their presence felt on our watchlist. Alibaba, the "Amazon" from China, collapsed, and FuelCell Energy first rose after bad news and then lost over 15%. Gold, however, stalked back up unnoticed at USD 1,870. The Joe Biden stimulus package of USD 900 billion suggests inflation - that's causing Bitcoin to rise and gold is also coming back into fashion.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 28th, 2020 | 10:34 CET

Nio, GS Holdings, Geely - it goes on!

  • Investments

China's economy grows and grows. According to the Centre for Economics, the Middle Kingdom will replace the USA as the world's largest economy as early as 2028. The accelerating effect is that Asia is coming out of the Coronavirus Crisis faster and better than Europe or the USA. Thus, the economic results favor the Chinese and the emerging tiger economies such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Here, there are numerous companies with disproportionate growth opportunities for the coming years.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 28th, 2020 | 10:22 CET

ProSiebenSat.1, AdTiger, Ströer - Watch out: there's real money to be made here

  • Marketing

We encounter advertising every day. According to media agency Zenithmedia, the global advertising market will grow to USD 620 billion by 2022. The current year will be the first year of decline since the 2009 financial crisis. In recent years, the trend toward online advertising has gradually strengthened, while other significant submarkets continue to be TV and outdoor advertising. How do companies and specialized service providers manage to reach customers most effectively and earn money with them? We'll tell you.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 28th, 2020 | 10:13 CET

Nornickel, Newcrest Mining, Silver Viper, First Majestic: Does silver have catch-up potential?

  • Silver

When the gold price set records between March and August and reached a new all-time high, silver also performed well. Previously, the two precious metals had diverged widely. The gold-silver ratio, which shows how many ounces of silver can buy an ounce of gold, had risen sharply at the start of the pandemic, indicating that silver was undervalued. In the meantime, this exaggeration has corrected. Silver is still trading in an attractive range with a gold-silver ratio of 80. However, if one looks at the major commodity companies, it is noticeable that silver does not play a significant role and is usually only a by-product of gold.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 28th, 2020 | 09:45 CET

BASF, Lufthansa, Triumph Gold - Watch out for the end of the year!

  • Investments

After months of tough negotiations, the UK and the EU are on the verge of a historic trade deal. However, we still face some hurdles in the British and European parliaments. No one wants a "no-deal" exit - the UK has already extremely sidelined itself with its tract, and the British pound reflects the skeptical view of the markets. Now that an agreement is within reach, it must be written into law. The British government has announced that it will call MPs to Parliament on 30 Dec for the last heavy day of work to vote on the rulebook. However, according to the UK's chief Brexit negotiator David Frost, MPs are still waiting for the agreement's full text to be published soon. It seems like the MPs will have to hold a blind vote. Our guess: it won't work!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 23rd, 2020 | 09:15 CET

Alibaba, Upco International, Palantir - the next boom!

  • Technology

Topics such as data mining, artificial intelligence or blockchain technology, not only as the technical basis for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Etherum, are on everyone's lips and will continue to accompany us in everyday life as well as on the stock exchange in the coming years. The potential for these novel technologies is enormous. More and more young companies with innovative business models are entering the capital market. However, the digital transformation is also an opportunity for established companies to reposition themselves, thereby achieving a significantly higher valuation in the future.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 23rd, 2020 | 09:01 CET

Linde, Royal Helium, BASF - Explosive news this year?

  • Helium

A wide range of applications is leading to increased demand for various gases and chemical compounds. Hydrogen is a prominent example, and the shares of companies in this sector are booming. Investors should also take a look at industrial gases and helium. Helium is used in medical technology and in the production of high-tech products. We present three promising companies.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 23rd, 2020 | 09:00 CET

Anglo American, Fokus Mining, Newcrest Mining: Strategy and timing lead to success

  • Mining

The fact that gold has lost none of its status as a crisis metal can sometimes be seen in small price movements: While the overall market initially went into reverse gear at the start of the week given the new virus mutation, gold gained ground. For long-term investors, such small movements do not make much difference, but they show that certain correlations are still intact: When nervousness rises in blue chips, gold benefits. Reason enough to also take a closer look at some companies from the sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 23rd, 2020 | 08:50 CET

Q & M Dental, Moderna, AstraZeneca: Serving people!

  • Health

Rarely has the stock market been so focused on people as it has been during the pandemic. People are thinking about which companies offer the best service package for all the problems associated with infections, vaccinations and even the psychological effects of isolation and loneliness. Humans are "social animals" with multiple social needs. Curtailing these needs works temporarily, but at some point, the arguments have to be genuinely purposeful so that certain restrictions continue to be accepted. At the peak of the contagion curve, we would like to see possible remedies that quickly turn the overall situation into a positive end - this is possible for the medium-term future. Still, in the short term, we have to stick together.
