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Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 12th, 2021 | 07:46 CET

Plug Power, Almonty, Alibaba - Watch out, a breakthrough!

  • Investments

Electric motors, hydrogen, fuel cells, new trends are coming to the capital markets all the time. But it is not only the latest technologies that will multiply in the coming years. Essential is the extraction of the raw materials needed for these technologies. The scarcity that we are sure to face in the next few years is likely to be seen by the stock market in the near future. At the moment, there is no sign of hype around scarce commodities.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 12th, 2021 | 07:28 CET

TUI, RYU Apparel, BYD: Where sustainability is rewarded with returns

  • Sustainability

Sustainability is a trend that is affecting all industries - some sooner, others later. While carmakers have been paying attention to lower fuel consumption and fewer exhaust emissions for years, today, clothing manufacturers and tour operators are also under pressure. Customers want to know what environmental and social footprint certain products and services leave behind. For companies from traditional industries that are already sustainably positioned, this can be a good selling point that also benefits share prices on the stock market.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 11th, 2021 | 10:32 CET

Defense Metals, Millennial Lithium, Orocobre: Metals are exploding!

  • Metals

The rally in industrial commodities continues - precious metals, on the other hand, are experiencing the biggest daily slump since November. The reasons are simple, although not always obvious: The economic momentum has been underestimated since the middle of last year, analysts are currently gradually moving away from their gloomy forecasts. In particular, mines in the industrial metals sector have seen lower production and exploration following the pandemic outbreak, resulting in closures. Some have closed following price collapses. Currently, things are going the other way: metals, especially copper and lithium, are in strong demand and are soaring, with the producers' shares following suit. The situation is different with precious metals: The need for hedging is decreasing, the propensity to take risks is increasing: precious metals are thus tending to decline. The overall market follows the general battle cry: RISK-ON!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 11th, 2021 | 10:15 CET

Bitcoin Group, BIGG Digital Assets, Square Inc.- incredible potential!

  • Blockchain

The market penetration of cryptocurrencies and the tokenization of crypto assets are still at an early stage. The benefits of blockchain-based transactions are clear. Bitcoin marked an all-time high last week at USD 41,000, quintupling in 12 months. Professional investors are becoming increasingly interested in the crypto asset class. Ultimately, the triumph of crypto depends on regulators and general acceptance. However, the multi-faceted Group of payment service providers or specialized (software) solution providers are also interesting for investors. After all, these are cutting themselves an ever-larger slice of PayPal's colossal pie. We introduce you to promising companies, some of which are still relatively unknown, that have huge upside potential.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 11th, 2021 | 10:08 CET

Geely, Desert Gold, Li Auto - Incredible development!

  • Gold

The trend towards electromobility and away from combustion engines is developing more and more rapidly. Almost all the electric car manufacturers across the board increased their sales figures by 100% in 2020. With new models and better battery technologies, the old automobile world's replacement is being strongly forced. The big technology groups are now getting into the lucrative electromobility business. In cooperation with Hyundai, Apple is probably making a start and others will follow, giving the industry another considerable push.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 11th, 2021 | 08:50 CET

NIO, Royal Helium, Linde: Here come the long-runners of tomorrow

  • Helium

Anyone who bets on trending stocks on the stock market knows the problem: it's hard to chase the prices and get in after significant price increases. But sometimes the market is just crazy and tends to exaggerate. Despite rocketing rises, some stocks keep climbing. Investors with great courage nevertheless jump at the chance, as in the case of the hydrogen share NEL, which has rushed from record to record. Those who pay more attention to risk look to second-tier stocks that are yet to make a chart breakout. The important thing here is that the associated investment story also has something to offer - such as with the Chinese electric car pioneer NIO.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 7th, 2021 | 10:06 CET

Nevada Copper, Glencore, Tesla: E-mobility seeks copper!

  • Copper

Almost unnoticed, the copper price recently climbed to a 7-year high. No wonder, because the political efforts favoring e-mobility are intensified nearly every week! The complete changeover to the "electric car" is seemingly a done deal in Brussels. Regardless of the never-ending discussions about the lopsided eco-balance concerning battery production & disposal, the political will is spreading among the population. With tax incentives, the topic of "solar energy" could also be pushed forward, so why shouldn't company fleets and company cars be promoted appropriately. The consumer often feels good about the income tax, and we can recite a 7-verse poem about this topic in Germany.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 7th, 2021 | 09:50 CET

JinkoSolar, Defense Metals, BYD - demand boom leads to catastrophe!

  • Rare Earth Elements

The sales figures for all major electric car manufacturers for the full year 2020 are on the table. 100% more e-cars were sold compared to the same period last year. But even more significant for the future is that vehicles with electric motors have overtaken pure combustion engines in new deliveries. The disruptive replacement is in full swing. However, shortages are emerging in the raw materials needed for the production of batteries and motors.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 7th, 2021 | 09:30 CET

Alibaba, GS Holdings, LVMH: Growth markets in Asia

  • Asia

Asia is a vast market. In the coming years, millions of people in China and other Asian countries will become wealthy. Even modest prosperity can lead to huge returns on the stock market. The reason: the emerging middle class increasingly treats itself to electrical goods, restaurant visits or even the odd luxury item. For luxury goods manufacturers such as LVMH, Asia has long been one of the most significant growth markets. Alibaba has successfully adapted Amazon's shopping concept for the Asian market and offers excellent long-term growth opportunities. GS Holdings operates food courts in Singapore and is also active as a service provider for all aspects of gastronomy.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 6th, 2021 | 17:30 CET

Palantir, Silver Viper, TUI - the timing is crucial!

  • Investments

Gold and silver are bullish again. While the two precious metals provided investors with returns of 20% in each of the past two years, the trend stalled somewhat from August onwards. The correction was due to brightening sentiment regarding the Corona pandemic, significant successes in vaccine research, and the voting out of the Donald Trump administration in the United States. What remains, however, is the sharp rise in sovereign debt issues and extremely low interest rates.
