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Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2021 | 07:30 CET

FlatexDEGIRO, Adyen, Marble Financial: A comparison of 3 growth stories

  • Financial

Digitization is bringing with its numerous innovations, especially in the financial industry. Costs are falling and more and more services can be implemented in a digitally customer-friendly way. Examples include crowdlending platforms and digital insurance folders, which primarily offer customers transparency. Traditional financial institutions have also long since recognized that they can no longer do without an app. Nevertheless, there are still niches in which young and innovative companies are gaining market share and generating returns for investors along the way. We present three exciting investment stories.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 21st, 2021 | 14:21 CET

Silver Viper, General Electric, Aurelius - Silver will fly!

  • Silver

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in yesterday as the 46th President of the USA. Accompanied by the stars and convinced Trump opponents, Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez, he made his oath on the Bible. His inglorious predecessor Trump still gave a speech about his considerable governmental successes and still sees himself as a pioneer of the USA's resurrection as a superpower. Of course, what sticks is society's division into super-rich and relatively poor; after all, 75 million Americans now live on government aid, that's 25% of the population. Joe Biden wants to promote modern and, above all, green technologies, reunite the people and invest at least USD 3 trillion in the economy. Besides a wall to Mexico, the last government programs have not increased employment but have fueled asset inflation vigorously. In this environment, precious metals must rise; perhaps yesterday was the start of this still missing bull market.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 21st, 2021 | 12:14 CET

Varta, wallstreet:online, TeamViewer: These trends are sustainable

  • Investments

Trends come and go. When everyone suddenly had to switch to their home office in March of last year, TeamViewer's stock was considered an absolute future stock. But times have changed. Home offices have become the new normal and are no longer sweeping anyone off their feet. Instead, the hot topics are electromobility and stock market trading. We present exciting stocks with a sustainable perspective.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 21st, 2021 | 12:00 CET

Plug Power, Osino Resources, SAP - these values are being raised!

  • Gold

At the moment, events are unfolding both nationally and on the global stage. As expected, the lockdown was extended until mid-February, but thankfully we were spared the feared mega-lockdown. After a four-year presidency, Donald Trump officially said goodbye and left the White House, at least temporarily. Jack Ma came back after several weeks of abstinence and addressed his fan community in a video. As a result, Alibaba's stock market value rose by a whopping USD 63 billion. Values are currently being raised at other companies as well.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 20th, 2021 | 10:21 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, Xpeng - then it will explode!

  • Copper

The energy transition is in full swing. Month after month, electric manufacturers are posting new sales records. This development is just the beginning and will accelerate in the coming years. However, the demand for raw materials, which are urgently needed for industries such as e-mobility or renewable energies, will also accelerate. There is a threat of enormous shortages of several raw materials in the medium term. The result will be an extreme price explosion.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 20th, 2021 | 09:58 CET

Lenovo, Triumph Gold, K+S: Are the stragglers jumping now?

  • Gold

Looking at the stock market today, one sees the major indexes at record highs and stocks, like Tesla and Ballard Power, far from anything that can be reasoned with. The current situation is a deterrent to many investors. But that's a mistake. Instead of staying completely out of the market, it's worth taking a look at stragglers. These still exist today. Many of these stragglers are indirectly benefiting from strong major trends and could be on the verge of a revaluation. Three of these representatives are Lenovo, Triumph Gold and even K+S.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 20th, 2021 | 09:44 CET

Royal Helium, Air Liquide, Carnival: Competence in Gas!

  • Helium

In 2020, hydrogen was the stuff dreams could be made of. Of course, only for the investors willing to take risks and ready to increase their bets every day. All the chips were on the table by year-end, and the hydrogen celebrities had completed rises of 1,000-1,500%. Since the beginning of this year, the top shooters have been staggering at lofty heights - and since yesterday, we have been taking note of the fact that the Norwegian NEL can fall from time to time. Presumably, the speculative investor in 2021 is now looking for a new wave that can be ridden - so far, it has not yet shown itself. Still, theoretically, it could also be gas, environmentally friendly, and available in abundance. Why not?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 20th, 2021 | 09:23 CET

Varta, Nevada Copper, Millennial Lithium - Electrified: you can still get in at a fair price!

  • Copper

The growth in the areas of electromobility, renewable energies and the multi-faceted technology industry is leading to a substantial increase in demand for raw materials. If expert forecasts are to be believed, demand will significantly exceed supply in the coming years, which can only lead to the conclusion that prices will continue to rise. Copper and lithium are good examples of this. Linked to the topic of energy are also the challenges regarding new storage media. We present three promising companies for which demand and growth play into the cards.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 20th, 2021 | 08:49 CET

NIO, RYU Apparel, Tencent - it's the perfect turnaround!

  • Investments

The Corona Crisis has hit traditional retailers especially hard. Social segregation, curfews, and other measures to control the virus's spread have made it difficult or even impossible to shop in stores or shopping malls. As a result, the majority of consumers have adjusted their online purchasing behavior. The trend to continue shopping online even after the pandemic will remain strengthened by better online offerings. The challenge for brands now is to increase their online visibility.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 19th, 2021 | 10:50 CET

Pfizer, Q&M Dental Group, Johnson & Johnson: Where do profiteers of the pandemic lurk?

  • Healthcare

We all know that one's health is the most important thing. But from time to time, this truism slips out of focus. The pandemic has shown that neither fame nor money can protect you from getting sick. A big step toward being healthy, however, can be made by trusting in research. The development of vaccines in record time has shown how great the potential is in science and the pharmaceutical industry. New test methods are continually coming onto the market. Three shares show that there is money to be made on the stock market from these developments.
