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Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 22nd, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

The party is over - Sell defense stocks now! Rheinmetall, First Hydrogen, Renk and Hensoldt

  • Hydrogen
  • renewableenergies
  • Defense
  • hightech
  • armaments

While the DAX and NASDAQ are reaching new highs, sectors like armaments and high-tech are taking a break. After an extended rally, it is also good to see other stocks coming back into focus. A surprising rebound in Plug Power sent the bombed-out stock soaring by 80%, but unfortunately, 60% of this gain was quickly lost. Easy come, easy go! A significant sell-off occurred at Renk, raising the question of when Rheinmetall and Hensoldt might follow suit. We analyze the current trends in more detail.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 22nd, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

War in the Middle East and the explosive commodity cycle: Rheinmetall, Renk, Globex Mining, and Varta in focus!

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Defense

Well, that escalated quickly. Just a week has passed since Iran carried out a nighttime attack on Israel. That was followed by a few days of commemoration, a few phone calls with Washington and the UN, and then last Friday, an Israeli counterattack was reported. While the agency news is not really clear yet, the stock markets are taking the current uncertainty as an opportunity to finally let some air out of the inflated system. Central banks are also stepping back from hoped-for interest rate cuts, as current inflation is too high and the negative signals from the economy are not yet excessive. All in all, defense stocks are holding up well, and a new upward cycle is beginning for commodities. It took a while, but now is the time to have the right stocks in the portfolio.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on April 16th, 2024 | 07:55 CEST

Drumbeat at TUI! Caution with Renk and Nel! dynaCERT Stock with Potential!

  • Hydrogen
  • Travel
  • Defense
  • armaments

A drumbeat is sounding at TUI! In an interview, the tourism group's CFO hints that shareholders can soon look forward to a dividend again. On the other hand, tensions in the Middle East are causing short-term uncertainty in tourism shares. Conversely, defense stocks are once again benefiting from the possibility of an escalation. However, analysts currently see little further potential for Renk. The retrofit kits from dynaCERT offer great potential for reducing emissions from diesel vehicles. If VERRA clears the way for CO2 certificates, the share could go through the roof. Is the Company preparing for this with a personnel change? In contrast, the Nel share seeks support, and tomorrow promises to be exciting.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 15th, 2024 | 06:30 CEST

Threat to Europe, Demand for Defense Persists! Rheinmetall, Almonty Industries, Renk and Hensoldt

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • armaments
  • Defense

Europe is gearing up, as since February 24, 2022, peace has become a thing of the past. Europe lived in harmony for a whole 77 years, with the exception of the warlike dissolution of Yugoslavia as a regional conflict. Today's world resembles the situation in the 1970s and 1980s, as the Iron Curtain is re-establishing itself as a political border. The old world order that has prevailed since the end of the Cold War has been shattered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Consequently, NATO has regained a new role; after years of disarmament, it has now become a sought-after defense alliance. The accession of Finland and Sweden now strengthens the alliance towards the east. What now looms large is rapid rearmament! Where can investors still participate?


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on April 11th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Out of defense, into gold!? Renk, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • defense
  • armaments

On Tuesday, German defense stocks were shaken briefly and sharply. In a flash crash, Renk, Rheinmetall and Hensoldt fell by more than 10%. This indicates that defense stocks have run hot. The future prospects for the companies are undeniably positive, but a consolidation is in order. Gold is an entirely different story. The price of the precious metal is at record levels, but the shares of gold producers are still a long way from their 2020 highs. This applies to the heavyweights like Barrick Gold and Endeavour Mining, but even more so to the explorers. One of the promising explorers is Desert Gold. The Company operates in an attractive region, is on the verge of becoming a Tier 1 mine producer, and is a takeover candidate. Barrick Gold is one of many companies that could make a move on Desert Gold.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 5th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

AI, Defense, and Hydrogen - The explosive mix: Super Micro Computer, First Hydrogen and Renk Group

  • Hydrogen
  • Defense
  • AI

After an extended rally on the NASDAQ, in the DAX-40 and most recently in the Nikkei 225, sector rotations are now setting in. The next few weeks will show whether the AI sector has already turned around. Only once in stock market history has there been a stronger first quarter for a particular sector. The hydrogen hype in the transition from 2020 to 2021 was when Plug Power saw its share price increase twentyfold. It is hard to believe what liquidity-spoiled stock markets can achieve. Now, however, investors should keep their eyes open, as the artificial intelligence and defense sectors are similarly overinvested, just as H2 stocks were a few years ago. The time for reallocation has likely come.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on April 3rd, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Renk, Super Micro Computer, Royal Helium: SHARES UNSTOPPABLE!

  • Mining
  • Helium
  • AI
  • Defense
  • Technology

The Renk share is unstoppable. Yesterday, the shares of the defense technology company surged by 7% at its peak. The share is scratching at the EUR 40 mark and has thus more than doubled since the IPO in February of this year. While the share price is being driven by politics, analysts are beginning to lose interest. So, is it time to exit now? The defense industry needs helium just as much as medical technology and quantum computers. Royal Helium is one of the few listed companies in this sector. The Company is currently making the leap from explorer to producer, a move that should benefit the share. Helium is also needed to produce the AI semiconductors used by Super Micro Computer. Microsoft, OpenAI, and Amazon show that the hunger for AI data centers is far from satisfied. They plan to invest over USD 200 billion in new supercomputers.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 28th, 2024 | 09:00 CET

Attention: Uranium despite the energy transition! Does this fit together? Plug Power, Nel ASA, Kraken Energy and Renk Group in focus

  • Mining
  • Uranium
  • Energy
  • renewableenergies
  • nuclear

It feels like a paradox. The EU aims to be largely climate-neutral by 2050. The main focus is on mobility, heat and energy generation. As a core country of the EU, Germany is taking the political lead in the necessary measures. While France, Poland, Finland and the Czech Republic are actively expanding nuclear energy, this form of energy is virtually taboo in many other countries. Germany has been able to increase its renewable energy sources to over 50% with billions in subsidies at the expense of the taxpayer and the price of energy. Yet, Berlin still has to buy cheap electricity from abroad and also use coal and gas to stabilize the grid. It all sounds kind of crazy, but it gets really interesting when the wind isn't blowing and the sun is only to be found behind the clouds. Which shares should be considered in this mixed situation?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 12th, 2024 | 07:15 CET

Profit-taking in Defense and AI - What else is going on? Rheinmetall, Almonty Industries, Renk and Hensoldt

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Tungsten
  • AI
  • armaments
  • Defense

Armaments stocks have been on the sunny side in the current year, 2024. Investors in this segment clearly outperformed the DAX 40 index. Due to the geopolitical situation and a redefined EU security policy, investors have rediscovered the sector. NATO member states are being called upon by the US to strictly adhere to or further increase their percentage of gross domestic product invested in defense. Donald Trump, who may return, wants to deny renegade allies the backing of the US in an emergency. Although nobody believes in this scenario, the announcement has had the effect that orders for new armaments technology have reached a new all-time high. Which shares are still in focus?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 6th, 2024 | 11:40 CET

Bitcoin soon at USD 100,000? The music is also playing at Rheinmetall, Renk, Manuka Resources and BYD!

  • Mining
  • Vanadium
  • Gold
  • armaments
  • Electromobility

The stock market is not a one-way street. While Bitcoin reaches new highs daily, many stocks are still on the sidelines. Only 21% of all listed shares reached a new high in 2024, yet the Nasdaq 100 and the DAX 40 index are at their all-time highs. Only a few stocks are gaining favour with investors; others are being left behind. The current focus is on high-tech stocks that enable ever-greater computing power, such as in mining or artificial intelligence. In addition to gigantic amounts of data, mining requires trillions of computing operations to be carried out in a very short time. There are rewards in the form of new bitcoins for confirming transactions on the blockchain, but they will be halved by the next "halving" event in April. Armament values, on the other hand, seem to be heating up. So how much time is left to reap further leaps in returns?
