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Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 7th, 2024 | 08:45 CEST

Artificial intelligence is on the rise - Nvidia, Super Micro Computer, Mountain Alliance, and Microsoft in focus

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  • AI
  • chips
  • Digitization

What James Cameron envisioned as a horror movie in the 1980s with his film "Terminator" has now become a reality: "Machines are taking over thinking". Experts expect the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in digitally configurable processes to result in double-digit productivity gains over the next few years. Not since the introduction of industrial robots have there been such leaps. The flip side of the coin is that jobs are now being destroyed around the globe, as simple intellectual tasks that can be performed by machines will gradually be cut back. Standard services or digital control processes, such as those in call or quality centers, will be particularly affected. From this perspective, the stock market has already mapped out a megatrend for an entire decade and sent selected AI stocks through the roof accordingly. What should investors focus on now?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 8th, 2024 | 07:00 CET

Innovation and expansion in energy supply: Mercedes-Benz, Altech Advanced Materials and Alibaba in focus

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Electromobility
  • ecommerce

Energy supply is one of the top issues for investors. A reliable energy supply promotes stable business conditions and supports economic growth. While the opposite is true in Germany, companies like Mercedes-Benz are focusing on lucrative projects abroad. A joint venture with China to expand charging stations is on the Stuttgart-based company's agenda. The German company Altech Advanced Materials is committed to a secure and affordable energy supply. Together with Fraunhofer IKTS, they are developing a stationary ceramic solid-state battery based on salt, especially for critical infrastructure facilities such as hospitals. This enables a smooth, vital power supply for intensive care units, even in emergencies. While Mercedes-Benz is currently eyeing China, the retail giant Alibaba is publishing its quarterly figures this week, serving as an indicator of the country's economic development. The details are summarized below.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 3rd, 2024 | 07:00 CET

Donald Trump turns 2024 into a false start - This is where the action is: TUI, Lufthansa, Desert Gold and Alibaba

  • Mining
  • Gold
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  • ecommerce

"If I do not become president, the stock market is in for a bigger crash than the Great Depression of 1929," proclaimed Donald Trump, the former president and Republican aspirant, at the end of the year. The assessment makes for amusing and entertaining reading and contains an important message. The economy is sluggish, war is raging in many places, and inflation is galloping. Why are stocks still trading near their all-time highs? It is the interest rate fantasy because between 4 and 7 interest rate cuts by the ECB and the Fed are expected in 2024. This will allow countries to continue their bloated and debt-financed budgets, but it will not create prosperity in the long run. Despite Trump's gloomy forecast, we look at some interesting turnaround stocks.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on August 17th, 2023 | 07:10 CEST

Cantourage, Amazon, Bayer: Young entrants soaring, old players in reorientation

  • Cannabis
  • ecommerce
  • chemicals

The time has finally come in Germany: the federal government has given the green light for the private use of cannabis. Since 2017, doctors in Germany have been allowed to prescribe cannabis as a therapeutic agent. The growing market in this segment has been recognized by the team at Cantourage, which focuses on the medical production of active ingredients from the hemp plant. The leadership of Bayer could use some relief. Analysts at Berenberg Bank have put the Leverkusen-based company's balance sheet through its paces and discovered a few things that have now downgraded Bayer's stock from Buy to Hold. Amazon's Cloud Business takes another step forward. The Company's in-house AI is moving into the documentation of medical health reports. Find out what it is all about here.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on April 28th, 2023 | 08:45 CEST

Globex Mining, Alphabet, Amazon - Hard assets in uncertain times

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • ecommerce

It continues to be uncertain times for Amazon employees. CEO Andy Jassy is cutting around 9,000 jobs in the group to keep the numbers stable. Tech rival Alphabet, on the other hand, can rejoice: for the first time, its cloud business is posting an operating profit, prompting the management team to buy back shares. The mining business is somewhat more consistent. Globex Mining has two pieces of good news for gold investors.


Commented by Armin Schulz on March 6th, 2023 | 14:15 CET

Alibaba, Alpina Holdings, NIO - Buy Asian stocks now?

  • RealEstate
  • Investments
  • Electromobility
  • ecommerce

The ECB has so far failed to keep pace with the US in terms of interest rate hikes. The reward for this was inflation of 8.7% in Germany in January. The value is expected to remain at this level in February. The Federal Statistical Office recently made changes to the shopping basket and used 2020 instead of 2015 as the base year for the calculation. The high energy prices, especially in Germany, are causing great uncertainty in industry. BASF has already decided to invest several billion euros in China. There have been positive impulses for the economy from China since the easing of the Corona measures. An economic upswing could be imminent here. Reason enough to take a closer look at three companies from Asia.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on March 2nd, 2023 | 21:42 CET

Manuka Resources, FREYR Battery, Alibaba - Silver demand accelerates globally, high pace is required

  • Mining
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Batteries
  • ecommerce

Global demand for silver and iron is being generated by both conventional industrial needs, such as construction and technology, and progress toward clean energy generation and related commodities, such as batteries and electric vehicles. Australia's Manuka Resources reports an impressive initial mineral resource of 3.2 billion tons grading 0.05% vanadium at its Taranaki VTM iron sands project in New Zealand. This contains 1.6 million tons of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), making it one of the most extensive vanadium deposits in the world. Vanadium is used for the production of high-performance batteries. This is where FREYR Battery comes into play. The Norwegian company reported its quarterly results and is on schedule with the construction of its in-house battery production facility. Top dog Alibaba also scored a win, as special data on the Chinese market has investors sitting up and taking notice...


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 22nd, 2023 | 13:16 CET

Which stocks to get into now? Alphabet, Amazon, Aspermont and Alibaba under the magnifying glass!

  • Technology
  • ecommerce
  • Investments

Well, things turned out differently than expected! In the fall of 2022, the spectre of crisis made the rounds again several times. The forecasters overlapped in their assessment of the economic downturn. The reason was the strong inflation and the associated loss of purchasing power. But now: Where is inflation heading in 2023? In order to answer this question, it is helpful to look back to the period after the oil crisis in 1973. As was the case then, an energy price correction is to be expected today. Gas, meanwhile, has already fallen almost unnoticed to a 17-month low. Unfortunately, the Berlin traffic lights have already covered Germany's energy needs at peak prices, which is now blowing up people's utility bills. However, falling inflation also leads to lower interest rates, boosting growth stocks in particular. We take a look at important protagonists.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 16th, 2023 | 21:58 CET

Attention. Climate and Tech Rally 3.0 continues - Are Alibaba, PayPal, Alpina Holdings and TUI in the Champions League?

  • RealEstate
  • Digitization
  • ecommerce

The year is only just six weeks old, and already big winners can be spotted on the stock market. The correction of tech stocks in 2022 prompted many investors to open a new bet in 2023, and they were broadly right. Tesla is up 100%, Alibaba is up 80%, and Infineon is at least 50% higher. The IPO of Ionos has not been convincing so far, and as is well known, what is not can still be because the share is not expensive. We go in search of the next climbers.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on December 8th, 2022 | 09:38 CET

BASF, Kleos Space, Amazon - With Big Data to share price success

  • Space
  • bigdata
  • ecommerce
  • chemicals

For investors, the stock market remains a marketplace of innovations. But which company manages to expand its market power further? The ailing BASF Group relies on Big Data in the production processes of its subsidiary in the USA. A smart move, given the horrendous energy prices in Germany. Kleos Space is betting on space and, thanks to Elon Musk's SpaceX, is launching new satellites into space and, at the same time, cooperating with a data platform that was created around Airbus Defense. Amazon AWS is also betting on cooperation. The group is providing IT for cloud migration for a major US insurance company. Find out what exactly data predictions have to do with unscented body lotions here.
