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Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 8th, 2022 | 13:26 CEST

Split fantasy: Amazon, Aspermont, Alibaba, Tencent - After the sell-off is before the rally!

  • Technology
  • ecommerce
  • Investments
  • Mining

In bull market movements, shares become more and more expensive. Private small investors simply cannot afford an Amazon share at USD 3,000 and stay away as investors. US technology stocks, therefore, often use a trick: The SPLIT! In the case of Amazon, the investor receives a further 19 shares booked into the securities account in addition to a share held. In purely arithmetical terms, this does not make the Company cheaper, but in purely visual terms, the value is 95% cheaper than before the split. In most cases, the share price rises again very quickly because smaller tranches can now be transacted on the stock exchange again. But it is not always like this. In this context, we are looking at other tech titles with more than 100% potential.
