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Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 22nd, 2023 | 13:16 CET

Which stocks to get into now? Alphabet, Amazon, Aspermont and Alibaba under the magnifying glass!

  • Technology
  • ecommerce
  • Investments

Well, things turned out differently than expected! In the fall of 2022, the spectre of crisis made the rounds again several times. The forecasters overlapped in their assessment of the economic downturn. The reason was the strong inflation and the associated loss of purchasing power. But now: Where is inflation heading in 2023? In order to answer this question, it is helpful to look back to the period after the oil crisis in 1973. As was the case then, an energy price correction is to be expected today. Gas, meanwhile, has already fallen almost unnoticed to a 17-month low. Unfortunately, the Berlin traffic lights have already covered Germany's energy needs at peak prices, which is now blowing up people's utility bills. However, falling inflation also leads to lower interest rates, boosting growth stocks in particular. We take a look at important protagonists.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 15th, 2023 | 12:01 CET

Altech Advanced Materials, Volkswagen, BASF - Innovative strength pushes growth

  • Technology
  • Innovations
  • Electromobility
  • chemicals

In the hunt for the precious raw materials needed for the energy transition, carmaker Volkswagen now has Canada on its radar. There, the Company wants to extract the lithium it so urgently needs for electric batteries. The Company would do well to reorganize its supply chains, and the EU is pushing for a CO2-friendly transformation of the automotive industry. The Company Altech Advanced Materials promises a higher performance of electric batteries. Its innovative technology allows electric batteries to perform better, which is ideal for the energy turnaround demanded by politicians. Chemical giant BASF is experiencing that politics cannot always be to the advantage of its own company. Once again, it is the EU that wants to ban a product...


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 10th, 2023 | 12:40 CET

Defense Metals, Rheinmetall, Encavis - New technologies cannot do without this critical raw material

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Technology
  • renewableenergies

What do metal alloys, magnets, phosphors, ceramics, glass, catalysts and chemical processes need to function well? Rare earths - a critical raw material that is primarily processed in China. Without this raw material, there are no smartphones, computers, wind turbines or electric vehicles. There have been tensions between China and the United States for some time. If these tensions escalate and China stops its rare earth supplies, the Western world will have a problem. As demand for rare earths continues to rise, it is important to ensure sufficient supplies to meet the growing demands of the technology industry.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on February 9th, 2023 | 19:42 CET

BYD, American Lithium, Altech Advanced Materials: Shares in rally mode

  • Electromobility
  • Technology

The rally at the beginning of the year on the stock markets has surprised many investors. Among the winners are the shares of BYD, American Lithium, and Altech Advanced Materials AG. All three are already showing significant double-digit price increases after the first few weeks. And the chances are good that the positive developments will continue. That is because they are benefiting from the boom in electric mobility. In the current year, BYD is relying heavily on foreign expansion outside its home market of China. The first vehicles have now been delivered in India. In the future, the Chinese carmaker's batteries could contain lithium from American Lithium. In any case, the Canadian company has published a promising resource estimate, and the IPO of the uranium division may become the next share price driver. Altech Advanced Materials is working on a new generation of batteries with the Fraunhofer Institute. More and more investors are discovering the Altech share. The market capitalization is not high.


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 1st, 2023 | 20:22 CET

Altech Advanced Materials, Mercedes-Benz Group, NIO - Electric mobility on the verge of a revolution

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Electromobility

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable mode of transportation. As technology improves, this type of vehicle is becoming more attractive to investors looking for an environmentally friendly option. However, some important issues still need to be addressed before electric cars become a natural alternative for most people. Chief issues are battery charging times, limited range, and safety. Today, we look at Altech Advanced Materials, a company that has developed a solution to the problems, and look at the current status of two automakers.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 31st, 2023 | 14:33 CET

This new project changes everything: Deutsche Bank, Aspermont, Alibaba

  • Digitization
  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Investments

When processes go digital, great opportunities arise: automation and scaling can ensure growth and turn established business models into high-flyers. But which companies should investors actively support in their transformation? Where is there real potential for investors, and where are companies just spreading buzzwords? We highlight three stocks for you.


Commented by Armin Schulz on January 30th, 2023 | 19:06 CET

Meta Materials, Varta, JinkoSolar - With a technology revolution to new highs

  • metamaterials
  • Technology
  • Electromobility

Innovations are the fuel for progress and growth in the world. Without new ideas and creative thinking, our society would not evolve. However, major innovations often require the use of new technologies in order to be implemented. These technologies can be in the realm of both hardware and software, allowing us to automate processes, process data more efficiently, and find new ways to overcome challenges. In this article, we will look at the impact of metamaterials and discuss how they help turn big ideas into reality.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2023 | 13:56 CET

JinkoSolar, Volkswagen, Meta Materials: The growth stock that has it all

  • metamaterials
  • Innovations
  • Technology

The media success of the AI tool ChatGPT has once again shown that innovations move people. The future is also in demand again on the stock market: growth companies are making significant gains and developing their own momentum. We present a company that can drive both innovative Greetech companies and long-established industrial stocks with its technology. The Company, listed on the Nasdaq, has nothing less than a revolution on offer. We will explain exactly what it is all about in three minutes.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on January 19th, 2023 | 11:24 CET

Nel after the ITM Power shock: Better to bet on BioNTech and Alpina Holdings?

  • Technology
  • Investments

The year 2022 was not the year of growth stocks. Will this change in 2023? The positive start to the current year shows that the chances of this happening are quite good; however, not in the hydrogen sector. The renewed warning from ITM Power is weighing on the entire sector and stoking fears that Nel, Plug Power & Co. will not be able to work off their full order books in 2023 either. That is where a look at other sectors and stocks can pay off. Example: Alpina Holdings from Singapore. The Company is growing at double-digit rates, and its valuation is incredibly low. BioNTech wants to expand further. Goldman Sachs expects strong newsflow from the cancer pipeline in 2023.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 19th, 2023 | 11:16 CET

The market for electricity storage to pick up speed by 2030: RWE, Nordex, Altech Advanced Materials

  • Technology
  • renewableenergies

Being in on the action from the start is the dream of many investors. Imagine: Having bought shares of Amazon or Alphabet decades ago - you could also get rich with BYD over the decades. But there are new opportunities. By 2030, stationary energy storage will be the next big thing. Electricity grids must be stable, and energy from renewable sources must be stored for this purpose. Recently, RWE brought new giant batteries online and is planning much more. For some companies, enormous opportunities are emerging.
