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Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 2nd, 2024 | 07:10 CEST

Glencore, Almonty Industries, Albemarle - Commodities on the verge of a rebound

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Lithium
  • Resources

The first quarter of the stock market year 2024 is already history, and despite many disruptive factors, it has turned out better than many expected. Germany's leading index, the DAX, achieved growth of almost 11% and reached a new all-time high. The precious metal gold also reached the highest level in its history at USD 2,233 per ounce at the end of the quarter. In contrast, important commodities needed for the climate and energy transition are lagging. After months of bottoming out, copper, tungsten and lithium offer attractive entry opportunities at the current levels.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 3rd, 2021 | 08:46 CET

Varta, Almonty Industries, Sartorius - on to new all-time highs!

  • Resources

Trend-following models or concepts such as relative strength or momentum rely on the past winners because investors assume a continuation of the price movement. In chart technology, a strong buy signal is generated when a new all-time high is marked. We show you three dynamically growing companies about to open a new chapter in their corporate history. Who has the greatest potential?


Commented by Nico Popp on January 26th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Aurelius, Deutsche Rohstoff, Millennial Lithium: Together for success!

  • Resources

Investors appreciate clear investment stories: the hydrogen producer with the revolutionary technology or the electronics company with the hot game console. But when it comes to investing for the long term and keeping risks under control, it's also worth looking at conglomerates or companies with strong partners. Why? If a company has several arrows in its quiver, it increases its chances of hitting the bull's eye with at least one of them.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 25th, 2021 | 07:40 CET

Almonty Industries, Standard Lithium, Ford Motors: Want a technology pickup?

  • Resources

The Ford F150 is the "American Way of Drive" in its purest form. To this day, this monument to US automotive history is the benchmark for pickups in this category and stands for superior driving pleasure on a grand scale. In the US, the legendary F150 has been one of the best-selling cars in the 2.2-ton and above category for decades. With a total of 34 million units produced worldwide, it ranks second behind the Toyota Corolla. Of course, the green wave will also change things in the USA. It will just take a few more years for Tesla to match Ford's sales figures, as total Tesla global production is far behind Ford's US deliveries, with over 2 million vehicles in 2020 alone. Still, a comparison in the 2020 stock performance is striking, with Ford shares up 14% and Tesla making it to 580%. Which would be a good fit for America: Invest in Tesla and enjoy the F150 cult!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 18th, 2021 | 08:54 CET

Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Glencore PLC, FuelCell Energy: Commodity rally! Further up it goes!

  • Resources

The commodity rally is now really underway. While copper has already gained more than 70% from the March low due to the ongoing e-mobility fantasy, other battery metals are now coming on the scene. With lithium in the bag, Canada's Rock Tech Lithium has undoubtedly taken the cake with a tenfold increase in one month. The name Peter Thiel as an anchor investor boosted the stock. German stocks in the commodities sector are also setting the pace: BASF, K+S and Deutsche Rohstoff AG showed their muscles in recent weeks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 14th, 2021 | 18:50 CET

BYD, Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Ballard Power - There is huge potential here!

  • Resources

Since the historic crash last March due to the Corona pandemic, the oil price has stabilized well above USD 50.0. The large investment houses assume further rising prices of the black gold. Experts also see most commodities rising sharply due to the ever-increasing demand caused by new technologies. The scarcity of the required materials will increase enormously in the next few years. As a result, prices are likely to climb dramatically.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 4th, 2021 | 10:49 CET

Vale, Almonty Resources, Glencore: commodity stocks for 2021

  • Resources

Although the news is primarily dominated by the pandemic and the effects of the lockdown, the economy continues to turn. Many service providers are suffering from the pandemic, and the structural change it has triggered. The situation for producers is quite different: Manufacturers of electrical appliances and electric cars are sitting on full order books and looking to a rosy future. Mining companies are also feeling this optimism: since the pandemic's outbreak, commodity prices have been on the rise. Project financiers and major investors are not backing down or adopting a wait-and-see attitude, even in times of crisis. For private investors, this is a good sign - there is something to be gained in the commodities sector.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 29th, 2020 | 09:13 CET

Glencore, Almonty, Aurubis - Scarcity drives share price

  • Resources

If you have listened to the old master of the stock market André Kostolany, then you have thought about aluminum in the past, and that's a good thing. If you bet on companies that focus on industrial metals or strategic metals, you should see a good performance next year. Rising demand in the wake of electromobility is driving up the price of copper. But so-called strategic metals, such as tungsten, are also used in various ways and are difficult to substitute. The availability of strategic metals is more limited than that of industrial metals. At times, there can be a large gap between supply and demand. Investors then profit from scarcity prices. We reveal where opportunities are tempting.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 23rd, 2020 | 08:27 CET

Lynas Rare Earths, Defense Metals, Energy Fuels - Rare Earths, Uranium & Co.

  • Resources

We encounter rare earths in many ways in everyday life in the form of smartphones, notebooks, LED lights and electric cars. However, the raw material is not earth, but metals. The total of 17 elements, which can additionally be categorized as light and heavy, are also not rare. However, the concentration in which they occur is low, and thus economic extraction is often tricky. China has the largest deposits worldwide. Many countries and industries are interested in discovering and producing rare earths outside of China to become less dependent on the market power of the People's Republic. Should supply and demand diverge too sharply, this could - as in the past - lead to drastic price increases at times and cause share prices to move sharply. We introduce you to three exciting commodity companies.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 21st, 2020 | 09:05 CET

Rio Tinto, Glencore, Almonty Industries - commodities on the upswing

  • Resources

WTI oil futures settled above USD 49 per barrel on Friday for the first time in almost 10 months. Brent futures also reached an 8-month high of USD 52 per barrel. Such oil prices have not been seen since late February, with other commodities also moving higher. The prospect of a Covid-19 relief deal in Congress that will provide an additional USD 900 billion to the US economy has rekindled hopes that the rapid distribution of vaccines will get people back on track and encourage travel and long-term consumption decisions. The demand for commodities of all kinds could therefore increase rapidly again, and in parallel, the industrial figures and also the entire commodity market should be able to recover further. OPEC agreed earlier this month to gradually increase oil production by 500,000 bpd starting in January. A good sign.
