Commented by Carsten Mainitz on October 19th, 2020 | 11:00 CEST
Barrick Gold, SolGold and BP: is it worth to be invested?
For commodity producers, the price development of the underlying commodity often sets the pace for the share price development. Nevertheless, cost position and new potentials can cancel out this first rule. Diversification across several commodity classes can also prove advantageous. Project quality and the ability to adapt quickly to different conditions are a top priority. Who has done his homework well?
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on October 7th, 2020 | 09:19 CEST
Tesla, Umicore, Almonty: Critical raw materials decide on yield
Raw materials are the key to CO2 neutrality. Whether electricity storage, solar plants, or wind turbines - without raw materials, such as nickel or cobalt, many future technologies cannot be implemented. Yet many raw materials are still extracted from the earth in China under dubious conditions, or come from other mining regions where ESG standards do not play an important role. But tomorrow's customers are already calling for better mining conditions today: Tesla boss, Elon Musk, has already publicly advocated that raw materials used by his company should come from good sources. Here could be an opportunity for mining companies operating in mining regions with high environmental standards.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on June 23rd, 2020 | 07:54 CEST
Desert Gold Ventures, First Majestic Silver, K+S - Resources with potential
Many commodities are currently experiencing a price increase. The precious metals gold and silver are in demand above all because central banks and governments are increasing the money supply with their stability actions, thus creating the need for inflation protection. While gold is largely an independent currency, silver is not only an investment object, but is also used industrially. The energy sector has also calmed down and the price of oil is rising. Copper has recovered from its lows in March 2020. Rising prices mean higher margins, now timing is key.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on May 19th, 2020 | 16:37 CEST
First Majestic Silver, K+S, Scottie Resources - the best entry opportunities
The advantage of volatile markets is that investors can see potential entry prices that they have missed in the past. Whether or not it is still worth taking action now, of course, depends on the future prospects. A price correction in the share price usually has its reasons, but crashes are special opportunities for those who invest in the medium to long term and follow an anti-cyclical investment approach.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on November 28th, 2019 | 10:10 CET
Deutsche Rohstoff AG, K+S AG, Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. - Buy recommendation with over 100% potential
Growth and prosperity are based on energy and raw materials. More than seven billion people around the globe enjoy the benefits of running water, electricity and transport connections every day. Communication based on an internet connection already enables more than four billion people today to exchange information in all parts of the world. We live in a business world with more and more market participants. More and more buyers and users as well as sellers and suppliers meet. The demands in nutrition, use and logistics are constantly increasing and as an investor there are interesting opportunities to participate in this development.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on November 14th, 2019 | 10:53 CET
The past 12 months have been marked by positive developments for gold and silver investors. During this period, the price per ounce of gold rose from below USD 1,198.00 to over USD 1,557.00 - an increase of around 30%. Over the same period, the price per ounce of silver rose by over 41% from less than USD 13.90 to more than USD 19.65. The price per ounce of silver rose from less than USD 1,198.00 to more than USD 1,557.00, an increase of around 30%. In this context, the development of the shares of gold companies is also exciting. The recent decline in the price of precious metals can also be an opportunity to enter the market.