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Commented by Nico Popp on June 13th, 2023 | 07:30 CEST

AI reaches the old economy - Here is where it is happening now: Airbus, Star Navigation Group, BMW

  • AI
  • Software
  • Technology

Companies like Tesla and BYD have an advantage over BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and others thanks to their software. However, German industrial companies are increasingly hopeful they can catch up with the competition. The solution is Artificial Intelligence (AI). BMW and other companies aim to use software developers more efficiently and shift into high gear despite the shortage of skilled workers. There are also signs of an AI revolution in aviation. The mission: to reduce costs and increase safety. We look at what is at stake and how private investors can profit.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on June 9th, 2023 | 07:30 CEST

Defence Therapeutics, Bayer AG, Palantir Technologies - Networked data revolutionizes the future of production

  • Biotechnology
  • AI
  • Pharma
  • Energy

In the battle against cancer, the Canadian biotech company Defence Therapeutics is focusing on pancreatic cancer cells. They are currently conducting a new study that aims to develop a vaccination against pancreatic cancer. A crucial factor driving this project is the utilization of networked data. Bayer AG is also active in Canada. The Company is partnering with Acuitas to develop new business areas in the field of mRNA-based gene therapy. Palantir Technologies' move to become active in the energy sector is also new. A battery plant in North America serves as a sandbox for this. We provide insight into the latest developments for investors with a growth strategy.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on June 8th, 2023 | 07:45 CEST

ChatGPT and AI revolution reaches defence stocks: Palantir, Hensoldt, Star Navigation Systems

  • AI
  • Defense
  • Software

The euphoria around ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) is currently electrifying companies and stockbrokers. Chip manufacturer Nvidia is the high flyer of the current year. But high-tech and AI also play an increasing role in the defence and armament sectors. Palantir is also benefiting from this. The share has jumped recently but is still far from its all-time high. The US military has struck again at the software company. But analysts are putting the brakes on the euphoria. Hot stock Star Navigation could soon take off. And MDAX group Hensoldt has taken a stake in an AI specialist and is working on new defence systems.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 7th, 2023 | 08:30 CEST

Billions with Artificial Intelligence? Nvidia, Grid Metals, Deutsche Telekom, Apple - Short sellers spotted!

  • hightech
  • GreenTech
  • Metals
  • AI

The stock market is not a one-way street. Some investors have recently experienced this firsthand. Because in the "ups and downs" of sentiment, new trends are constantly emerging. The biotech sector, for example, has been falling for more than a year, and the charts keep reaching new lows. In 2020, cannabis stocks made a splash, with the related index, POT, increasing tenfold since 2018 to about 1100 points. However, yesterday it reached a new all-time low with 45.5 points or a 95% loss. Currently, investors are trying to ride the wave of "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), with stocks like, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Palantir all performing well in 2023. A new megatrend is underway here that, according to experts, will continue for several years. How long this boom will yield returns is unknown, but these stocks are currently performing strongly.


Commented by Nico Popp on June 6th, 2023 | 07:00 CEST

AI hype - Keep a cool head now: NVIDIA, AMD, Altech Advanced Materials

  • Technology
  • Software
  • AI
  • Batteries

Chip stocks are all the rage on the market! The triumph of artificial intelligence (AI) has fuelled their demand. The idea is that the more AI we use worldwide and in everyday life, the more computing power is needed. But is it even worth getting in now? And are the obvious investments always the best? We highlight three of the most exciting AI stocks and take a look at a revolution that only insiders have been celebrating so far.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 2nd, 2023 | 08:30 CEST

Is the Artificial intelligence hype already over? Nvidia, Star Navigation and with good chances of a correction!

  • AI
  • Innovations
  • Technology

With an eye on rapid technological progress, the EU and the US want to cooperate more in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). "We are determined to make the most of the potential of emerging technologies while limiting the challenges they pose to universal human rights and shared democratic values," the Joint Trade and Technology Council announces. For the accompanying ethics committees, an important issue now comes to the table: what is a machine allowed to do, and what is it not allowed to do? So the current hype could be curbed again somewhat. Have AI values already peaked?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on June 1st, 2023 | 09:30 CEST

BioNxt Solutions, Bayer, Palantir - AI is dominating the market at breathtaking speed and ensuring high returns

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • AI

Tech investors have suffered heavy losses over the past year. But tech in pharma and security in defence enables entirely new future scenarios whose precise developments are worth examining more closely. For example, gentler and more effective new ways that benefit patients are emerging in the drug delivery market. At the forefront is the Company BioNxt Solutions, which specializes in innovative transdermal patches whose active ingredients literally go under the skin. In Germany, the biotech company cooperates with a German pharmaceutical partner. New times are now dawning for Bayer as well. Under the new reign of CEO Bill Anderson, digital health seems to have finally found its positioning in the Consumer Health division. There, the Company is to cooperate with exciting start-ups that collect and analyze consumer data. When it comes to networking and interpreting data using AI, one company in particular stands out at the moment. Palantir is moving out to "dominate the entire market." How? Find out in the comments below.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 1st, 2023 | 09:00 CEST

Heating chaos in Berlin! Palantir, Defense Metals, Borussia Dortmund - Do governments use artificial intelligence like ChatGPT?

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Digitization
  • Software
  • AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver for the digital transformation of our society. Some technologies have been around for over 50 years but advances in computing power and the availability of big data and new algorithms have led to breakthroughs in AI in recent years. Even if AI is only slowly becoming present in our everyday lives, new applications are likely to bring enormous changes in the future. Decision-making processes, for example, can be strongly supported digitally since today's computers can sift through hundreds of years of knowledge within a few seconds. But does this necessarily mean that the quality of results will also increase?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 30th, 2023 | 09:00 CEST

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence and E-Mobility! BYD, Almonty Industries, Nvidia - 100% performance with strategic metals!

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • AI
  • Electromobility
  • Tungsten

Those aiming to accelerate artificial intelligence, e-mobility, or the energy transition need access to critical metals. The EU and the USA have the extraction of domestic resources on the agenda in order to become independent of the raw materials giants China and Russia. Long approval phases, too little exploration and a lack of investment capital have made this problematic over the last 10 years. Now a law is being prepared to secure the supply of raw materials in the EU. Resourceful investors can position themselves early on.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on May 25th, 2023 | 07:30 CEST

Almonty Industries, Palantir, Rheinmetall - Stocks soar on innovative technologies

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Technology
  • Software
  • AI

The demand for AI is unbroken in the economy. Clothing giant C&A, for example, has now chosen none other than Palantir to optimize its digital sales processes. Rheinmetall, too, seems to be taking unfamiliar paths. The armaments group is increasingly focusing on electromobility and is helping the German city of Cologne to get smart e-charging curbs. The increasing technologization of various industries is increasing the demand for a valuable metal: tungsten. The Canadian company Almonty Industries specializes in the precious raw material. It is now using its successfully piloted mining technology in Europe to get to tungsten production even faster.
