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Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 27th, 2023 | 09:00 CEST

Artificial intelligence is the new gold - TUI, Lufthansa and Star Navigation Systems with 100% chance!

  • Travel
  • AI
  • Technology

The world of flight and travel is in a state of upheaval as artificial intelligence enters the decision-making world of humans. Quite unconsciously, various recommendations are creeping into the email boxes of citizens based on the usage behavior derived from Big Data collected over the past months or even years. The well-known IT giants collect data from our consumption and payment habits, analyze websites visited and build targeted advertising in the background, which wanders across our screens quasi "at random" in all situations in life. Although no one is really surprised here any more, 30% of our purchasing behaviour now comes from the Big Data machinery. Some stocks are making a name for themselves here.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 6th, 2023 | 09:51 CEST

AI trend only at the beginning - Palantir, Star Navigation Systems, C3.AI

  • AI
  • Software
  • Technology

The topic of artificial intelligence finally reached the masses with the meteoric rise of the chatbot ChatGPT and is unlikely to be stopped despite short-term bans, as happened in Italy. The topic is also already on everyone's lips on the capital market. The companies in the sector are exposed to a high degree of fluctuation, which is nothing unusual at the beginning of a long-term trend.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 23rd, 2023 | 15:21 CET

Baidu, Alpina Holdings, Stellantis - The course is set

  • Investments
  • AI
  • Digitization

Despite a challenging market environment, rising inflation and still uncertain supply chains, many companies continue to surprise with their full-year 2022 results and defy the current crisis. The outlook for the current fiscal year 2023 also looks promising due to the course set with regard to new innovations.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 9th, 2023 | 19:51 CET

ams OSRAM, Meta Materials, Microsoft - Disruption within reach?

  • metamaterials
  • Innovations
  • AI

Disruptive technologies are new solutions that replace the previous success of existing technology, product or service or displace them entirely from the market. ChatGPT holds this potential. An AI that can change the way we search online and, in doing so, sweep Google out of the market. Innovations from Meta Materials also have such a market opportunity in aerospace, 5G, automotive and optics. In optics, the currently beleaguered ams OSRAM AG is on the trail of an innovation expected to hit the market as early as 2025.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on September 22nd, 2022 | 10:25 CEST

Moderna, BrainChip Holdings, Infineon - And the winner is?

  • chips
  • AI
  • Technology

For many years now, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has been selecting the 50 most innovative companies in the world. A few days ago, the hit list was published for the sixteenth time. The top ranks are occupied by Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Tesla. German companies are only found with Siemens from rank 20. Innovations play an important role for investors because they enable competitive advantages, which sooner or later translates into rising share prices. But global companies are not always the only ones to be considered; it is often lucrative to look at the second tier.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 7th, 2022 | 13:41 CEST

Artificial intelligence shopping with these stocks: Infineon, BrainChip, Porsche, VW

  • chips
  • AI
  • Electromobility

It is hard to imagine tomorrow's high-tech applications without them: small, miniaturized chips that take over the intelligent control of our modern appliances. These nimble marvels must not only perform their programmed tasks but also save power and space. Engineering centers worldwide are trying to develop chips that learn from exogenous influences, i.e. that detect their environment through speech recognition or corresponding sensor technology, evaluate states and develop reaction categories. For example, if an object the size of a ball rolls from the right edge of the road across the center of the lane, such systems are supposed to trigger braking with the help of optics and sensor technology. Bravo if it works - where are the opportunities in the current stock downturn?


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 8th, 2022 | 12:45 CEST

Infineon, BrainChip, Nvidia - Chip shortage will continue in 2022

  • AI
  • Technology
  • Digitization
  • chips

The chip shortage is not only omnipresent in the automotive industry. Most recently, AOK was no longer able to issue electronic health cards to its policyholders because the chips were missing. According to McKinsey, the semiconductor industry is expected to grow by 6-8% annually until 2030. Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan could further fuel the chip crisis in the future. It is important to know that the island nation produces about two-thirds of all microchips needed worldwide. There is a latent danger that China will want to annex Taiwan. The USA is already trying to make itself less dependent on Asia. To that end, a USD 369 billion semiconductor manufacturing stimulus bill has been passed by Congress. Today we look at three companies that will benefit from the investment.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 3rd, 2022 | 12:52 CEST

Is the turnaround coming for chip stocks? Intel, Nvidia, BrainChip, Aixtron and AMD

  • Technology
  • AI

Last year, semiconductors were declared the new gold due to blown-up supply chains and the resulting shortages. After the recent boom and the build-up of overcapacity, the market could now grind to a halt by 2023 at the latest. High inflation, a global economic downturn and a possible recession in the industry could do the rest. Last week, Intel was already in the red with a slump in sales. In contrast, other companies from the chip sector could report positive surprises.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 22nd, 2022 | 12:14 CEST

Netflix, Amazon, BrainChip - AI drives growth

  • AI
  • Innovations
  • Technology

Our future is connected and increasingly interactive. Streaming providers like Netflix are personalizing content thanks to machine learning systems, but the Company is running out of users. Meanwhile, Amazon's voice assistant Alexa is up and running. At its developer conference two days ago, Ambience Intelligence announced for the first time that Alexa would take over digital assists in the smart connected home in the future. In order for Alexa to become an independent learning entity in the first place, companies like BrainChip are creating just the right human-machine interface technologies. And smart home is just a small part of the huge AI growth market with smart neuromorphic chip technologies.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 15th, 2022 | 11:45 CEST

K+S, Erin Ventures, Nvidia - Buy high-class shares when the cannons roar

  • borate
  • AI
  • chips
  • fertilizer

The markets have lost a lot of ground in the past few days. Among them are companies excellently positioned for the future and are among the major players in their respective fields. Warren Buffet follows the maxim: "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." The Fear and Greed Index stands at 18 on extreme fear. So it is time to get quality into your portfolio. Today we look at three companies that seem promising in the long term.
