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Commented by Nico Popp on March 29th, 2021 | 08:00 CEST

First Majestic, Silver Viper, Barrick Gold: Why silver shines brighter

  • Silver

In the past, gold and silver have developed differently; sometimes gold was more in favor with investors, sometimes silver. During the last precious metal boom, silver was clearly in the shadow of gold. But this time, it looks as if silver will be seen by the market, at least on an equal footing. Why? Silver is not only a precious metal but also an industrial metal. The auto industry in particular needs silver. The greener the cars, the more silver they contain. Reason enough to take a look at companies in the sector.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 26th, 2021 | 09:30 CET

Klöckner+Co, Silver Viper Minerals, MBB - Silvering profits?

  • Investments

Is it more challenging to buy, or sell, a stock? How long do you let profits run? There are very different answers to these and more questions. This is good because only when many different opinions and investment horizons meet, a liquid trade can develop. In the following, we present three exciting investments and tell you where the journey could lead.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 26th, 2021 | 09:05 CET

wallstreet:online, Palantir, TUI, Lufthansa - Digitization on the move!

  • Investments

Yesterday, the heads of Facebook, Google and Twitter had to testify before Congress how they plan to ensure that their platforms do not spread misinformation in the future. In virtual appearances before special economic committees, they were to outline their measures to explain various events related to the 2020 US election and the Covid-19 pandemic. At stake is the legal shield that protects their platforms from being held liable for their users' posts, known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. If this law is changed, media could be held accountable for their content. Digitization has both sunny and dark sides.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 26th, 2021 | 08:50 CET

BYD, SKRR Exploration, Adidas - These are clear signals!

  • Gold

The aid package of USD 1.9 trillion was passed by the Senate only last week, and now the Biden administration wants to follow up with the next stimulus package for the US economy. This time, it will be USD 3 trillion and will flow into infrastructure projects, climate change, and the education system's modernization. Once again, the Fed will be on hand to keep the printing press running hot. The threat of inflation is getting closer and closer. Prepare yourself.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 26th, 2021 | 06:35 CET

Barrick Gold, Triumph Gold, Yamana Gold: This is how investors get their foot in the door with gold

  • Gold

Anyone who believes in rising prices for gold must be strong at the moment. For months, companies in the sector have not been getting off the ground. But for experienced investors, this is nothing new - especially in the gold market. Chart technology and gut feeling often reach their limits with precious metals. The market is unpredictable. But the general conditions are good; the major central banks continue to see no inflation and open the floodgates. Investors with patience could be rewarded.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 25th, 2021 | 08:49 CET

Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Royal Dutch Shell, Nel ASA: Attention - here it burns!

  • Investments

The oil price is one of the leading indicators of global economic activity. Despite OPEC's best efforts to control the spot price, short-term price spikes up and down can occur due to global developments. The short-term gloom in the global business climate in 2020 caused historic drops within 3 months, and forward prices even fell into negative territory. It has at least been possible to regain the level of just under USD 70 in Brent in the current year. Currently, a technical consolidation is underway at a high level and there is little to be heard from OPEC. We look at well-known protagonists of the energy sector.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 25th, 2021 | 08:44 CET

Steinhoff, RYU Apparel, Alibaba - The disruption is done!

  • Investments

Digital shopping has overtaken brick-and-mortar retail. If the change was already apparent before the Corona pandemic outbreak, the ever-extended lockdowns are equivalent to a death blow for retailers. Innovative brands rely on a multi-channel strategy and engage consumers with apps and services around the respective topics. This hides the previous unique selling point of stationary retail - direct customer contact including advisory services.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 25th, 2021 | 08:35 CET

Linde, Royal Helium, Air Liquide - Two hydrogens, one helium. All there for an explosive mixture!

  • Helium

Nuclear fusion is the keyword of the future. Technically, this involves fusing two hydrogen atoms to form a helium nucleus. What is possible on a large scale on the sun without any problems (in fact, 564 million tons of hydrogen are fused into helium there every second), unfortunately, remains a dream of the future for us. This means 1. we cannot yet generate electricity from nuclear fusion, so we must continue to manage the energy transition with established sustainable technologies such as wind, solar and hydropower. Hydrogen will play a prominent role as an energy storage and transmission medium. And 2. helium will not be produced on an industrial scale in the foreseeable future in any other way than through conventional production. The following three companies should profit strongly from the energy turnaround.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 25th, 2021 | 08:23 CET

Bitcoin Group, Upco International, Deutsche Telekom: Your money is at stake!

  • Investments

While Germany remains in lockdown, the world continues to turn. Especially in China and the US, the economy is already starting up again nicely. In recent weeks, this has stoked inflation fears. In the meantime, the central banks are reacting to the extent that they are once again buying more bonds to push down yields. In the future, one could also see inflation in Europe less as a target value and more as a target corridor. An overshooting of inflation is thus all the more likely. We present three stocks and explain whether they can benefit from the current environment or not.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 25th, 2021 | 08:19 CET

Evotec, PsyBio Therapeutics, MorphoSys - Milestone in Development!

  • Biotechnology

About 350 million people worldwide live with depression. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), only one in four sufferers receives adequate treatment. With all its limitations, the Corona Crisis has caused the number of unreported cases to skyrocket exorbitantly, making depression the most significant cause of illness above all. Apart from the prescription of antidepressants, which usually have strong side effects, there are few alternative treatment methods. But now, young biotech companies are stepping up to revolutionize the field of "mental health."
