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Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:30 CET

Desert Gold, Barrick Gold, Aurelius Equity, TeamViewer - The April Winners!

  • Gold

The March decline is over. Which stocks will be the winners in April? Gold turned in at USD 1,680 and ended up at USD 1,745 on Friday. The substantial rise in yields in the first quarter certainly helped here, bringing the US 30-year yield from 1.7% closer to the 2.5% mark. At this point, the inflation discussions start to get loud, which immediately feed through to the growth stocks on the NASDAQ. Borrowed money becomes more expensive, making it all the more difficult to re-finance growth companies. Often in history, interest rate turning points were also critical stock phases, but there was always a laughing winner: GOLD!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:15 CET

Plug Power, Almonty Industries, Everfuel - What you need to know now!

  • Tungsten

Due to the energy transition, there is no question that the future belongs to both electromobility and hydrogen technology. Even if most producers' share prices lost extreme value in recent weeks, this should only mean a pronounced correction in the valid upward trend. Increasing demand is also driving up the price of the raw materials needed for a carbon-free world. The tense situation between China and the USA is accelerating this development.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:00 CET

BYD, Blackrock Silver, First Majestic Silver: The greener the world, the better for silver

  • Silver

It was unclear for a long time when the automotive industry would focus on electromobility. For too long, German manufacturers, in particular, continued to bring large, heavy and powerful combustion engines to the market. But now Volkswagen and Daimler and Co. have rethought and are fully committed to electromobility. The consequences are manifold: In addition to rising share prices, such as VW, the prices of potential suppliers are also climbing. This much is clear: The mobility revolution requires one thing above all: more raw materials.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 19th, 2021 | 10:30 CET

Enapter, FuelCell, NEL, Plug Power - hydrogen or battery?

  • Hydrogen

According to publications of the last few days, the decision has been made in the mobility sector. The markets are clearly focusing on electromobility, and titles such as VW and Varta are in demand as never before. VW had called for an assault on the Tesla bastion at its last press conference. VW can also make a big splash here. It is the world's second-largest automaker and is at the forefront of mass manufacturers in the electricity sector. In this business, size means a high number of hits and positive cash flows, precisely what many hydrogen companies do not yet have, because outside of a few research projects, there is still no business worth mentioning. Billions will now flow into battery development.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 19th, 2021 | 10:02 CET

BP, Deutsche Rohstoff, Lynas - Attention: a long boom is going on here!

  • Commodities

Extreme shortages due to the enormous demand for raw materials of the planned energy turnaround and a dispute that continues to swell between China and the US could escalate at any time, even after Donald Trump. A new energy crisis due to a lack of resources is looming. The prices of copper, lithium and rare earth metals are rising rapidly. The demand overhang is likely to accelerate in the coming years. Significantly rising prices are also expected for oil.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 19th, 2021 | 08:53 CET

BYD, The Very Good Food Company, Bitcoin Group - These are the growth rockets!

  • Vegan

Faster, higher, further! This saying is especially true for industries dedicated to future technologies such as electric mobility, hydrogen or fuel cell technology. Growth rates of more than 100% per year are the norm here. If a company stagnates, it will be overrun by its competitors. To grow faster than the market, it needs innovations to gain a speed advantage through unique selling points.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 19th, 2021 | 07:10 CET

Deutsche Telekom, Upco International, Vantage Towers - Not to be missed: important lessons for successful investing!

  • Investments

Takeovers, spin-offs, transformation of business models - these three buzzwords stand for change in many sectors of the economy and this also applies to the telecommunications sector. Even if an investor is betting on the right theme, it does not mean that he has bought a stock cheaply. In the following, we present three very different stocks from the telecommunications sector and give you suggestions on how to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 19th, 2021 | 07:05 CET

BMW, Nevada Copper, Nikola - The return of the giants!

  • Copper

For a long time, the term electric mobility was associated with the US company Tesla, led by the jack-of-all-trades Elon Musk. Germany, the land of carmakers, was in a slumber for a long time. But now, the industry giants are coming back with a vengeance. After Volkswagen kicked things off this week with its "Power Day," many other German car brands follow suit. Due to the enormous growth in the electromobility sector, raw material prices required for this new type of technology are also exploding.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 19th, 2021 | 07:00 CET

Bechtle, Revez, Deutsche Bank: Digital is better

  • Software

There is no doubt that digitization is a trend that is here to stay. The experts at ClearBridge Investments have identified a boom in fintech. The pandemic, they say, is giving many innovative solutions a tailwind and further transforming the financial industry. "Shares of some newly listed, consumer-focused fintech are soaring on the back of rapid growth and strong investor demand. Likely fueled at least in part by high liquidity in capital markets and investor focus on fast-growing companies," said an analyst at the investment firm. But there are also digitization opportunities among established stocks that are not from the financial sector. We take a closer look at three stocks.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 18th, 2021 | 09:30 CET

Kleos Space, PayPal, Airbus - Watch out: Performance rockets at the start!

  • Space

You have to hand it to Elon Musk: Little of what he has tried has flopped in the end. He seems to have an excellent feel for feasible concepts. He was involved early on in PayPal, which came out of nowhere to become the world's most important payment service provider. Although not founded by him but protected very early on, Tesla developed under his aegis over the last 16 years from a startup to the world's most valuable car manufacturer. And Kleos Space? While not a company founded by Elon Musk either, it does have a business relationship with SpaceX, which depicts another field of activity for the go-getting and visionary "technoking." And as an established industry veteran, Airbus shares should not go unmentioned either. Who has the greatest potential?
