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Commented by Nico Popp on March 25th, 2021 | 08:15 CET

Gazprom, BP, Saturn Oil + Gas: Which oil stock is the best?

  • Oil

The oil price has long since left the crisis behind. Even though North Sea Brent crude prices have fallen somewhat in recent days, the outlook remains bright. At a time when everyone is talking about renewable energy, market experts emphasize that fossil fuels will continue to play an important role in the world. The energy transition is a process, not an event. Above all, oil producers that act sustainably could continue to score points. We present three stocks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 24th, 2021 | 10:14 CET

Daimler, Kodiak Copper, SFC Energy - This will be expensive!

  • Copper

Germany is stepping on the gas! Stop, don't rejoice too soon. Unfortunately, it's not about the German government accelerating vaccination programs and fighting the Corona pandemic. Instead, domestic automakers have been causing a stir in recent days. A move away from internal combustion engines and the consistent expansion of the electric vehicle divisions should help them return to their old strength. However, the exceptionally high demand for the raw materials needed for electric mobility could lead to significant bottlenecks and dramatic price increases in the near future. The winners are clear.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 24th, 2021 | 09:06 CET

CureVac, Scottie Resources, Newmont - Is the monetary system at its end?

  • Gold

There is a dangerous mix brewing in the international financial markets. With the passage of the new USD 1.9 trillion US stimulus package, whose money will be used primarily to boost consumption, inflation expectations rise. The Fed expects inflation to average 2.4% in 2021. Nevertheless, the Fed intends to continue its path of loose monetary policy, which was accelerated during the Corona Crisis, until at least 2023. In doing so, Fed Chairman Powell violates the basic principle of central banks to take preventive action against inflation. There is a threat of monetary devaluation of historic proportions.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 24th, 2021 | 07:26 CET

Siemens Energy, Enapter, ThyssenKrupp - hydrogen or battery? It doesn't matter! Why these companies will profit in any case!

  • Hydrogen

The strong fluctuations in the price of hydrogen shares are evidence of the current war of faith surrounding our planet's most common element, which is also the simplest in structure: one proton, one electron. Perfection can be so beautifully simple. And yet, it has the potential to change our society from the ground up - the sun shows us how. Admittedly, we are still at the beginning of this development. In the short term, the focus of the capital market is more on the element's practical applications. In this context, many investors are looking at the topic of mobility. What will prevail? Batteries? Hydrogen? One possible answer was recently given by the VW commercial vehicle holding Company Traton SE: a Solomonic "both." Batteries for long-distance traffic, hydrogen for buses, which cannot be recharged for long periods in between. But hydrogen is also of great importance for many other areas of application. That is why the worldwide demand for hydrogen as an energy carrier will increase massively in the next few years in any case. Aurora Energy Research foresees an eightfold increase in hydrogen demand to 2,500 TWh per year by 2050. This estimate corresponds to annual sales of more than EUR 120 billion. The following companies are likely to benefit from the boom quite independently of the development of electromobility.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 24th, 2021 | 06:02 CET

Aspermont, ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Porsche - It is all about speed!

  • Investments

When it comes to digitization, Germany probably slept through everything announced in the Digital Pact a few years ago. For years, it has been impossible to make mobile calls without interruption, and anyone who doesn't live in a major city center doesn't have much luck with the Internet either. Now, in the pandemic, these shortcomings are coming to light. Digital society, far from it! How simple it would be to have online-controlled admission systems and access control for our popular cultural institutions. Whether restaurants, cinemas, theaters, ski lifts or zoos - if travel to Mallorca is made possible, then surely, regulated openings for those seeking recreation in their own country should be too. But, imposing bans is more fun than listening to and implementing intelligent ideas - poor Germany!


Commented by Nico Popp on March 23rd, 2021 | 14:00 CET

BioNTech, Marble Financial, Disney: Innovations that pay off

  • Investments

The stock market is where the future is traded. Groundbreaking innovations can completely change this future and provide investors with high returns from the very beginning. Examples include all investors who took an early stake in shares of Amazon or Alphabet. There are also currently a whole series of shares that stand for innovation. We present three stocks.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 23rd, 2021 | 13:56 CET

Varta, Rock Tech Lithium, Millennial Lithium - all signs point to growth

  • Lithium

Electromobility and technology are inextricably linked to the topic of energy storage. Leading scientists predict lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries will continue to dominate this decade. Market experts predict a fivefold increase in lithium demand by 2025. In this context, it is becoming increasingly important that lithium deposits outside China are developed to create the greatest possible security of supply. We introduce you to two companies that could become important lithium producers in the future. We also take a closer look at Varta's plans to enter the e-mobility market. Who is the most significant yield driver for your portfolio?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 23rd, 2021 | 13:30 CET

Xiaomi, Osino Resources, Barrick Gold - Here come new highs!

  • Gold

The DAX and Dow Jones are still in rally mood and climb one high after the other. After technology stocks switched to correction mode, now is the time for value stocks and the re-opening winner of the Corona pandemic. A sharper decline in the stock markets or even cash seems out of the question at the moment. The forecasts for economic recovery in both the US and Europe are too good. Gold as an investment alternative? Not at the moment; that is what cryptocurrencies are for. But beware, there is a development that could soon push gold into significantly higher territory. You still have time to position yourself!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 23rd, 2021 | 13:23 CET

Nevada Copper, BYD, Varta: Revaluation in copper?

  • Copper

Incredible, what speed! A few months ago, the German automotive industry was still sleepy and hardly reacted to Tesla's announcements to put the mobility of the future on a new footing. Then, last week, Volkswagen ignited the electric flock, and then yesterday came the announcement of the truck-electro cooperation from Traton Group, consisting of VW, Scania and MAN. They are to invest EUR 1.6 billion in the research and development of e-trucks by 2025. Daimler-Benz and Volvo had recently talked about a hydrogen powertrain. VW gained 7% yesterday and Daimler barely moved from the spot. So the capital market pendulum is seemingly swinging back in the direction of electromobility.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:40 CET

K+S, Goldseek Resources, Gazprom - those who wait for others to buy will lose out

  • Gold

Almost 70 years ago, economist Harry Markowitz published an article on how best to build an investment portfolio. At its core, it was about the benefits of diversification. By spreading risk across as many asset classes as possible, positive effects could be achieved, all the more so if the assets had a low correlation, i.e. if the returns developed as independently of each other as possible. His findings became an important part of portfolio theory. Markowitz was later awarded the Nobel Prize for his research. Unfortunately, the intuitively conclusive recommendation for action loses its "theoretical" advantages in crash phases since correlations and liquidity, as proven in several studies, change abruptly to the investor's disadvantage. Nevertheless, diversification makes sense and investors should not "put all their eggs in just one basket." Below we will give you a few ideas on how to build a portfolio of commodity stocks that are well diversified and rich in opportunities.
