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Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 12th, 2021 | 07:25 CET

CureVac, Pollux Properties, SAP - Go for the latecomers!

  • Investments

At the moment, a shift from technology stocks to value stocks is taking place on the global stock markets. Companies that outperformed after bottoming out in March 2020 are losing disproportionately in the current market phase. In contrast, many investors are currently betting on the supposed re-opening winners such as TUI and Lufthansa & Co. Here, several stocks have enormous catch-up potential and are lagging behind in their performance.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 11th, 2021 | 10:40 CET

Silver Viper, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Silver and Hydrogen - Get in or get out?

  • Silver

The battle has broken out on the stock exchange. One side thinks the level has been way too expensive for a few months. The other side talks about momentum and unprecedented liquidity that will not immediately dwindle even with minor interest rate adjustments. Still, there was a tech sellout last week that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Back and forth and back and forth - no one knows where stocks will end up in the coming weeks. One thing is sure though, the trading volume is gigantic and exceeds the highs of the last bull markets many times over. We take a look at silver and hydrogen.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 11th, 2021 | 09:34 CET

NanoRepro, The Place Holdings, TUI - This industry is on the verge of a billion-dollar boom!

  • Investments

There appears to be light at the end of the tunnel. Travel was difficult to impossible during the long period of multiple lockdowns due to the Corona pandemic. Now, after more and more vaccines and rapid tests come on the market, the badly shaken industry is breathing a sigh of relief. Easter is close by and the call for vacations and recovery is getting louder. In addition to the established players that have been supported by government funding, there are promising companies that will shake up the travel segment with unique business models.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 11th, 2021 | 09:10 CET

BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, Royal Dutch Shell - JP Morgan: Oil price rises to USD 190 due to supply deficit - these are the future price rockets!

  • Oil

Last spring in the middle of the Corona Crisis, when the oil price was at the bottom, the US investment bank JP Morgan published a bold forecast. Although this was ridiculed at first, it was to be given more attention in the future. The experts drew a plausible scenario of an upcoming "oil supercycle." The oversupplied oil markets would transition to a "fundamental supply deficit" starting in 2022, which would drive the oil price close to the USD 100 mark at that time. In the medium term, the investment bank's analysts even expect a price level of USD 190. If the forecasts are only half correct, then it is: buy, buy, buy. We present you 3 shares with huge potential!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 11th, 2021 | 09:05 CET

Nel ASA, dynaCERT, Ballard Power - Great entry opportunities!

  • Hydrogen

Powerful movements in hydrogen stocks. After a violent price correction in recent weeks, a strong countermovement set in on Monday. Did it come to an end, or does the normalization of the partly insane valuation continue? Hydrogen technology will remain a topic of the future, just like the electromobility sector, which has also been hit hard. The question now is which shares will reach new highs and which will fall by the wayside.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 11th, 2021 | 08:50 CET

Zalando, RYU Apparel, Aurelius: A comeback is in the air

  • Apparel

The stock market is a daily business. What's hot today can be out tomorrow. It is similar in fashion, making it all the more important for investors to keep a cool head and not overinterpret every development. The market often lures us onto the wrong track with its capers. Inexperienced investors in particular then make the wrong decisions. We present three comeback stocks and explain how investors can act.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 11th, 2021 | 07:30 CET

Compass Pathways, Canopy Growth, PsyBio Therapeutics - Cannabis or psilocybin?

  • Biotechnology

Cannabis stocks have been a bit forgotten after an early-year rally caused a 500% increase in some cases. Most stocks have already corrected back up 50% from the top and have been running more sideways recently. Speculation in psychoactive substances has recently shifted to a new industry, the mushroom applications around psilocybin. These substances are said to treat particular forms of depression, a fact that is becoming more explosive against the backdrop of increasing loneliness due to Covid lockdowns. Let's take a look at some prominent representatives.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 10th, 2021 | 09:56 CET

Varta, JinkoSolar, Nevada Copper: This is where speculators find what they are looking for

  • Copper

New technology has turned many things upside down on the stock market in recent years. First, Alphabet, Apple and Facebook conquered the world, and then Tesla, BYD and NIO followed suit. In the wake of these disruptive companies, numerous suppliers are profiting. Investors who think outside the box in time and recognize these profiteers can reap rich profits. We present three companies that operate around new technologies and are in the focus of investors.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 10th, 2021 | 09:43 CET

B2Gold, Yamana Gold, Barrick Gold, Goldseek Resources - The gold turnaround!

  • Gold

In the last few days, we have been talking about it. Gold is coming back! It turned at USD 1,680 yesterday and immediately ran up to USD 1,720. A good revival move, reminding us that especially a strong Bitcoin movement always brings some momentum into the precious metals. Because both investments have one aspect in common - they shy away from paper money, which will be enriched by USD 1.9 trillion again by the latest announcement of the US Senate...


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 10th, 2021 | 09:36 CET

NIO, Defense Metals, Baidu - it's five to twelve!

  • RareEarthElements

Whether solar plants, wind turbines or electric cars, the change from fossil fuels to a sustainable energy supply through renewable energy requires, above all, many metals. These are becoming increasingly scarce due to rising global demand. In addition, the trade war instigated by the Trump presidency will most likely not be settled in the short term, even by the new leader Joe Biden. On the contrary, at the moment, the fronts seem to be hardening. It is a battle for resources. The clock is ticking!
