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Commented by Nico Popp on March 8th, 2021 | 09:00 CET

TUI, Desert Gold, Barrick Gold: Investing solidly in the future

  • Gold

Rarely have Bild and Spiegel been in such agreement: the German government has failed in the pandemic. Meanwhile, there are even calls for resignations. But despite the stuttering start to vaccinations and the lack of rapid tests, one thing is sure: the pandemic will reach its end in the medium term, and with this, economists expect a boost for the economy. Which stocks will benefit most and where can investors already get a foot in the door today?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 5th, 2021 | 10:35 CET

Steinhoff, Upco International, ProSiebenSat.1 - Facing a turnaround?

  • Investments

Are the stock indices at the turning point? Although the DAX once again reached new all-time highs this week, there was a lack of momentum to confirm them. A correction is already underway in tech stocks. The market for smartphone payments is also on the move. The Corona pandemic has reinforced the movement away from cash to contactless payment methods. The winners are companies that link multiple business areas.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 5th, 2021 | 10:04 CET

The best hydrogen stocks! Plug Power, Ballard Power, Nel ASA, dynaCERT

  • Hydrogen

Things are getting exciting in the hydrogen sector. For the past 3 weeks, the question has no longer been where the upward trend will take us; instead, we are primarily interested in how robust a business model is to survive a major stock market correction. Markdowns of a good 30-40% have been made across the industry so far - given price increases of up to 2000%; it is a piece of cake when you calculate from the bottom up. However, some investors have entered the market at the highest prices - unfortunately, that's how mean stock market life is - the last one to bite is the dog. Today, we look at the business models of well-known hydrogen protagonists and go in search of the lost fuel for higher quotations.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 4th, 2021 | 09:30 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, RWE - Quick profits: Use consolidation to enter!

  • Copper

The need for a secure supply of energy that is available at all times is growing as digitization and electrification advance. Many building blocks have to fit together before an electric motor can run. Raw materials such as copper are at the very beginning of the value chain. This industrial metal has excellent conductivity and is therefore linked to various facets of electromobility and power generation. Position yourself correctly ahead of the next growth spurt!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 4th, 2021 | 09:16 CET

NanoRepro, EXMceuticals, Deutsche Telekom - The profiteers of the new world!

  • Cannabis

The world has changed since last year. The goal is to fight and contain the virus, which has destroyed our everyday life. In addition to the vaccine manufacturers such as BioNTech, AstraZeneca or Moderna, there are more and more new winners emerging from nowhere to become new stock market stars. Currently, the dominant topic, apart from the vaccination programs that are still hardly taking place in Germany, is the "national testing strategy." At the very least, this should enable a more regular and open life. Be there!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 4th, 2021 | 09:10 CET

SKRR Exploration, First Majestic, Lufthansa - These values take off!

  • Gold

Once again, a sell-off day for the precious metals! Often observed these days, in the morning, a stabilization of spot prices, US trade hardly sets in: Out with it! All supposed price gains are used on the other side of the Atlantic to sell short again. Yesterday, we started at USD 1,740 and ended up at the low of USD 1,702 - a minus of 2.2%. The strategy makes perfect sense in light of rising yields: Higher interest rates damage gold holdings - but they also indicate burgeoning inflation. And if this ghost continues to sail the halls, there will ultimately be a run on gold and silver. Only, as always, it's not the time yet, but it will not be long either!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 4th, 2021 | 09:03 CET

NIO, Royal Helium, Xpeng - the fierce battle for raw materials!

  • Helium

The market price is determined by supply and demand. Due to the global climate programs of politics, the pressure increases and the demand grows enormously in the coming years. Raw materials such as rare earth metals, lithium, helium, copper or even silver will become extremely scarce commodities. There is a threat of drastic price increases. In recent years, significant investments in raw material projects have been neglected. To provide more supply, it will now be a race against time. In any case, the producers will profit.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 4th, 2021 | 08:56 CET

Yamana Gold, Triumph Gold, Barrick Gold: Profiting from market weakness

  • Gold

Inflation is the hot topic again. But inflation is far from being a threat. This is probably also why the gold price is currently suffering. The reason: interest rates could rise in the long term, making bonds more attractive again compared to interest-free gold. But the past has shown that gold can often even profit from inflation when inflation rates are very high - after all, the precious metal remains the world's oldest reserve currency. The gold sector companies have tomorrow's gold in the ground with valuations far below current gold prices and that offers opportunities. We present three stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 4th, 2021 | 08:48 CET

NEL, Enapter, Ballard Power: More than a dream of the future

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen was the big thing for many speculative investors last year. But recently, share prices have plummeted. What happened? After the highs of the past few months, investors are taking profits. In addition, the market is looking at the bare facts. This view reveals excellent prospects, but also many investments along the way. We present three stocks in check.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 3rd, 2021 | 10:22 CET

Kleos Space, Raytheon, Boeing - Only flying is more beautiful!

  • Space

Whether on land, in the air or on the water - people's movement data is now collected and analyzed in various ways. A wide variety of companies are now scrambling for the Big Data pie, which is continually being generated through the use of cell phones, cars and other devices linked to the Internet. Worldwide, 0.5 zettabytes of data are produced every day. In the meantime, the Internet has become ubiquitous and we now fear that we will no longer be able to cope with the amount of information. An appropriate metaphor for this is the flood of data we are exposed to every day at our desks and on the road. But one thing is certain: the big machines can handle our data brilliantly and draw their conclusions.
