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Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 25th, 2021 | 09:24 CET

TAAT, GS Holdings, Aphria - lifestyle and wellness stocks with powerful upside potential

  • Investments

What does lifestyle and wellness encompass for you? Being active? Being pampered? Or a good meal followed by an espresso or a cigarette? The latter has become much less popular with Germans in recent years; the smoking rate has more than halved since 1980. Instead, the trend is toward greater health awareness: light and healthy food, natural supplements and gentle medicine. This trend can be observed worldwide and is continuing successively without any dependence on the economic situation. Because one thing is clear: people are saving money on their health last. Ideal conditions to now look at the securities of the following three companies.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 24th, 2021 | 08:55 CET

BYD, dynaCERT, Plug Power: Three shares for the next five years

  • Hydrogen

The future of mobility will not involve combustion engines - that much seems certain. But which technology will win the race? E-cars with appropriate batteries or fuel cells? Is it possible that technologies make valuable combustion engines or expensive machines with diesel engines "greener" and thus save essential resources? We introduce three companies and do the future check: What are the prospects for the coming years?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 24th, 2021 | 08:45 CET

K+S, Desert Gold Ventures, Encavis - Buy before others do!

  • Gold

"The profit is in the purchase." Or so says an old merchant's rule. There are a few more facets to it in stock investments like time horizon and performance. A long-term oriented, perhaps also anti-cyclically thinking investor does not get gray hairs if it takes longer for his investment idea to work out. In contrast, timing plays a vital role for traders or short-term oriented investors. For institutional investors, the question of where their performance lies in comparison to the benchmark is often decisive. We introduce you to three exciting companies that are currently on the move. Where is the greatest potential lurking?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 24th, 2021 | 08:45 CET

Home Depot, RYU Apparel, Lufthansa - Is the bubble bursting now?

  • Investments

It seems as if Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte gave the starting signal for a sharp correction in technology stocks as well as for cryptocurrencies over the weekend. The Group CEO expressed concern about the issue of financial market stability. He said the situation, especially in the stock markets, resembles the situation before the crash of 2008 and the crash of 2000. Stock market legend Jim Cramer also said on Monday that investors should swap expensive tech companies for cheaper, traditional companies that ride the wave of economic recovery. We will see if the current correction heralds a longer trend.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 24th, 2021 | 08:32 CET

SKRR Exploration, Barrick Gold, Northern Data: The values are raised here

  • Gold

Mining is a straightforward industry: You dig until you find something, then hope to sell what you find so that all costs are covered and some profit is left over. The search for raw materials does not depend on luck or chance. Companies do important preliminary work to estimate potentials and thus help luck a little. Even when it comes to mining cryptocurrencies, it's no longer just a matter of leaving the PC running overnight. We highlight three stocks that are lifting values for you.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 24th, 2021 | 08:29 CET

Saturn Oil & Gas, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Plug Power - The oil specialists!

  • Oil

Oil prices are currently moving at the upper edge of the annual range. In the case of oil, market participants expect a pioneering indication of the economy's state after Corona. Price buoyancy came once again from the US, where freezing winter weather led to logistical problems in the oil supply. There is a general trend of rising commodity prices, and successively all segments are affected. Commodity experts at the US investment bank Goldman Sachs expect oil prices to rise further in the coming months. Accordingly, the Brent price could rise to USD 70 per barrel in the second quarter and reach USD 75 in the summer months. Goldman Sachs has thus raised its previous forecast by USD 10 per barrel.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 23rd, 2021 | 09:25 CET

wallstreet:online, TeamViewer, HelloFresh - Internet Boom 3.0, the list of winners!

  • Investments

When the dotcom boom took its course at the turn of the millennium, many immature and unpromising business models came onto the market. Over time, the winners established themselves and delivered their proof of concept. Working models and mobile applications revolutionized the application layer - the Internet became ubiquitous, useful and offered many complementary applications for daily life. A selection of companies are now riding the third wave on the Internet - the so-called pandemic wave. These business models show their strengths primarily in the areas of life currently in the spotlight: Remote Banking, Distant Working and Food Delivery. We take a look at the cards of three successful protagonists.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 23rd, 2021 | 09:20 CET

TUI, Marble Financial, Zalando - Does it work?

  • Investments

The customer is king! Here, desire and reality sometimes diverge quite a bit. Companies that know, understand and fulfill their customers and their customers' wishes have a greater chance of operating profitably. We introduce you to three companies that focus on very different target groups. The question arises: happy customers = happy shareholders? We will tell you where the equation works out.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 22nd, 2021 | 20:43 CET

BYD, Aspermont, Commerzbank - The models of the future

  • Electromobility

Big data and data mining are becoming increasingly important in society today. Data is not referred to as the "gold of the 21st century" for nothing. Companies that are active in these sectors, such as the US data analysis Company Palantir Securities, already have stock market values of around USD 50 billion. There is currently a major transformation from a pure publishing company to a digital company in the media sector. One Company, which we present to you, is already one step ahead.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 22nd, 2021 | 09:23 CET

PayPal, Upco International, Square - Digital Payments: Continuing disruptive potential!

  • Online

Mobile payments include all forms of cashless payment using mobile devices when shopping online or at traditional sales outlets. Digital payments subsume all transactions that are processed via the Internet and are directly related to online purchases. Various payment methods can be used, such as credit cards or online payment service providers like PayPal. According to Statista, the global volume of digital payments will amount to almost EUR 6,000 billion (!) in 2021, increasing a good 20% over the previous year. Mobile payments, in particular, still have huge potential. Worldwide, less than 1/5 of all users use cell phones for payments. Do you want to bet on the continuing high disruptive growth potential of the industry?
