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Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 1st, 2021 | 10:05 CET

JinkoSolar, NIO, Almonty - Rare metals, these are the buying opportunities!

  • Tungsten

The Purchasing Managers' Index (EMI) for the manufacturing sector in China measures the industrial sector's current situation. In the financial markets, this survey of purchasing managers and company heads is considered one of the most influential economic indicators because it shows the country's economic performance from several angles at an early stage. Yesterday, Sunday, this index came with a value of 50.6 - expected was 51.1, the last value was 51.3. If you think in categories of an imminent recovery to Corona, you will be slightly disappointed with this figure. After all, a value below 50 indicates recessionary tendencies - and China is not far from this mark.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 1st, 2021 | 09:57 CET

Vonovia, Pollux Properties, Deutsche Wohnen: Building a portfolio on a solid foundation

  • RealEstate

If you invest your money in the stock market, you can withstand fluctuations. It's part of the game and indispensable if you want to earn returns over the long term. Often, a position runs against us at the beginning, only to turn significantly positive. This scenario is especially true in turbulent times. But it is also possible that portfolios are too speculative after months of a bull market. Here, real estate can provide stability. We present three real estate shares in the check.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 1st, 2021 | 09:48 CET

E.ON, Defense Metals, SAP - Outperform with strong sustainability companies!

  • ESG

Sustainable investments play an increasingly important, sometimes decisive role for asset managers and institutional asset management. The embedding of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) criteria in the corporate philosophy of the "money multipliers" and in particular in the process of investing money serves to differentiate from the competition, to improve risk management, to open up new business areas and to act in anticipation of possible EU regulations. For listed companies, this means making themselves attractive to investors through a transparent and comprehensive ESG policy. Several examples show that investors can outperform the broad market with ESG stocks. We present three promising investments.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 1st, 2021 | 09:40 CET

Plug Power, Blackrock Gold, Barrick Gold - These are the brands that matter!

  • Gold

Commodities are exploding. Industrial metals such as copper are rushing from one multi-year high to the next. Due to the high metal demand of a low-carbon economy, the US investment house JP Morgan has already declared a new supercycle. Meanwhile, one commodity is correcting: Gold. Optimism about a substantial recovery of the global economy is growing, and uncertainties are decreasing. The correction is likely to continue in the short term, but the calls for the safe haven are getting louder again in the longer term.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 26th, 2021 | 08:33 CET

Varta, Nevada Copper, Xiaomi - Electromobility & Innovation: Power duo for rising share prices!

  • Copper

The electromobility sector is said to have bright prospects. Closely linked to this is the question of intelligent and efficient forms of energy storage. Innovations are often the deciding factor in leaving competitors behind and generating higher margins and profits. One should not forget the "ingredients" for success, these being raw materials such as copper. We present three power stocks for your portfolio.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 26th, 2021 | 08:25 CET

REVEZ, Alibaba, Tencent: Digitization Made in Asia!

  • Software

Rumors are swirling about the strange short-squeeze. Some politicians in the US suspect Chinese Internet giants behind the GameStop hype. Even under Donald Trump, attempts had been made to ban Tencent's wonder app WeChat in the US. Even a ban on buying the stock for US investors was discussed at times. But then, fortunately, the decision was made in favor of the principles of the free market economy. After all, the discussion also coincided with the handover of office to Biden. Whether Biden will follow a similarly challenging course with China as his predecessor remains an open book because there are few foreign policy pronouncements at present.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 26th, 2021 | 07:30 CET

GameStop, Triumph Gold, Nikola - the madness continues!

  • Gold

The battle continues. Good against evil. Large hedge funds bet on falling prices while Internet users of the Reddit platform hold against it. There are probably only a few winners. After GameStop's share price rose by over 1000% at the beginning of the year, it collapsed like a house of cards. However, the game goes on with GameStop and other stocks touted on Reddit in the "WallStreetBets" forum.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 25th, 2021 | 11:43 CET

BIGG Digital Assets, Palantir, Baidu: Crypto and Big Data - invest in the future!

  • Bitcoin

The crypto world is evolving rapidly and with volatility. The latest continuous firing is now coming from big companies like Tesla, who are using the run on cryptocurrencies as a marketing tool to serve their own purposes. Elon Musk must now be called the "Magician of the Markets." He is the dazzling entrepreneur who throws entire industries into turmoil. His flagship Tesla is now investing proprietary money in Bitcoin, and at the same time, buying a Tesla vehicle using Bitcoin is possible. The perfect ring closure in a market that just can't seem to settle down. We take a look at companies that are making good progress with the crypto world and the topic of Big Data so far.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 25th, 2021 | 11:28 CET

NIO, Silver Viper, BYD: E-car investors should think outside the box

  • Silver

Electromobility is turning industries upside down, much more than many think. It has long been known that electric cars rely on lithium and copper. It is also an open secret that Chinese manufacturers now have a competitive advantage in electromobility and that manufacturers such as BYD and NIO are rightly being hyped. However, in this article, we will look at why silver can be an alternative for investors with a weakness for e-car stocks. But first, let's look at an auto stock that has it all.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 25th, 2021 | 09:42 CET

Nel ASA, Enapter, JinkoSolar - Hydrogen: this is going too far!

  • Hydrogen

There is no question that the future belongs to the hydrogen industry, just as it does to the solar industry. The prospects for renewable energies have improved enormously as a result of climate change. The European Union is pushing ahead as part of the Green Deal, as is the new US President Joe Biden, who wants to achieve an emission-free industry by 2050 at the latest. The result has been two years of hype in share prices, which already contain many future dreams. Now the values are correcting sharply. Is this an end to the exaggerated valuations or merely a short, sharp correction in the upward trend?
