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Commented by Nico Popp on March 10th, 2021 | 09:27 CET

BioNTech, CureVac, Cardiol Therapeutics: Biotech rockets off the launchpad

  • Biotechnology

We all know that health is the greatest good. But it is only the last year or so that we've become fully aware of the fact that everything changes during a pandemic. Work, family, leisure time - no area of life is not currently under the influence of Covid-19. But even if lockdown fatigue is slowly but surely setting in, investors should remain wide awake. In many sectors, the course is currently being set for the future - especially in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Reason enough to take a closer look at these three stocks.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 10th, 2021 | 09:05 CET

K+S, Almonty Industries, ThyssenKrupp - revaluation underway, still cheap to get in!

  • Tungsten

Many facets of stock market activity are exciting. Situations in which companies are re-evaluated and investors get in early enough are not only exciting but extremely lucrative. It is essentially about the Company venturing into new territory or getting back on its feet after restructuring and the potential not yet being priced into the share price for a long time. We present three shares where the revaluation is underway and where there is still great potential.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 9th, 2021 | 10:56 CET

Square, Marble Financial, Commerzbank - Now the banking and finance stocks are going

  • Investments

When bull market movements persist and tech and hype topics have all run back and forth, one likes to remember an often neglected stock market segment: banking and financial stocks. These stocks are mostly called late cyclicals because, in a typical upswing scenario, the banks' original growth financing takes place first under high risks. Only when the economy does well again does the transaction volume increase on both the credit and asset sides. Of course, companies that participate in payment transactions always exist. Let's see which financial stocks are currently convincing.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 9th, 2021 | 10:23 CET

SAP, Aspermont, IBM - Disruptive changes through digitization: Recognize potentials and act in time!

  • Investments

In 1996, Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote an essay entitled "Content is King". In it, he assumed that the emerging Internet would develop into a marketplace for content in the years to come. He was right but did not take into account the users' low willingness to pay and the resulting importance for advertising. And this is where other companies such as Google came out on top. As digital transformation has progressed, however, a trend in the other direction has become apparent in recent years: The introduction of flat rates (Spotify, Netflix), cloud solutions (iCloud, Google Drive) and anything-as-a-service models (e.g., software: Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office 365) is encouraging people to pay for content if they receive reliability, up-to-dateness and ease of use in return - provided, of course, that the price/performance ratio is perceived as reasonable. The following companies have a unique opportunity to benefit from the power of transformation.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 9th, 2021 | 07:25 CET

BYD, wallstreet:online, Xiaomi - This is a huge opportunity!

  • Investments

The real economies have been in a deep recession since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In contrast, the stock market, especially technology stocks, celebrated one high after another. Now, the beneficiaries of the crisis, such as Amazon and Zoom, are correcting more strongly for the first time. Shares from booming sectors such as hydrogen or electromobility are suffering disproportionately. Did the bubble start to burst now, or was this just a correction in the upward trend, which will then lead to several new highs again?


Commented by Nico Popp on March 9th, 2021 | 07:20 CET

Nornickel, Kodiak Copper, BHP Billiton: From general stores to specialists

  • Copper

While precious metals have been consolidating for months, copper prices continue to climb. Most recently, copper started a new upward movement at the end of February and is now more expensive than it has been for decades. What is the reason for this? On the one hand, copper has always been a sought-after industrial metal. Whenever investments are made in infrastructure worldwide, copper climbs. At the same time, copper benefits from the high demand from the automotive industry. Every electric car contains around three times more copper than conventional combustion engines. We highlight three stocks that can benefit from the copper boom.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 9th, 2021 | 07:15 CET

BYD, BioNTech, Kleos Space: A new trend starts here

  • Space

If you want to be successful on the stock market, you have to back those shares with prospects. Although an intact upward trend suggests that a story will be well received on the market, the fall height also increases with the price. Investors have recently had to experience this pain, especially with shares in the field of electromobility or hydrogen. Even vaccine hopefuls such as BioNTech have lost ground. Let us show you how the trend stocks are faring and which sector is only at the beginning of its trend!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 8th, 2021 | 11:08 CET

Barrick Gold, Varta, Osino Resources - Into the Fallen Angels!

  • Gold

For more than 6 months now, the gold correction continues. The high of USD 2,075 in August 2020 went down in waves until a cyclical low of USD 1,687 was reached last week. The trigger was the inflation warnings celebrated by Fed Chairman Powell, which sent the US bond market into the basement. The 30-year US bond (long T-bond) has now lost a full 10 points in price since October 2020, and the yield currently stands at 2.31%. Inflation bells ring at yields above 2.50% - so the distance to the signal line is no longer too great. If the ghost of inflation returns, the precious metals are likely to jump.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 8th, 2021 | 10:59 CET

AT&T, Altria Group, Q&M Dental - Dividend hunters, watch out!

  • Investments

We live in uncertain times. And not just since Covid-19 came on the scene. Even before that, interest rates were at rock bottom thanks to the central banks' flood of money. Alternative return concepts were needed: cryptocurrencies, tokens, ICOs, etc. If all this is too hot for you, you might want to think about something that has always promised a sustainable return: the dividend. With dividend yields around 5% or above, the following stocks are attractive securities for every wallet from an investor's perspective.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 8th, 2021 | 10:30 CET

Everfuel, Revez, Merck KGaA - Profiting from the future of the Internet!

  • Software

The new, normal world will change in all industries. It is moving away from offline and stationary and moving towards more hybrid and online solutions. Stationary retail will inevitably start the hybrid Click & Collect program from tomorrow. The home office move requires more features such as sophisticated video conferencing systems, but this also increases the need for better security online. A pioneer in these business areas combines all the needs of the digital age in one hub.
