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Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 7th, 2021 | 09:40 CEST

SunMirror, Varta, Akasol, IBU-tec - The new batteries are coming fast!

  • Metals

The industry is now overflowing with pronouncements on electric mobility! The USD 2 trillion infrastructure plan unveiled by Joe Biden includes allocating hundreds of billions of dollars for measures against the vexing climate change. According to estimates by the renowned investment house Raymond James, the funds earmarked for climate spending total USD 628 billion, including USD 174 billion for research into electric mobility and another USD 100 billion to rehabilitate the USA's ailing power grid. Reason enough for us to take a closer look at metal and battery stocks.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 7th, 2021 | 09:30 CEST

BYD, Kodiak Copper, Varta - Buying rate?

  • Copper

Electromobility, energy and digitalization are continuing as a trend. Even if some prices have run hot in the meantime, the current price consolidation offers tempting entry opportunities. With the three shares presented, investors can bet on different facets of the trend. Which stock offers the most significant potential?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 7th, 2021 | 09:12 CEST

Deutsche Telekom, RYU Apparel, TeamViewer - Do not philosophize for long - get it!

  • Investments

In one of his interviews, stock market veteran André Kostolany once said that he had a wish - knowing full well that it would never come true. Kostolany wished to understand the motives of all buyers and sellers one day. Because for him, short-term action and the reasons behind it were puzzling. There are many answers to the question of what is important or right in investing. We present three investments to you, which may correspond to your ideas.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 7th, 2021 | 09:10 CEST

Palantir, wallstreet:online, NanoRepro - Profit from the correction!

  • Investments

The correction in most technology stocks last month was short and painful. Stocks in sectors that have been hyped in recent months, such as hydrogen, electromobility and e-commerce, lost more than half of their market value at their peak. The most important price barometer for high-tech stocks, the Nasdaq 100, corrected from over 13,800 points to just under 12,200 points at its low. Since then, a dynamic countermovement has set in, which should soon lead to new highs. Take your chance now to invest in attractive stocks!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 6th, 2021 | 11:04 CEST

Scottie Resources, Barrick Gold, ThyssenKrupp - These stocks are taking off!

  • Gold

With each political message, the gold price fluctuates as rarely before. Since January, the trend has been down again after the August 2020 high of USD 2,074; it is now at least USD 350 lower again. Investors' risk appetite is robust because stocks and cryptocurrencies are in demand, while bonds and precious metals are currently somewhat neglected. Selling pressure in the bond markets has recently pushed the ten-year US yield to a 14-month high of over 1.77%. The selling pressure in precious metals is having a particularly negative impact on the world's largest gold ETF, SPDR Gold Shares, whose gold holdings have fallen from 1,171 to 1,038 tons since the turn of the year. However, because the mass is usually not correct, this rather implies an imminent recovery. In the following, we take a brief look at promising stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 6th, 2021 | 10:22 CEST

Sierra Growth, BYD, Ballard Power - Copper versus hydrogen!

  • Copper

Emission-free mobility - who will make the race? In the last 3 weeks, there have been strong movements in battery metals. Nickel almost doubled to USD 19,500 within 12 months, followed by a correction to USD 16,000 in April. Copper fared better. Here the price fell back from USD 9,500 to USD 8,750. However, the gain over the year for both metals is still just under 100%. In the first quarter of 2021, there was a jolt in the development towards e-mobility because VW blew the big attack against Tesla. After all, VW sells 10 times more cars than its Californian competitor, and now the battle for electric customers is really getting underway...


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 6th, 2021 | 09:53 CEST

Square, Marble Financial, Commerzbank - Generating high returns with innovations!

  • Investments

Innovation meets the financial industry. The terms fintech, proptech or insuretech, are often associated with it. The common denominator: technological innovations meet fields of application in established industries. Whether mass-market or niche, the new solutions often have the potential to shake up the industry. Usually, it is David versus Goliath. However, history also holds other possible scenarios in store. Sometimes the two cooperate, or an established player takes over the newcomer. We present three exciting stocks below. Who has the greatest potential?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 6th, 2021 | 07:30 CEST

Xiaomi, Pollux Properties, Deutsche Telekom - Strong development!

  • Investments

Delayed vaccination programs, hard lockdown, empty city centers - The DAX has become immune to the uncertain outlook and chaotic crisis management in Germany. At 15,000 points, a new all-time high was climbed last week. The stock market lights continue to be green, both in terms of the chart and fundamentals. The reason for this is the positive developments in the United States. The vaccination marathon, where every adult US citizen is to receive a vaccination offer by the end of May, is to be followed by a gigantic economic stimulus program to revive the economy. These developments should boost the leading stock exchanges on Wall Street and carry the European markets along with them.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 6th, 2021 | 07:24 CEST

BYD, Silkroad Nickel, Nornickel: Who will profit from the electric boom?

  • Nickel

Visionaries often stand alone at the beginning of their journey. When Tesla invited German journalists to test drives sometime around 2011, the "electric car" project was still a vision of the future. But already after this press event, something had changed in the public's consciousness. The incredible acceleration of the first Tesla Roadster put a smile on the faces of all test drivers. Even the biggest doubters were at least appeased and interested in what was still to come from Tesla. The rest is history. Today, companies like Volkswagen and Daimler are also emulating Elon Musk's visionaries. But for electromobility to become mainstream, it depends not only on innovative manufacturers of electric cars but also on the supply of raw materials. We present three companies.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 1st, 2021 | 11:15 CEST

JinkoSolar, Goldseek Resources, Barrick Gold - Is this the bottom?

  • Gold

Currently, many technology stocks are facing important marks after the correction. Will the loss be extended, or will the stocks resume their upward course in the still existing upward trend? Gold is also running up against a decisive mark at the moment. If it breaks through, the bear market and a clearing phase lasting for months are imminent. If the support holds, the old highs could well be surpassed this year.
