Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 11th, 2022 | 12:23 CET
K+S, Edison Lithium, BASF - Explosives for the stock markets
Inflation is rising sharply, and there is uncertainty due to the increasing geopolitical tensions with sanctions, which are supposed to hit Russia in particular but are having a one-to-one impact on our wallets. For example, energy prices are rising enormously, with gasoline increasing by more than 50 cents at the pump within a few days. The switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources will take time, but it will almost certainly not be cheaper. The price of lithium alone, an elementary metal for electric mobility, has quadrupled since the summer of last year. The primary beneficiaries of the runaway inflation are undoubtedly the producers of the in-demand raw materials.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on March 9th, 2022 | 10:06 CET
Is this how Kostolany would invest? BASF, Globex Mining, Gazprom
War only knows losers. On the stock exchange, however, things look a little different. The stock market reflects tomorrow's changes today and ensures the allocation of capital. When money flows from one sector to another, opportunities also arise for investors. Those who bet on the right horse at the right time, win. Those who make the mistake of betting on the high flyers of the past may experience a financial Waterloo.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on February 8th, 2022 | 12:43 CET
Deutsche Telekom, Memiontec, BASF: Substance for discerning investors
Investment depends on a healthy mix of growth and substance. Particularly in times of rising inflation and increasing distortions in the economy, more investors are once again opting for conservative investments. The advantages: Quite often, regular dividends and robust figures. Above all, the economic moat much cited by value investors can pay off in these times. We present three shares and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on January 26th, 2022 | 11:01 CET
Bayer, MAS Gold, BASF: 5.7% dividend? These intrinsic values score now!
According to capital market strategist Ulrich Stephan from Deutsche Bank, substantial stocks could have an advantage in the upcoming market phase. The reason: When interest rates rise, the refinancing costs for growth companies increase significantly, as they usually do not write any or few profits. Reason enough to take a closer look at two of the best-known German substance companies and ask whether there are also growth stocks with substance.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on January 19th, 2022 | 13:14 CET
Novavax, Meta Materials, BASF - Innovations offer great return opportunities
Companies that provide innovations to solve existing problems are ideal investment targets. Filtering out suitable candidates is the most critical task for an investor. Some products require little explanation. For companies developing advanced technologies, patents can give an indication of the Company's future prospects. In any case, the market that the products can serve should be analyzed. Today, we look at three innovative companies.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on January 10th, 2022 | 12:02 CET
Trading stocks in focus: Aspermont, BASF, BioNTech
At the beginning of the week, the DAX is currently trading around 0.19% down at 15,939 points and thus remains below the psychological mark of 16,000 points. The MDAX recently traded again below the 35,000 mark at 34,804 points (-0.52%), TexDAX at 3,653 points (-1.50%) and SDAX at 15,936 points with 1.06% in the red. Overall, the indices had given back their initial gains from the start of trading and are trading in negative territory in the morning.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on January 5th, 2022 | 11:10 CET
Avoiding penalties with Bayer, MAS Gold and BASF
According to the "Allianz Global Wealth Report", global financial assets have grown strongly. Private households alone had gross financial assets of over EUR 200 trillion worldwide in the past year, representing an increase of almost 10% compared to the previous year. The reason for the high savings rate was mainly the uncertainty surrounding the Corona pandemic. Now, with punitive interest rates and rising inflation, there are renewed threats to citizens' assets. One way out would be to invest in precious metals and build up long-term equity positions, primarily in the value sector.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on January 3rd, 2022 | 09:00 CET
Meta Materials, BASF, Nvidia - Win with innovative companies in 2022!
The protection of intellectual property through patents is crucial for innovative companies. According to data from the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office), patent applications in artificial intelligence have recently risen sharply. Exciting developments are also taking place in materials management. New materials have a high disruptive potential.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on December 29th, 2021 | 10:15 CET
BASF, Meta Materials, Siemens Gamesa - Significant acceleration
The stock market year 2021, an extremely successful one, is almost history. As expected, due to the Corona pandemic, vaccine manufacturers such as BioNTech, Moderna and Valneva are among the new stock market stars. In the technology sector, chip manufacturers such as Nvidia and AMD performed particularly well, boosted by the shortage of semiconductors. Which themes will dominate the coming stock market year? In addition to cloud computing and artificial intelligence, companies focusing on new materials essential for the future are likely to benefit.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on December 21st, 2021 | 13:24 CET
Standard Lithium, Altech Advanced Materials, BASF - The super battery for 2022!
Whether e-mobility, aircraft technology or renewable energies, virtually all high-tech segments are looking for a suitable energy storage device. The development driver is climate protection, which will put mobility and energy generation and distribution on a new footing in the future. More environmentally friendly battery production processes are required to bring e-mobility to a level of efficiency similar to the most modern diesel technology, as well as a significant increase in performance with a simultaneous extension of service life. After all, what good is it if a vehicle eliminates emissions during operation but creates multiple pollutions during production and disposal of the energy cell? We highlight some of the companies at the heart of the technical revolution.