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Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 7th, 2021 | 10:45 CEST

Mineworx Technologies, BASF, Nestlé - Circular economy investment idea

  • Investments

Everything is finite, every material and every raw material. Here is where the idea of a circular economy comes in. The aim is to develop a regenerative system in which resource use and waste production, emissions, and energy waste are minimized by slowing down, reducing, and closing energy and material cycles. The following three companies are all involved in the circular economy in different ways. Shareholders can also benefit from this.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 26th, 2021 | 09:36 CEST

White Metal Resources, BASF, K+S: How to react to 4% inflation

  • Commodities

As reported by Handelsblatt, the German Bundesbank expects an inflation rate of up to 4% by year-end. Within the eurozone, for which the central bank ECB is responsible, it could be well over 2%. This mixed situation is particularly tricky for Germans. While inflation in Germany is already very high, the lower price momentum within the eurozone could ensure that the ECB leaves its money floodgates open for even longer. In the long term, this could encourage inflation to overshoot. How can investors react to this? We present three stocks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 21st, 2021 | 10:44 CEST

BASF, White Metal Resources, Deutsche Telekom - The winners of future trends

  • Mining

By 2025, there will be around 1.5 billion vehicles on the road worldwide. This figure is alarming since today we have to contend with rising air pollution and the consequences of climate change. However, the energy transition, which is being accelerated more and more by both politics and business, will increasingly require scarce raw materials and novel technologies. These requirements give rise to young companies that will benefit in the long term from rising sales and bubbling profits.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 7th, 2021 | 13:11 CEST

Kodiak Copper, BASF, Varta - Copper study ignored

  • Copper

The International Copper Study Group (ICSG) sees a slight oversupply of the copper market in 2021 and 2022. The main reason for this is said to be dwindling Chinese demand. The demand is decreasing because China is expanding mine production and copper refining by about 3% each. After the study's publication, the price per ton of copper rose again to over USD 10,000. Possibly driven by the news from Chile, which produced 2.2% less copper than last year. Similar news can be heard from other major copper producing countries such as Peru. Copper concentrate supply is low at the moment. We, therefore, look at one copper explorer, one copper producer and one consumer.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 3rd, 2021 | 07:32 CEST

Steinhoff International, Aspermont, BASF - Things are moving mightily!

  • Investments

The power of the media as opinion leaders has once again been demonstrated during the Corona Crisis. But the media have changed in recent years. Whereas it used to be enough to announce a "news" item in the daily print edition, nowadays, news outlets are firing from all guns. On social networks like Twitter, YouTube or Facebook, the press is omnipresent and, whether we like it or not, fires us with the most important information throughout the day. The multi-channel strategy will open up new sources of revenue, recently unknown, which will significantly increase the value of companies.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 30th, 2021 | 08:40 CEST

BASF, Saturn Oil & Gas, K+S: Three stocks for a yield kick

  • Oil

Investors who want to add a few yield drivers to their portfolio have several options. In addition to solid blue chips, which offer little share price excitement but steady dividends, investors can also focus on growth stocks and small caps. Although there are always those who categorically rule out growth stocks for cautious investors, this is not entirely true. Those who control risk via position size can also invest speculatively without having to abandon their fundamental strategy.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 12th, 2021 | 11:43 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, BASF - Fuel for the portfolio: lots of good news!

  • Oil

Opinions on the markets about where the oil price will stand in the short, medium and long term are becoming increasingly diverse. But there is also a lot happening strategically and operationally, which is easily lost in the jumble of information. Last week, British oil giant BP reported that it would reach its planned net debt target much earlier - as early as the first quarter. The highlight: The Group announced that it would again be buying back a large number of shares when it reached its target. How does Moody's rating change fit into the picture with an upgrade for the short-term and a downgrade for the long-term outlook? Below, we will take a closer look at the BP share, BASF's oil and gas shareholding developments and Wintershall Dea and its stock market plans. Also exciting is the opportunity presented by emerging Canadian oil and gas producer Saturn, which could enter a new dimension with a takeover.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 14th, 2021 | 18:34 CET

BASF, Bayer, Enapter: From top dogs to young guns

  • Hydrogen

When it comes to chemical products or other engineering services, the Germans are not easily outdone. Although emerging companies worldwide are sometimes hyped on the stock market, in practice, the motto is often still: Germany first! But it's not always dull corporations like BASF or Bayer that cause a sensation - there are now also innovative players from Germany, like Enapter in the hydrogen sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 28th, 2020 | 09:45 CET

BASF, Lufthansa, Triumph Gold - Watch out for the end of the year!

  • Investments

After months of tough negotiations, the UK and the EU are on the verge of a historic trade deal. However, we still face some hurdles in the British and European parliaments. No one wants a "no-deal" exit - the UK has already extremely sidelined itself with its tract, and the British pound reflects the skeptical view of the markets. Now that an agreement is within reach, it must be written into law. The British government has announced that it will call MPs to Parliament on 30 Dec for the last heavy day of work to vote on the rulebook. However, according to the UK's chief Brexit negotiator David Frost, MPs are still waiting for the agreement's full text to be published soon. It seems like the MPs will have to hold a blind vote. Our guess: it won't work!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 23rd, 2020 | 09:01 CET

Linde, Royal Helium, BASF - Explosive news this year?

  • Helium

A wide range of applications is leading to increased demand for various gases and chemical compounds. Hydrogen is a prominent example, and the shares of companies in this sector are booming. Investors should also take a look at industrial gases and helium. Helium is used in medical technology and in the production of high-tech products. We present three promising companies.
