Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 29th, 2022 | 12:20 CEST
BASF, Standard Lithium, Almonty Industries, BYD - Industrial shares in focus: Now it matters!
Poland and Bulgaria no longer receive gas from Russia because they cannot pay in hard rubles. Feat: No one has larger stocks of this exotic currency because until now, all energy deliveries could be paid for in foreign currency. The situation has reached a new level of escalation between the Russian government and resource-hungry Central Europe. With further arms deliveries, this political issue will become even more acute. We look at existing dependencies and the dangers for German industrial stocks.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on April 20th, 2022 | 10:29 CEST
The million-dollar opportunity: Valneva, Edgemont Gold, BASF
No one can see into the future. But investors can estimate which topics will move share prices in the near future. There is not always a connection between what is important and what is played out in the media. Issues such as climate change are timeless but disappear from the front pages from time to time. It is currently a similar situation with the pandemic. We dare to take a look into the future and ask what could move prices this summer.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on April 15th, 2022 | 12:14 CEST
Barrick Gold, Barsele Minerals, BASF - Investing in scarcity: 3 B-shares with potential
The risks on the capital markets are increasing, as can be seen in the volatility indices. They were around 18 before the invasion of Ukraine and rose to over 35 by mid-March. The volatility index measures the range of fluctuation expected by the futures markets in the coming months. If we follow this indication, we could still be in for a tough summer. Possibly significantly lower again but, with the desired political easing, also a little upward similarly. However, investors need to be aware of the exploding inflation, the tight commodity markets and the supply chain problem. These are ongoing issues that will not pass anytime soon. The following values could provide some stability.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on April 13th, 2022 | 18:02 CEST
A crisis here, an opportunity there: BASF, Almonty, Plug Power
Quarterly figures and many upcoming annual general meetings will bring to light what has been somewhat abstractly clear for weeks: many industrial companies are in serious danger. Yesterday it became known that the Russian army is said to have sprayed an unknown substance over Mariupol. If it was poison gas, the West would be forced to react. It cannot be ruled out that oil from Russia will be the next to be hit. Just how dependent companies like BASF are on Russian energy recently became clear. We examine three stocks and their opportunities and risks in this market phase.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on April 11th, 2022 | 19:08 CEST
BASF, Meta Materials, Varta - A huge new market is emerging here!
Science fiction or soon a reality? Metamaterials are artificial materials with specific optical, magnetic or electrical properties that do not exist in nature. These tiny innovative materials can be used in a wide variety of ways. A well-known example is stealth technology. Metamaterials can change the refractive index of light and thus guide the light around an object. The industry is still some way from mass production, but experts estimate that will soon change. As early as 2030, the market is expected to be worth USD 11 billion, with a strong upward trend.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on April 6th, 2022 | 10:28 CEST
BASF, First Hydrogen, Nel - These developments are crucial!
A functioning energy supply influences the prosperity of society and our everyday lives. Security of supply and "affordable" energy prices currently present major challenges. Renewable energies are expected to provide most electricity and energy consumption within the next decades. Green hydrogen is also likely to play an important role. However, high oil and gas prices are placing an enormous burden on consumers and industry in the short term. Inflation continues to grow. How can investors position themselves?
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on April 5th, 2022 | 12:10 CEST
New major trend determines share prices: BASF, Saturn Oil + Gas, Nordex
Those who invest along major trends ride the waves of the market with a tailwind. Trends such as population growth or digitization are here to stay and have far-reaching consequences - even if there is another slight dip in economic development. A new major trend is emerging that is something like the answer to globalization. We remember: For decades, people celebrated economic networking and the division of labor. Many economies, as well as companies, became specialized. But with the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the golden age of globalization is over: regionalization and autarky are on the agenda instead. We explain what this means using three companies as examples.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on April 4th, 2022 | 12:21 CEST
BASF, Defense Metals, Rheinmetall - Shares that depend on rare earths
The Ukraine crisis has shown us how dependent we are on Russian energy imports. The German government now wants to step on the gas pedal even more for renewable energies. The problem is that new technologies such as electric vehicles or wind turbines almost always require rare earths. But rare earths are not only needed there; the defense industry needs these raw materials to optimize steel or as magnets in a wide variety of weapons technologies. But rare earths are also present in the household, in smartphones, notebooks and many other technological devices. Today we take a look at three companies around rare earths.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on April 1st, 2022 | 12:44 CEST
Glencore, Nevada Copper, BASF - Extreme fantasy in these shares
Copper is needed everywhere, especially now due to the energy transition. An electric car, for example, requires up to 4 times more copper than a vehicle with a combustion engine. The production of a wind turbine requires 30 tons of copper per turbine, including a connection to the power grid. Meanwhile, prices are exploding, with 1 ton of the red metal already costing over USD 10,300. The trend is likely to continue in the longer term. The primary beneficiaries of this super cycle, besides copper producers, are attractive exploration companies.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on March 14th, 2022 | 11:24 CET
BASF, Globex Mining, Deutsche Post - Undervalued stocks belong in the portfolio
At the moment, there are many hot spots on the stock exchange, not only the Ukraine crisis, inflation or the Corona pandemic but also the expected interest rate hikes. The latter are announced for next Wednesday, March 16. But will the rate hike come while the Ukraine conflict is smoldering? Embargoes of the Western countries burden their own economy, and at the same time, Russia threatens with a stop of energy exports, which are partially not yet suspended. The Corona numbers are rising again, and Karl Lauterbach has warned of a summer wave. Inflation is rising all the time. All these factors have caused some stocks to collapse that are worth investing in now. We take a look at three stocks that we believe are undervalued.