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Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 25th, 2022 | 11:26 CEST

Varta, Barsele Minerals, Nel ASA - Hard-hitting announcements from analysts

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Hydrogen
  • Investments

The suspense is rising - the third quarter number season is open. It will be interesting to see how companies from various sectors have performed in the months from July to September despite imponderables such as rising raw material and energy costs and the global economic downturn. Due to the partly horrendous share price losses in recent months, interesting buying opportunities could arise at a cheaper level, which should promise high price gains in the long term.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 21st, 2022 | 11:03 CEST

100% chance with ThyssenKrupp, Varta, Tocvan Ventures and Nel ASA: Lay the foundation for the future now!

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • GreenTech
  • Batteries
  • Hydrogen

Currently, the daily news is not a source of much joy. However, there are opportunities in many of the reports that can quickly turn into cash after the current correction. It seems crucial to focus on stocks that, despite an adverse environment, keep their medium-term goals in mind and can demonstrate a robust business model. Here are some examples showing long-term development potential.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 20th, 2022 | 13:01 CEST

Shares: Porsche does it like Tesla - Varta is not there, and Infinity Stone Ventures?

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Batteries
  • Electromobility

E-car specialists like BYD and Tesla have had them for a long time: their own gigafactories. German automakers have long neglected their own battery production. It is surprising because, with electromobility, energy storage is becoming the heart of every car. Here in Germany, Porsche is now stepping on the gas and accelerating the development of its battery production. This could become a model for the entire VW Group. Unfortunately, German battery hopeful Varta is again not involved in the project. The Company seems to be making no headway in its search for partners. No matter who builds the batteries, companies like Infinity Stone Ventures stand to benefit. The specialist for critical raw materials is currently stepping on the gas in its projects, and the positive newsflow should continue.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 12th, 2022 | 12:34 CEST

Is electric refueling getting more and more expensive? There are solutions! Mercedes-Benz, Altech Advanced Materials, Varta

  • Electromobility
  • Technology

Diesel is unlikely to cost less than EUR 2 per litre anytime soon. But at least modern combustion engines are considered efficient and flexible. Current media reports about electricity costs at charging stations for e-cars show a different picture. Some providers are shamelessly exploiting the shortage of charging stations and rising energy prices. Prices of EUR 0.70 per kilowatt hour are not uncommon at public charging stations. Those who fill up a lot in public areas often pay more for electromobility than for driving a combustion engine. But what does this mean for the trend toward electric driving?


Commented by Armin Schulz on October 10th, 2022 | 12:16 CEST

Plug Power, Pathfinder Ventures, Varta - Which shares are a bargain?

  • Camping
  • Digitization
  • greenhydrogen
  • Batteries

On Friday, October 7, the nervousness of investors on the stock markets could be felt again. Large parts of the gains from the beginning of the week were given back. The fear of recession, rising interest rates, and inflation still prevail. For this reason, there are also well-performing companies whose shares are nevertheless dragged down by the overall market. In some cases, there are real exaggerations, and investors can find bargains at the moment. We look at three companies that have recently lost ground but have the potential for a rebound.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 7th, 2022 | 10:15 CEST

Strong rebound in gold: Varta, TUI, Desert Gold - Is it already buying time for these shares?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Batteries
  • travel

Despite all the gloom, the capital market offers plenty of opportunities every day. The Varta shares experienced a crash of over 80% in only 12 months but could also swing up by 15% within 1 week. Such movements are part of a revaluation that many stocks are now undergoing. The experienced investor is not bothered by this because, fortunately, there are upward exaggerations as well as downward ones, and both provide buying opportunities. The only question that remains is whether the level reached could already be down. Fundamental analysis helps here, but chart technology also provides valuable clues for timing. We take a closer look at the following stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 5th, 2022 | 10:58 CEST

Do not miss this train! Volkswagen, Varta, Infinity Stone Ventures

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Electromobility

After the sell-off and crisis mood, the first investors are looking to the distant future. Now that the market has already priced in a recession and the energy crisis also seems to be largely represented in share prices, it is worth looking at the sectors that offer opportunities in any future. Car manufacturers and mobility providers remain attractive regardless of the current market situation. The reason: mobility is the key to prosperity and well-being. Just think of journeys to work or on vacation. The mobility of the future will be electric. Positioning oneself here makes sense. We take a look at three shares that are currently in focus.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 30th, 2022 | 12:36 CEST

Higher, faster, further: BYD, Infinity Stone, Porsche, Varta - The energy transition stock portfolio is wanted!

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Electromobility
  • GreenTech

The words "energy turnaround" are used a lot in public. The majority understand it to mean the use of GreenTech to generate energy while avoiding dangerous climate gases. Unfortunately, the leaks from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is not in operation, are leaking the amount of gas into the atmosphere every day that the state of Denmark consumes in an entire week. This makes us painfully aware of how strongly warlike actions counteract efforts to save the climate. On the stock market, it is important to turn our gaze away from current events and toward a more peaceful future, where good ideas for sustainable change will also be rewarded. Which stocks belong in the portfolio?


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on September 28th, 2022 | 11:22 CEST

Time for bargain hunters? Plug Power, Varta and Pathfinder Ventures

  • Investments
  • Camping
  • RV
  • Electromobility

Growth stocks are currently under particular pressure. But this can also create opportunities for bargain hunters. Perhaps in the case of Varta? The share has crashed sharply after a profit warning. Now, the first analyst has upgraded the share from "sell" to "buy". But even his reasoning does not sound like a new growth story. Plug Power also tends to live on the hope of growth. While the new production facility is technically a milestone, it needs more. In contrast, things are going well at Pathfinder Ventures. The still unknown tourism company is profiting from the camping boom in North America, and its valuation is anything but expensive.


Commented by Nico Popp on September 27th, 2022 | 10:50 CEST

Plug Power, dynaCERT, Varta: Where there is shadow, there is also light

  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech
  • Technology

GreenTech shares have been booming in recent weeks, and rightly so: regenerative energy sources and innovative drives are now often even cheaper than proven technology. Coupled with zero emissions, this is a decisive advantage. We explain why some shares are nevertheless weakening and show where there are interesting opportunities.
