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Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 13th, 2021 | 12:12 CET

BYD, Manganese X Energy, Daimler - Enormous demand for Tesla, BYD and NIO

  • Electromobility

Temporary inflation is history and has been laid to rest by FED chief Jerome Powell. During his appearance before the US Congress last week, he said the time had now come to remove the word "temporary" from the vocabulary of the monetary guardians. With inflation at 6.8% in November and the sharpest rise in US inflation in nearly 40 years, even the greatest optimist assumes a permanent state of rising prices. Among the culprits are commodities such as copper. These are likely to see a further increase due to the energy transition.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 8th, 2021 | 14:41 CET

BYD, Graphano Energy, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen - Tesla urgently needs this

  • Electromobility

Climate change is on the global agenda. The cry for decarbonization of the economy is getting louder and louder. Climate activists call for an even faster transition, while politicians follow suit with ever shorter targets. The plans are in place, but implementation is still a long way off. The lack of raw materials, in particular, is likely to silence the theorists in the near future. In addition to lithium, one raw material is essential for the production of lithium-ion batteries.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 30th, 2021 | 12:12 CET

Varta, Manganese X Energy, Nordex, Siemens Energy: This could be a crash à la Tesla!

  • Electromobility

Climate protection, green energy & mobility and digital infrastructure were the hype topics of the bull market year 2021. Price developments like in the current year were last seen during the 2000 tech bubble. Higher, bigger, faster, further - the Olympic concert consistently brought double- to triple-digit price gains until the US Thanksgiving, some shares from the hydrogen sector even managed the magic 1000% hurdle. Now, however, inflation rates have risen sharply in parallel, and the virus, which had fallen into the background, is suddenly on everyone's lips again in a highly contagious variant called Omicron. How the stock markets will deal with this issue remains to be seen. We take a look at well-known protagonists from the green energy sector.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 30th, 2021 | 11:13 CET

BYD, Standard Lithium, Graphano Energy: Electromobility drives share prices

  • Electromobility

After the sell-off last Friday, the stock market lights are back on green as of Monday. Shares from the electromobility sector can also benefit from this. These include the shares of BYD, Standard Lithium and Graphano Energy. In addition to a technical countermovement, the three companies have recently published positive news. BYD has received a significant order from Spain, Standard Lithium has secured fresh capital and a well-known investor, and newcomer Graphano Energy is successfully pushing ahead with its graphite project.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 25th, 2021 | 15:19 CET

Varta, Graphano Energy, BYD, NIO: Who supplies the blockbuster battery?

  • Electromobility

There is no way around a high-performance battery when benchmarking for those who see electromobility at the forefront. In the last 3 years, there have been no real leaps forward in development. Still, at least power compression in lithium-ion technology achieved a doubling of range and, in parallel, also lowered the previously long charging times. As a result, this has made an electric vehicle suitable for long distances for the first time, even though recharging must be expected in winter due to non-engine services such as heating. But technological development continues, new materials are being tested, and one day it will be available - the super battery. We look at some industry players.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on November 16th, 2021 | 13:28 CET

Orocobre, Manganese X Energy, First Cobalt - Indispensable companies for the energy turnaround

  • Electromobility

The 21st century will go down in history as the "electric century." While the 19th century was dominated by the steam engine and the 20th century by internal combustion engines, the climatic changes that we have helped to cause by burning fossil fuels are forcing us to rethink. Among other things, the focus is on the efficient storage of electrical energy produced without emissions. According to current research, certain raw materials will be indispensable for this purpose, including lithium, manganese and cobalt in addition to copper, silver and gold.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 15th, 2021 | 13:11 CET

Volkswagen, Graphano Energy, Varta: Graphite as the new e-car hype?

  • Electromobility

The mobility revolution is turning the economy upside down. Where steel and components for classic transmissions once dominated, the future raw materials, such as lithium, rare earths and graphite, are now being used. We highlight the tidal shift in the automotive industry and present companies that could benefit from it.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 10th, 2021 | 14:09 CET

BYD, Silver Viper, Varta: Is the discount battle for e-cars coming?

  • Electromobility

Experts, influencers and visionaries often hand out advance praise for years, but new technology often does not make it beyond the hip neighborhoods of Hamburg, Berlin or Munich. It is a different story with electromobility. Of course, anyone who commutes three-digit kilometers a day will still rely on diesel and may even have in mind the possibility of acquiring a modern annual car at a reasonable price in the foreseeable future. However, those who commute up to fifty kilometers and live in more densely populated areas often already opt for an e-car today. Fancy brands, such as Tesla and their affordable Model 3 journey, are doing the rest. We highlight three stocks that stand to benefit from the e-car breakthrough and ask whether the market is facing a discount battle.


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 8th, 2021 | 10:25 CET

Varta, Manganese X Energy, BYD - Batteries are becoming more and more important

  • Electromobility

Batteries have been around for a long time, but the old lead-acid batteries are gradually being replaced by lithium-ion batteries, which can be recharged much more often and thus have a much longer life. All these batteries require raw materials such as cobalt, nickel or manganese. The mining of cobalt does not have the best reputation, so Tesla has already reduced the proportion of cobalt. The alternative is called manganese, and this raw material is also absolutely needed by the steel industry. With the electrification of cars, demand will increase. The battle for the longest-lasting battery, greatest range and fastest charging capability is in full swing. We, therefore, take a look at three companies involved in batteries.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on November 5th, 2021 | 13:27 CET

Lucid Group, Graphano Energy, Orocobre - The new eMobility and its children

  • Electromobility

It is expected that no more passenger cars with internal combustion engines will be allowed to be registered in the EU from 2035. The associated non-EU country Norway is exerting even more pressure: in the land of fjords and trolls, new vehicles with gasoline or diesel engines will be banned as early as 2025. The same applies to Great Britain: the end of the combustion engine is to be brought forward to 2035, perhaps even to 2030 and applies for light trucks up to 26 tons. With hydrogen technology still in its infancy, the world is currently focusing primarily on rechargeable batteries. Here, the capacity screw is increasingly being turned to extend ranges and shorten charging times.
