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Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 4th, 2021 | 09:41 CET

BYD, Revez, Alibaba - Profiting from the digital transformation!

  • Asia

Everything is going digital, and the Corona pandemic is accelerating the process. Shopping online at Amazon or Zalando was already relatively normal before the outbreak of the virus. Now, however, new things like homeschooling, home offices and Zoom conferences are being added. The world is becoming more and more digital. Companies' business models are also changing. Be part of it and participate in the digital transformation.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 4th, 2021 | 09:10 CET

Kleos Space, OHB, Airbus, Boeing - SpaceX, into orbit with Elon Musk!

  • Space

Elon Musk might be the most dazzling Wall Street figure of the last 2 years next to Jeff Bezos. His talents are visions with which he regularly reinvents himself. Whether it is a battery that is supposed to last millions of kilometers or simply the possibility for wealthy individuals to travel into orbit with SpaceX - all this and also the most famous electric vehicle in the world, "Tesla" originate from his imagination. The development of the share price of Tesla itself is fantastic. It achieved a return of 450% in 12 months, calculated from the low in March 2020, the value has increased tenfold. The latest rumor comes from the Chinese press and talks about upcoming cooperation with the Chinese car manufacturer BYD, in which Warren Buffet also holds shares. Here is where the circle closes again.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 4th, 2021 | 08:15 CET

BioNTech, Cardiol Therapeutics, Johnson & Johnson: biotech gems from the well-known to the unknown

  • Covid-19

If there's one industry that's rightfully making big profits these days, it's healthcare companies. The pandemic has kissed the industry awake. In addition to the current relevance around Covid treatment, test procedures, or even vaccinations, there is also a growing awareness that medical innovation depends on research. More and more investors are willing to push promising projects and the general conditions for this could not be better. There is a consensus in politics, society and business that health is the highest good.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 4th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, BMW: Investing in the future of mobility

  • Copper

The pandemic most recently is showing us that people want to meet, exchange ideas, experience life. Mobility is one of the most important keys to this. As classic combustion engines are politically sidelined in the face of climate change and air pollution in cities, the importance of electromobility is growing. But those who want to invest in this trend are often faced with a dilemma. Shares such as Tesla or BYD are costly, while traditional manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW have other problems to contend with. And what about suppliers of the electromobility trend? We present three shares and analyze the opportunities: BYD, Kodiak Copper and BMW.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 3rd, 2021 | 09:24 CET

Desert Gold, First Majestic, Pan American, Endeavour Silver - Bet on the Gold & Silver Squeeze!

  • Silver

Reddit and Robinhood - the new stock platforms! Investors, day traders and banks are watching spellbound for the next announcements from a new investor community - the social media traders. One call at 3pm is all it takes and there are already 25,000 buy orders ready for the opening. Seasoned stockbrokers no longer know how to satisfy this virtual demand. The Avino Gold & Silver share stood out yesterday in particular, doubling at the stock exchange opening. At the beginning of the week, silver was declared the new instrument. Some silver stocks went through the roof immediately, gold stocks followed out of sympathy, and spot prices in commodities were chaotic. Silver rose to USD 30.08 and then fell back in the evening to USD 27.25.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 3rd, 2021 | 09:18 CET

Evotec, GS Holdings, TUI - Growth without end!

  • Investments

China's growth is almost uninterrupted. Experts predict that the Middle Kingdom will become the world's largest economy by 2028 at the latest. The fact that China has so far come out of the Corona Crisis in better shape means that the transition is likely to happen even sooner. The tiger economies such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan will also benefit. The upswing is giving rise to new business models with enormous growth potential for the coming years. We present the latest opportunities one by one.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 3rd, 2021 | 08:46 CET

Varta, Almonty Industries, Sartorius - on to new all-time highs!

  • Resources

Trend-following models or concepts such as relative strength or momentum rely on the past winners because investors assume a continuation of the price movement. In chart technology, a strong buy signal is generated when a new all-time high is marked. We show you three dynamically growing companies about to open a new chapter in their corporate history. Who has the greatest potential?


Commented by Nico Popp on February 3rd, 2021 | 08:10 CET

Nokia, Blackrock Gold, Delivery Hero: Where profits are sustainable

  • Investments

The world is changing. For many people, this brings with its drastic changes. On the stock market, change offers great opportunities: For every trend, there are also suitable companies that profit from the Covid era's changes. Some of these trends are sustainable, and others are only good for a quick fix. We do the checks: Three trend stocks and their sustainability.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 3rd, 2021 | 08:00 CET

Xpeng, Q&M Dental, SAP - Incredible growth opportunities!

  • Growth

One surprise of the past year was the sudden boom in IPOs, especially in the US. This trend is likely to accelerate in the year ahead. The IPO of SAP's subsidiary whets the appetite for more. The Asian middle class is also hungry for more. Consumption is exploding as a result of the enormous growth in purchasing power. Sectors such as wellness and aesthetics are set to experience unprecedented hype in the coming years.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 2nd, 2021 | 10:30 CET

Nikola, Saturn Oil & Gas, Exxon Mobil - Caution, risk of explosion!

  • Energy

Stocks can rise for a variety of reasons. As we saw last week, a group of primarily younger investment community members can sometimes shoot up a company's value several hundred percent, as was seen in GameStop. There are of course other reasons that are understandable and justified on a fundamental level. In contrast to the "Reddit shares," the newly achieved price level should be maintained here.
