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Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 11th, 2021 | 12:21 CET

Nikola, Nevada Copper, Nel ASA - breakout as expected!

  • Investments

It is done. The industrial metal copper has reached a multi-year high, from the development, this was already foreseeable. If you still think that investments in commodities are boring, be my guest. However, you will see how much high-tech industries such as electromobility, hydrogen or blockchain are dependent on various raw materials by the exploding prices in the next few years. Be part of it now!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 11th, 2021 | 12:13 CET

Adidas, RYU Apparel, Zalando - Athleisure look: not only look good, but perform well too!

  • Sportswear

Over the last few years, the artificial word "athleisure" has become accepted as a term for sports and functional clothing worn in everyday life, also known as urban or activewear. The sportswear industry (Athletic Apparel Industry) is dominated by Nike, followed by the strong number two Adidas. Puma and Under Armour are other well-known players. Also, there are many still small, innovative and dynamically growing companies attracting more and more attention. And one industry is benefiting from any new trends in Corona times: mail order.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 10th, 2021 | 08:30 CET

Encavis, dynaCERT, Verbio - continue to outperform with green stocks!

  • Environmental Protection

The awareness of protecting the environment and therefore reducing emissions is becoming more and more prevalent in society. Numerous industries are growing in the wake of socially, politically and fiscally motivated changes and demand sustainable products or solutions. "Green" investment has many facets. In the following, we present three companies that are dedicated to the topics of emission reduction and renewable energies. In the past, these stocks have been able to outperform the broad market enormously. Where is this trend continuing unabated?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 10th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Silver Viper Minerals, BYD, First Majestic Silver - Position in the silver boom!

  • Silver

The famous gold-silver ratio has been used again and again lately. It is currently about 67; in weak silver phases, it goes up sometimes to just under 100. At about 50, one would be able to identify a historically fair valuation of silver. At the moment, this would be about a spot price of USD 37. Measured against the price targets, which were recently proclaimed by the Reddit community, we are still about 30% away here. But in terms of commodity movement overall, we indeed haven't reached the top yet. Silver is also highly relevant in the context of COVID-19: It has a strong antiseptic and disinfecting effect!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 10th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

NIO, Defense Metals, Geely - collapse looms!

  • Investments

The energy turnaround is in full swing. The sales figures for electric cars alone increased by over 100% compared to the previous year. The demand for the new vehicles is unbroken. The demand for raw materials needed to build new-generation batteries and motors already significantly exceeds supply. Added to this is the trade war with China. If no adequate alternatives are found here, there is a threat of collapse.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 10th, 2021 | 07:54 CET

Airbus, Kleos Space, Gazprom: Solid business - on Earth and in orbit

  • Space

The sky is the limit! But is that true? More and more companies are aiming high with their plans. Satellites enable global communication and monitoring. At the same time, raw materials are waiting to be exploited in orbit. Dreams of the future? That's for sure! But it is precisely this future that is being traded on the stock market. We present three companies for which the sky could be the limit in one form or another - either as providers of innovative solutions or as grateful customers.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 9th, 2021 | 08:30 CET

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Fokus Mining, Baumot Group - once a penny stock, always a penny stock?

  • Investments

In the following, we present three shares currently trading below the EUR 1 mark or have been trading below this mark for some time. But nothing is forever. When the good news hits and business is going in the right direction, prices and valuations can quickly find themselves at a different level. Where is the most significant potential?


Commented by Nico Popp on February 9th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Siemens, Almonty, Rheinmetall: ESG check of classic industries

  • ESG

There is no way around the chemical element tungsten when it comes to medical applications, particularly corrosion-resistant metal or certain armor-piercing ammunition. We present three companies directly or indirectly involved with the metal and whose shares are also worth looking at from an ESG perspective.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 9th, 2021 | 08:10 CET

Verbio, Desert Gold, Heidelberger Druck: Where you can get something right now

  • Investments

It is easy to bet on the future - especially on the stock market. Numerous business models compete for the attention of investors and the best ideas are rewarded. Sometimes, you have to think a little out of the box if you want to bet on the future. We look at three stocks and see whether they are suitable for future investment.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 9th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

CureVac, Cardiol Therapeutics, Bayer - roaring profits!

  • Health

The race for the best and most effective vaccine is in full swing. After BioNTech and its partner Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca were approved in Europe, but there are always obstacles. Over the weekend, for example, South Africa announced that it is forgoing the AstraZeneca vaccine for the time being. The background to this is its supposedly lower efficacy with the B.1.351 virus mutation. Somewhat unnoticed, another vaccine manufacturer is moving into pole position through innovative collaborations.
