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Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 1st, 2022 | 14:03 CEST

After the slump in biotech stocks - Bavarian Nordic, XPhyto and Evotec under review

  • Biotechnology
  • Monkeypox

Biotechnology experienced a boom in March 2020, when the world realized what biotech innovations could do to fight COVID-19. Investors pounced on the many promising technologies, driving up the stock prices of vaccine producers and making it easier for companies to raise capital for financing. However, since September of last year, the biotech sector has been on a steep downhill slide, at least on the stock market. The NASDAQ Biotechnology Index has lost more than 30% of its value since its high of 5,449.26 points until today. This drastic decline is reminiscent of the bursting of the bubble in the year 2000. But where are the opportunities now, and which stocks should investors rather refrain from investing in?


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on June 1st, 2022 | 13:44 CEST

Rain of money for BioNTech shareholders: What are Nordex and Meta Materials doing?

  • metamaterials
  • Biotechnology

BioNTech shareholders are in for a windfall. A dividend of EUR 2 per share is to be approved at today's Annual General Meeting. Also on the agenda is a share buyback program with a volume of up to USD 1.5 billion. In addition, analysts at Goldman Sachs have commented positively on the German biotech champion. Meta Materials shareholders are still a long way from a dividend. But the hot stock has announced exciting details about its fight against stroke. At Nordex, by contrast, supply chain problems, plant closures and cyberattacks dominate the headlines. But analysts see the light at the end of the tunnel - and rightly so?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 1st, 2022 | 12:34 CEST

K+S, dynaCERT, Siemens - Record orders and great opportunities

  • Hydrogen
  • fertilizer
  • Technology

The Corona pandemic caused chaos, disrupted business processes and ultimately blew up entire supply chains. It is difficult for companies to recover from this. With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a new test for businesses is on the horizon. While only a few industries, such as fertilizer manufacturers, could profit, the broad mass of listed companies went down. After calming down, there are now long-term opportunities at attractive levels.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 1st, 2022 | 12:10 CEST

Plug Power, Siemens, Triumph Gold - These stocks will outperform Tesla!

  • Gold
  • Technology

In times of high inflation and further rising interest rates, good advice is expensive for investors. Looking back at the correction that has already taken place in the stock markets, there could well be a stronger technical recovery at some point, but in our view, this would be more of a Bear market rally in the beginning economic downturn. The pressure comes via the long-term capital market interest rate, which gives investors high losses in bonds, but at the same time, offers new yield opportunities to those who shift out of the stock market. Historically, large interest rate increases are therefore accompanied by stock market losses. Here are three examples of stocks that could still be in demand in the next upward cycle.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 1st, 2022 | 11:06 CEST

ThyssenKrupp, Defense Metals, Rheinmetall - Defense stocks as portfolio boosters?

  • armaments
  • Defense

The Ukraine crisis has been with us for over three months now. While many stocks went downhill at the beginning of the war, the situation was quite different for defense stocks. Here the quotations increased sometimes significantly. Of course, every investor has to clarify the moral question for himself. But if you want to invest your money in defense stocks, a few points speak in favor of an investment. On the one hand, there is the trend toward more defense spending, which has continued year after year since 2014. Second, confidence in Russia has been permanently shaken, and it will take years, if not decades, to repair the damage. We look at three companies that manufacture products for the defense industry.


Commented by Nico Popp on June 1st, 2022 | 10:01 CEST

Markets running now: TUI, MAS Gold, NEL

  • Gold
  • travel

Inflation, economic slump...but wait! Things are not quite that bad for the markets! In the US, inflation is losing momentum. At the same time, consumers remain in a buying mood and wages are at least halfway keeping pace with energy prices. The market experts at Deutsche Bank believe that the environment for growth stocks is becoming more positive again. Reason enough to take a closer look at three shares.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 31st, 2022 | 13:22 CEST

Chip shares turn - Infineon, Nvidia and BrainChip in the next upward wave

  • AI
  • chips
  • Innovations

Despite the chip shortage that has persisted since last year and the associated booming business of manufacturers, they came under a lot of pressure on the stock market in recent weeks in the wake of the weak overall market. The prospects for the industry remain positive, the semiconductor shortage will continue until at least 2023, and the order books of the producers are full to bursting. Now, many companies are starting to bottom out. In the long term, Nvidia and AMD are likely to be quoted significantly higher. A newcomer is also making a run for the top again after a lengthy correction phase.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 31st, 2022 | 12:03 CEST

Watch out: BioNTech, NervGen, MorphoSys, Valneva: Biotech shares in check!

  • Biotechnology
  • biopharma

The initial sell-off in biotech stocks seems to have been digested. With last week's NASDAQ turn, spring air is now moving through the stock markets again. That is because many investors realize that, in the face of a multitude of new diseases, a major research effort is needed to protect humanity from the burgeoning dangers. Financing via the stock market was correspondingly easy for the biotech giants during the last pandemic because investors sensed big profits in the event of success. This picture is likely to repeat itself in the next movement. Where are the current opportunities in the biopharma sector?


Commented by Nico Popp on May 31st, 2022 | 11:53 CEST

Funds will not resist here: BASF, Saturn Oil + Gas, Nordex

  • Oil
  • Sustainability
  • ESG

Sustainable investing is the trend. According to the German Federal Investment and Asset Management Association, EUR 580 billion is invested in sustainable funds in Germany alone. And the trend is rising. Younger people in particular attach great importance to sustainability. Since sustainable investing is not detrimental to returns but, on the contrary, can even be beneficial, interest is also growing among older investors. We take a closer look at three stocks!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 30th, 2022 | 13:42 CEST

Great opportunities in alternative energies - BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Nordex

  • Battery
  • Electromobility

Policymakers are accelerating the shift from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources, and the Ukraine conflict is adding further momentum to this process. In the field of electromobility, manufacturers are fighting for the best batteries with the longest ranges. A start-up may have succeeded in creating a game-changer in the lucrative battery market with a new coating process. Initial pre-feasibility studies show a huge discrepancy between the current stock market value and the project value.
