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January 26th, 2021 | 07:56 CET

dynaCERT, Plug Power, GameStop: Only flying is better!

  • Hydrogen
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What a crazy Nasdaq day yesterday. It all started in Germany when the recently hyped GameStop share in Tradegate rose from around EUR 60 to EUR 130 - plus 110% in one day is rarely seen. Later in the afternoon, the four favorite instruments of the Robin Hood guard, Tesla, Apple, Plug Power, and again GameStop opened partly well into double-digit returns. GameStop took the cake, rising to USD 158.97 before disillusionment set in. As we can see without difficulty: The party is in full swing - the question is who or what will be the next showstopper or how high the NDX can climb because the fairy tale index has now increased 95% since March 2020.

time to read: 4 minutes | Author: André Will-Laudien
ISIN: CA26780A1084 , US72919P2020 , US36467W1099

Table of contents:

    Jim Payne, CEO, dynaCERT Inc.
    "[...] The VERRA certification adds credibility to dynaCERT's emission reduction technologies by demonstrating compliance with internationally recognized standards for carbon emissions reductions and sustainable development. [...]" Jim Payne, CEO, dynaCERT Inc.

    Full interview


    dynaCERT - The cash register rings with emission certificates

    Breaking news! dynaCERT announced yesterday morning that the management of Verra (the only global certification body for carbon credits under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)) has approved DYA's concept note. It includes securing so-called carbon credits through the use of DYA's patented HydraGEN™️ and HydraLytica™️ telematics technologies on a global basis. Once again, this demonstrates dynaCERT's firm commitment to maintaining Canadian leadership in the new hydrogen economy while partnering with high-level industry leaders like Verra.

    Verra's signing of the concept methodology is a critical hurdle that has now been cleared. It moves certification into the next phase, which is expected to take 2-4 months. Once certified, dynaCERT would be unique in that its systems would be used to directly account for CO2 emissions reductions via an installed and certified record. Thus, a transportation company is put in a position to be reimbursed directly by its local government for the credits, a significant cost-cutting factor in this margin-challenged industry. At the current price of USD 50 per ton of carbon saved, a single truck can generate up to USD 3,000 in carbon credits per year. Under dynaCERT's pricing model, the credits would be split 50/50 between the user and the licensor. Assuming 100,000 units were on the road with the certified standard, this provides USD 150 million per year in recurring revenue for dynaCERT.

    We assume that the market will closely follow which orders of magnitude dynaCERT can now sell on the market. Rumors have been swirling around dynaCERT for some time now, so we expect further concretization of operational tie-ups in the coming weeks, which will further promote the market penetration of dynaCERT technologies. Suppose one compares the share price movements of Nel ASA, Fuelcell Energy, Plug Power, or Ballard Power with dynaCERT. In that case, it is surprising that the last-mentioned Company, in particular, can demonstrate available solutions that can also be converted into sales within a very short time. Surprisingly, however, big money is still flowing into the big names because this is where the subsidy stream from the new US government is likely to hit directly.

    Conclusion: dynaCERT currently has a stock market value of CAD 280 million - in contrast, Plug Power is priced at over USD 30 billion - that's a factor of 100. You don't have to be a math genius to see where the huge opportunity lies!

    Plug Power - Hydrogen makes dreams come true

    The conviction that the transport and tourism industry generates the most significant adverse climate effects is not new. Most hydrogen companies have plans to address these issues as soon as possible. The shipping industry is slowly switching to LPG propulsion for newly built ships to banish heavy oil polluting from the world's oceans. The only thing missing are the prominent shipowners, who are still happy to run their fleets according to the old standards as long as the operating permits allow them to do so.

    dynaCERT can quickly provide a remedy in the transport industry. Plug Power and Nel ASA are taking the same approach and focusing on direct remedies for individual vehicles or entire fleets. When pure H2 propulsion is ultimately available depends on the outcome of the test operations in public transport, it is precisely here that the systems' safety is being extensively tested. Plug Power currently still sees diesel as a popular fuel in almost all transportation areas - on water, on the road, on rails, or in the air. There are also smaller applications such as emergency generators for industrial plants, mobile communications technology, hospitals, power plants and buildings.

    What they all have in common at the moment is the conviction that electric drives will not be able to replace diesel in the transportation sector; only hydrogen would be able to do that. The weight of the batteries alone for long distances would be many times greater than the hydrogen required. It is more than questionable whether a Plug Power share should be valued with a 1,400% price gain for this reason.

    GameStop - If you go against the market, you lose!

    Finally, to another "flying machine." As one hears, some market participants have taken a somewhat pronounced side with GameStop - namely the short side. The chain store for online games of all kinds is currently tinkering with a new strategy for gaining stronger loyalty from the gamer community. GameStop's stock price has increased roughly fivefold so far this year.
    The rapid rise began on January 11 after the Company announced a 309% increase in e-commerce sales during the holiday shopping season. That same day, they also announced that Chewy founder and former CEO Ryan Cohen would join its board of directors. Cohen is one of GameStop's largest shareholders and is expected to help bolster its e-commerce and technology capabilities.

    These announcements seem to have triggered a massive short squeeze. Many investors had bet against the struggling retailer by shorting its shares. But as the stock price soared endlessly in recent days, those short-sellers suffered a Waterloo. One can proclaim in this situation: Bulls in this stock should note that short squeezes don't last forever. Once vulnerable short-sellers abandon their positions and opportunistic traders take their profits, GameStop's stock price could plummet significantly. Considering that the stock has already fallen from a high of USD 159 yesterday to around USD 95, this dynamic may already be occurring. Watch out at the platform edge!

    Conflict of interest

    Pursuant to §85 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), we point out that Apaton Finance GmbH as well as partners, authors or employees of Apaton Finance GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Relevant Persons") may in the future hold shares or other financial instruments of the mentioned companies or will bet on rising or falling on rising or falling prices and therefore a conflict of interest may arise in the future. conflict of interest may arise in the future. The Relevant Persons reserve the shares or other financial instruments of the company at any time (hereinafter referred to as the company at any time (hereinafter referred to as a "Transaction"). "Transaction"). Transactions may under certain circumstances influence the respective price of the shares or other financial instruments of the of the Company.

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    Der Autor

    André Will-Laudien

    Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets.

    About the author

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    Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 17th, 2025 | 07:35 CET

    Shooting star Rheinmetall continues to rise - Greentech stocks like Nel, dynaCERT, and Plug Power are in the starting gate!

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    Commented by Fabian Lorenz on February 14th, 2025 | 07:00 CET

    SHARE PRICES are falling at Plug Power, Nel, and Hensoldt! BUY RECOMMENDATION for BMW partner European Lithium!

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    • Hydrogen

    Buy opportunity or bankruptcy? Shares in Plug Power, Nel, and Hensoldt are under pressure these days. The former hydrogen favorites are facing one piece of bad news after another. After mass layoffs at Nel, the next catastrophe comes from Plug Power. Investors are also getting nervous about Rheinmetall, Renk, and Hensoldt. Is a correction looming? Analysts believe the correction at Hensoldt should be seen as a buying opportunity. At BMW partner European Lithium, analysts even see potential for a multiple increase in value. The stock, which focuses on lithium and rare earths, has gained traction, and the current consolidation offers an exciting entry opportunity. Even peace in Ukraine could benefit these companies.


    Commented by Armin Schulz on February 13th, 2025 | 07:00 CET

    Plug Power, First Hydrogen, BP – Here are the opportunities of the new US energy policy

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    • renewableenergies
    • Energy

    The global energy transition is at a crossroads. Electric vehicles will likely prevail in the long term, but not everywhere and not through mandates. The US aims to provide affordable energy and wants to promote oil and gas production while focusing on nuclear power in the form of small modular reactors. With these mini-nuclear power plants, hydrogen could be produced cheaply, taking the technology a decisive step forward. This could solve some of the issues electric vehicles face, which would be a boon for the transportation industry, which is subject to green regulations. We are, therefore, looking at the largest US hydrogen player today and taking a closer look at First Hydrogen, which specializes in hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicles. Finally, we will analyze BP, a major oil producer.
