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Commented by Nico Popp on May 31st, 2022 | 11:53 CEST

Funds will not resist here: BASF, Saturn Oil + Gas, Nordex

  • Oil
  • Sustainability
  • ESG

Sustainable investing is the trend. According to the German Federal Investment and Asset Management Association, EUR 580 billion is invested in sustainable funds in Germany alone. And the trend is rising. Younger people in particular attach great importance to sustainability. Since sustainable investing is not detrimental to returns but, on the contrary, can even be beneficial, interest is also growing among older investors. We take a closer look at three stocks!


Commented by Nico Popp on November 23rd, 2021 | 10:12 CET

Nordex, Memiontec, JinkoSolar: Where sustainable returns await

  • Sustainability

The motto "After me, the deluge" has had its day. Today, industrial companies have to take responsibility for their actions. That includes cleaning up pollution and offsetting CO2 emissions from production. Hence the trade in emission rights. It is also favorable for a company's image if it is sustainable and communicates this to its customers. We present three stocks that can score points with sustainability.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 10th, 2021 | 12:11 CET

ThyssenKrupp, Almonty Industries, Salzgitter: "Green" steel as a growth market

  • Sustainability

It is not without reason that the quarterly figures of steel producers are regarded as a barometer of economic development - after all, steel is used in many industrial products. Whenever companies invest in new capacities, such as buildings or infrastructure, steel is used. A new trend is so-called "green" steel, which does not use coal-fired power in its production and thus saves CO2. It also pays off for customers. After all, the CO2 from purchased raw materials also counts in the carbon footprint. Schaeffler recently secured "green" steel from Swedish startup H2 Green Steel. A sign that sustainability has also reached this sector. We highlight three exciting stocks and do the sustainability check from an investor's perspective.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 5th, 2021 | 13:05 CEST

Alphabet, Water Ways Technologies, TOMRA Systems: Return on investment with clean water and sustainability

  • Sustainability

Clean water is a human right for a reason. When precious water is polluted, diseases spread. Children and the elderly in particular suffer from water pollution. Geo-strategists are even expecting armed conflicts over water. For example, when huge rivers, which are often the lifelines of entire continents, become polluted and countries downstream suffer. We present three stocks that have something to do with water.


Commented by Armin Schulz on September 8th, 2021 | 11:57 CEST

Central African Gold, Nordex, NIO - The potential of sustainability

  • Sustainability

The topic of sustainability is increasingly on people's minds. Five years ago, the subject was not even interesting to most. Now, more than 80% of people are thinking about it. Companies' customers spend more money if a product is sustainable; it is a sign of quality and gives them a positive image. If you use sustainable electricity and use resources sparingly, you can also save costs. All these are reasons why renewable energies and e-mobility are currently becoming more and more important.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 8th, 2021 | 10:54 CEST

Nordex, The Very Good Food Company, BMW - Megatrend sustainability

  • Sustainability

Alongside the efficient use of energy, renewable energy sources are an essential pillar of a sustainable climate policy. The use of energy is considered sustainable if it meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. At present, the issue of sustainability is preoccupying us in all areas of life. As a result, entirely new sectors of the economy are emerging. Companies that build on these themes face a dazzling future.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 13th, 2021 | 09:35 CET

Deutsche Lufthansa, TUI, Upco International: Sustainable business models generate returns

  • Sustainability

In today's world, we often associate sustainability with environmental protection and social standards. These factors rightly deserve more attention and are increasingly being included in the analysis of companies. But sustainability in the sense of continuity means first and foremost that a company is capable of survival. To ensure this, a company must continuously adapt to new circumstances. Sometimes this works to the companies’ advantage, and sometimes not, and sometimes, it creates excellent opportunities for shareholders.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 12th, 2021 | 07:28 CET

TUI, RYU Apparel, BYD: Where sustainability is rewarded with returns

  • Sustainability

Sustainability is a trend that is affecting all industries - some sooner, others later. While carmakers have been paying attention to lower fuel consumption and fewer exhaust emissions for years, today, clothing manufacturers and tour operators are also under pressure. Customers want to know what environmental and social footprint certain products and services leave behind. For companies from traditional industries that are already sustainably positioned, this can be a good selling point that also benefits share prices on the stock market.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 30th, 2020 | 10:02 CET

Encavis, dynaCERT, PNE - sustainable performance rockets for 2021

  • Sustainability

Sustainability is inexorably becoming an essential criterion in the investment process. The interpretation of ESG definitions sets the framework for sustainable investments. Translated, the abbreviation ESG stands for environment, social and responsible corporate governance. Investing sustainably doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing returns; we present three first-class investment opportunities.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 27th, 2020 | 07:33 CET

Burcon, Canopy, dynaCERT - how cannabis, proteins and hydrogen improve the world

  • Sustainability

Innovations continuously change our lives. Entrepreneurs around the globe are trying to make things happen, developing products and technologies that are designed to improve everyday life. Business areas that are scalable are particularly successful. Once a product is ready to go into production and can be sold in countless quantities, it is tantamount to a license to print money. Such topics are particularly exciting when the ingredients grow naturally or already occur in nature and only a technical process is required to create a new end product.
