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Commented by Armin Schulz on January 2nd, 2023 | 08:07 CET

Amazon, Aspermont, TeamViewer - Which stock will take off fastest in 2023?

  • Digitization
  • Fintech
  • Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the global economy, and investors have had to consider a host of new risks and opportunities. One phenomenon that has emerged from the crisis is a shift in demand toward digital business models. Digital companies were already present in the market before the pandemic, but their growth has gone through the roof since the pandemic. With the endemic in 2022, growth has often slowed. We take a look at three companies that could bounce back in 2023.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 21st, 2022 | 08:46 CET

The best cards for 2023: Amazon, Aspermont, flatexDEGIRO, TUI - Which stock will take off?

  • Investments
  • Fintech
  • Travel

Crisis, crisis, crisis - we do not want to hear any more about it at Christmas time. After the relief rally, the stock markets have gone back to sleep. It was turbulent until September, and then the correction was over for the time being. But how much "good" is already priced in for next year? Will there be a quick end to the war, can the inflation rate also fall, and what will interest rates do in 2023? Many unanswered questions that will likely only be answered gradually. The shares have to achieve a fair valuation from this mixed situation - perhaps that is why the correction is not quite over yet. Where are the best opportunities for investors?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 13th, 2022 | 10:43 CET

Rheinmetall, Aspermont, BioNTech - Strong momentum

  • Fintech
  • Investments
  • Defense
  • Biotechnology

With its many drastic events, the turbulent stock market year 2022 is drawing to a close. With the Ukraine war, the change in monetary policy by central banks and rampant inflation, the year was characterized by strong uncertainty and high volatility, and it is almost certain to continue in the coming year. Nevertheless, the favourites are emerging more and more clearly from various sectors that should outperform the broad market in the months ahead.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on December 8th, 2022 | 09:09 CET

Shares: Buy FlatexDegiro now? Uniper gambles, Aspermont before multiplication and Nel ASA?

  • Fintech
  • Investments

FlatexDegiro's revenue and profit warning has shocked shareholders. In just three trading days, it went down by about 40%. Is it now worthwhile to enter again? Analysts have a clear opinion. Can the Uniper share price halve? Analysts believe this is possible. In addition, the upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting promises to be exciting. In contrast, the media company and fintech Aspermont is doing well operationally. Therefore, analysts believe that a price multiplication is possible. The share prices of Nel and Plug Power are currently weak. Analysts are confident but currently surprisingly quiet.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 22nd, 2022 | 11:53 CET

Triple AAA stocks take off: Amazon, Aspermont, Alphabet, Allianz - Sellout done?

  • Fintech
  • Investments

Well, who would have thought: after 9 months of correction mode, the stock market is already returning to normal mode this year. The indicator for leaving the panic mode is the VDAX, i.e. the measured fluctuation range of the index in 12 months. Last week, it reached levels of 22 to 23 again, after peaking at 33 in September. By comparison, in the absolute panic phase at the start of the war, the volatility gauge was 48.6%. The mood has eased, so welcome to the year-end rally. Where are the best opportunities for investors?


Commented by Nico Popp on November 15th, 2022 | 13:28 CET

500% return on investment? Here is how! Cantourage Group, Aspermont, Deutsche Bank

  • Digitization
  • Media
  • Fintech

The Cantourage Group share shows that the stock market keeps writing spectacular stories. The cannabis startup has gained around 500% within the first two days of trading - from EUR 6.48 last Friday, it peaked at over EUR 33. But what is the secret of the new weed giant's success? We analyze and draw parallels - is the next Cantourage already lurking around the corner?


Commented by Nico Popp on October 13th, 2022 | 11:27 CEST

Your crash, our chance: Vonovia, Aspermont, Deutsche Bank

  • Investments
  • Fintech
  • RealEstate

UBS warns that real estate prices in Frankfurt am Main and Munich are too high. Industry insiders also see hard traces of braking on the real estate market elsewhere. For a long time, real estate was considered a safe investment class for the wealthy. The trend was upward for many years. Nowhere else was it so easy to park capital and generate income. But now everything is changing. Shares, like those of the real estate company Vonovia, have already come back. We shed light on the sector and show alternatives.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on September 14th, 2022 | 13:24 CEST

Aspermont, Allkem, K+S - Shares for the fast lane

  • Digitization
  • Fintech
  • Lithium

We are living in turbulent times on the stock markets. War, energy crisis and inflation are shaping the moods of market participants. Anticipatory action and understanding the "big picture" and the long-term correlations between supply and demand are part of a stock market trader's toolkit. Exaggerations and understatements are part of the package. There is no getting around shares as a long-term form of investment. Because as stock market veteran André Kostolany said, "If you want to eat well, buy stocks; if you want to sleep well, buy bonds."


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 5th, 2022 | 12:54 CEST

Triple AAA shares: Amazon, Aspermont, Alphabet, Allianz - Where does the FAANG trigger sit?

  • Fintech
  • Media
  • Digitization
  • Technology

In times of high uncertainty, the correct and rapid supply of data is one of the most important achievements of the information society. Today, information is provided sporadically via print media, but the online world remains the top instrument for marketing and news dissemination. Internet content spreads at lightning speed through mobile use. The speed from production to reception by the addressee has decreased in recent years from days to hours to minutes, sometimes even seconds. Which online blockbusters belong in every depot?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on September 1st, 2022 | 13:58 CEST

Amazon, Aspermont, BASF - Innovations for the markets of the future

  • Fintech
  • Innovations
  • Media

Innovations are the salt in the soup of growth markets. That is why US giant Amazon is expanding its AWS business in the United Arab Emirates. The seven countries on the Gulf are self-sufficient in energy and power supply and have a vibrant startup scene. It is worth USD 5 million to the Seattle-based company. Mediatech innovator Aspermont is also interested in investments. The leading media makers in the B2B mining industry are entering the investment business with a specially developed investment platform. BASF AG is also making investments. In the agricultural sector, new lucrative companies are in the pipeline of the chemical company.
