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Commented by Mario Hose on May 4th, 2020 | 05:50 CEST

Desert Gold Ventures, Glencore, Kinross - now is the right time!

  • Gold

Last week, the stock markets in Europe and North America continued their recovery from the lows of March 2020. However, as the week drew to a close, declines were recorded again, due to the tone of the West's tightening stance towards the Chinese leadership in connection with the health and economic consequences of the Corona Crisis. According to media reports, the five secret services of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and the UK found out that the political leadership in Beijing covered up the deadly danger of the Corona Virus at the beginning of its spread. This accusation holds a lot of potential for further market uncertainties and gold is likely to gain further importance as a safe haven. The Bank of America recently called a potential of up to USD 3,000.00 per troy ounce in 2021. Since we have learned that the price of WTI futures can be negative, price targets of this range for gold are no longer utopian - perhaps the potential is even greater.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 30th, 2020 | 09:45 CEST

Barrick Gold, Royal Dutch Shell, Newmont - which shares should you have now?

  • Investments

Stock markets around the world are in recovery mode. Fear and panic over the spread of the corona virus is fading and greed is returning. COVID-19 has kept the world in suspense. After hesitant action by governments in Europe and North America, although curfews were imposed in the country of origin, China, as early as January 2020, drastic measures were not taken in most countries until March, which led to a social and economic standstill. Politicians were confronted with the uncertainty that many experts held different opinions and little faith could be placed in information from China. Many lives may have been at stake. A test for the people, politics and economy.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 29th, 2020 | 08:36 CEST

Ballard Power, dynaCERT, NEL ASA - who has the most lucrative hydrogen technology?

  • Hydrogen

The economy around the globe is in a waiting position. As soon as the spread of the Corona Virus no longer poses a general threat or the social understanding of restrictions disappears, the economic race for customers and market share begins. In recent weeks, companies have had the opportunity to reflect and orient themselves. As soon as the restrictions for the general market disappear, it will become clear who has done their homework and which economic area can still afford subsidies.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 28th, 2020 | 07:13 CEST

Burcon Nutrascience, Enthusiast Gaming, EXMceuticals - Investing in the future

  • Investments

Innovative technologies and social trends often determine the positive performance of an investment portfolio. The biggest challenge, however, is to recognize the development of a new need in society at the right time and to benefit from it with the right companies. But understanding what a problem is and who has a suitable solution to it is also crucial when making investment decisions on technologies. Nutrition, health and entertainment are industries of great social relevance. Significant innovations with adequate market access can ensure corresponding growth.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 27th, 2020 | 07:30 CEST

BP, Exxon, Saturn Oil & Gas - North America and EU ready for oil deal?

  • Oil

Something is brewing in North America, because nothing less than social and economic independence is at stake. COVID 19 has shown that dependencies in the supply chain pose great dangers. On the one hand, modern society had to learn how difficult it is to obtain masks and, on the other hand, Saudi Arabia ruined the price stability of crude oil by increasing its production volume. An act that deliberately came at an inopportune moment, because with the measures to stem the spread of the corona virus, the demand for the black gold had already fallen by over 20%. The price level of recent weeks at USD 20 per barrel for WTI will drive a large part of the US oil industry into ruin and increase dependence on the OPEC states.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 24th, 2020 | 07:36 CEST

BioNTech, Gilead, Memphasys - in the spotlight of investors overnight

  • Medical

There are topics and products that are the focus of general interest overnight. Often these are needs or problems that require a time-critical solution. The current situation surrounding the spread of the Corona Virus COVID-19 has brought numerous companies into the focus of investors in recent weeks. The backgrounds are of a very different nature. On the one hand, there are manufacturers of masks, disinfectants or respiratory equipment, as well as medical companies that may have an active ingredient for the prevention or therapy of the Corona Virus on offer. But there are also topics that are beyond the general interest and represent a huge market.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 23rd, 2020 | 09:00 CEST

Alphabet, Amazon, Enthusiast Gaming, Facebook - the big investment opportunity

  • Online Business

The largest companies in the world all started small. The most expensive companies on the stock exchanges often have one thing in common, they are in online business. It is also hardly surprising that most of these companies are located in North America, a region with purchasing power and an appetite for innovation. Several 100 million people live on one continent as a possible target group. Everything that works there will be able to be repeated in other parts of the world. The main advantage of online business is scalability. Once established and millions of revolving and passive revenues can be generated. The key to success is the access to the customer.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 22nd, 2020 | 08:48 CEST

Lufthansa, Osino Resources, Wirecard - exciting opportunities for investors

  • Investments

Social life has changed by 180 degrees since February 2020 with the spread of the Corona Virus Covid-19. Business people spend more time in video conferences than on planes, trains or cars. The time spent in the office is often minimized and work is done from home instead. Family time was also called 'quality time' before the pandemic, but when it becomes a duty it can also become a test of patience, especially when economic uncertainty increases around you. A rapid economic recovery is no longer an option. With each day of social and economic restrictions, the effects are also increasing. But the changes also produce winners.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 21st, 2020 | 08:54 CEST

BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Total - which tanker companies are getting booked now?

  • Oil

The contact restrictions around the globe have led to a decrease in the consumption of crude oil. A large part of the crude oil produced worldwide comes from OPEC countries. These countries depend mainly on the sales revenues from the black gold with their national budgets. The largest producing countries currently include the USA, Saudi Arabia and Russia. In the period before the Corona Pandemic, these countries each produced around 10 barrels (159 litres) per day. At a price of USD 65.00 per barrel, this means that the daily sales revenue was around USD 650 million. The price of WTI today costs around USD 21.50 per barrel, which at the same production rate only corresponds to sales of USD 215 million per day - the cuts are significant.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 20th, 2020 | 09:43 CEST

Bayer, EXMceuticals, Symrise - investing in the healthcare growth market

  • Healthcare

The Corona Pandemic brings with it many changes. The influences in the supply chain are affecting the economy to the point of stagnation. The lack of contact for people creates challenges in coping with everyday life. The term 'home office' is used in an inflationary way - and often misused, because the difference between 'home office' and 'working from home' is the noise and stress level around it. On top of this, there are also supply bottlenecks for hygiene products, basic foodstuffs and protective equipment. According to a recent statement by the Federal Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier (CDU), Germany will need 12 billion masks per year to protect the population. But the well-being of the people also depends on other factors.
