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Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 31st, 2022 | 13:22 CEST

Chip shares turn - Infineon, Nvidia and BrainChip in the next upward wave

  • AI
  • chips
  • Innovations

Despite the chip shortage that has persisted since last year and the associated booming business of manufacturers, they came under a lot of pressure on the stock market in recent weeks in the wake of the weak overall market. The prospects for the industry remain positive, the semiconductor shortage will continue until at least 2023, and the order books of the producers are full to bursting. Now, many companies are starting to bottom out. In the long term, Nvidia and AMD are likely to be quoted significantly higher. A newcomer is also making a run for the top again after a lengthy correction phase.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 31st, 2022 | 12:03 CEST

Watch out: BioNTech, NervGen, MorphoSys, Valneva: Biotech shares in check!

  • Biotechnology
  • biopharma

The initial sell-off in biotech stocks seems to have been digested. With last week's NASDAQ turn, spring air is now moving through the stock markets again. That is because many investors realize that, in the face of a multitude of new diseases, a major research effort is needed to protect humanity from the burgeoning dangers. Financing via the stock market was correspondingly easy for the biotech giants during the last pandemic because investors sensed big profits in the event of success. This picture is likely to repeat itself in the next movement. Where are the current opportunities in the biopharma sector?


Commented by Nico Popp on May 31st, 2022 | 11:53 CEST

Funds will not resist here: BASF, Saturn Oil + Gas, Nordex

  • Oil
  • Sustainability
  • ESG

Sustainable investing is the trend. According to the German Federal Investment and Asset Management Association, EUR 580 billion is invested in sustainable funds in Germany alone. And the trend is rising. Younger people in particular attach great importance to sustainability. Since sustainable investing is not detrimental to returns but, on the contrary, can even be beneficial, interest is also growing among older investors. We take a closer look at three stocks!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 30th, 2022 | 13:42 CEST

Great opportunities in alternative energies - BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Nordex

  • Battery
  • Electromobility

Policymakers are accelerating the shift from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources, and the Ukraine conflict is adding further momentum to this process. In the field of electromobility, manufacturers are fighting for the best batteries with the longest ranges. A start-up may have succeeded in creating a game-changer in the lucrative battery market with a new coating process. Initial pre-feasibility studies show a huge discrepancy between the current stock market value and the project value.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 30th, 2022 | 11:57 CEST

Turnaround stocks: Amazon, TUI, Desert Gold, Deutsche Bank - Easily 100% in it!

  • PreciousMetals
  • Gold
  • Investments

Fearing Western expropriation, the Russian oligarchs are trying to bring their belongings to safety. Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, they have lost access to their luxury yachts, real estate and other assets with a total value of about EUR 10 billion. A good 2.3 billion of this comes from the EU's securing of the ostentatious ships owned by oligarchs close to the Kremlin. In order to locate the valuable goods for insurance purposes, all vessels over 300 gross tons would have to be equipped with a GPS tracker. These systems are now being uninstalled one after the other, as the owners hope to save their ships undetected in friendly waters. Meanwhile, asset shifts in the capital markets continue briskly, with Bitcoin weak, bonds beginning to stabilize, and stocks testing the first countermovement. Gold is also looking good technically. We go in search of prime turnaround opportunities.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 30th, 2022 | 10:52 CEST

Nvidia, Aspermont, Alibaba - Shares with doubling potential

  • Digitization
  • Technology
  • Fintech
  • Mining

Surely no one would object to doubling their investment. But after the stock market has been in rally mode since 2016, few stocks would have been expected to double in 2022. Meanwhile, some stocks have started to slide due to the Ukraine crisis, supply chain problems, and rising interest rates. Discounts of up to 50% can be observed even in large stocks. Today we go bargain hunting and analyze the potential of three different companies.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on May 27th, 2022 | 12:39 CEST

BioNTech, XPhyto Therapeutics, Snap Inc. - Tech falls, biotech gains

  • Biotechnology
  • Technology
  • biosensor

The bearish market continues to slide. Tech companies like Snap Inc. saw share price declines of 31%. An alternative to high growth stocks are life science accelerators like XPhyto Therapeutics Corp. They are betting on the right partners and funds to bring biotech products to market faster than usual. While still with emergency approval, BioNTech is at the starting line for a Corona vaccine. Both German STIKO and partner Pfizer in the US are now targeting children for a COVID-19 vaccine.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 27th, 2022 | 11:35 CEST

Nordex, Saturn Oil + Gas, JinkoSolar - Energy shares with potential

  • Oil
  • renewableenergies

The hunger for energy is increasing worldwide. The Ukraine crisis has further fueled this situation. Germany in particular is under pressure in this respect after the nuclear phase-out. Renewable energies are supposed to solve the problems, but they are not yet ready. A gas embargo would have dire economic consequences for Germany and is currently not possible. Here, too, we can see that the end of fossil fuels is still some way in the future. China and India are reportedly buying cheap oil from Russia at the moment. That is currently not depressing the oil price, as demand is too great. Today we look at a company from each sector: wind power, oil, and solar energy.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 27th, 2022 | 10:30 CEST

Nel ASA, Erin Ventures, NIO - Using setbacks as long-term opportunities

  • boron
  • commodities
  • Electromobility

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, stock markets have corrected sharply, and volatilities have increased significantly. The S&P 500 Volatility Index VIX, for example, rose from under 20 to a high of over 35 points. Individual stocks are also still subject to high fluctuations, with market leaders in promising future-oriented sectors such as hydrogen fuel cell technology, photovoltaics and wind energy losing more than 50%. In such market phases, an anticyclical entry can represent a particularly worthwhile investment. A historic opportunity could also present itself in a critical commodity.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 26th, 2022 | 11:22 CEST

BioNTech, Meta Materials, Plug Power - Future stocks for tomorrow's profits

  • metamaterials
  • Technology
  • greenhydrogen

Shares that focus on future trends harbor both risks and opportunities. If a breakthrough succeeds in a new area, high returns beckon. The business areas can be very different, but they have one thing in common: they will revolutionize people's lives in the future. Examples from the past include computers and cell phones, which ultimately permeated society. Today, we look at three companies that could significantly impact the future.
