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Commented by Nico Popp on January 26th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Aurelius, Deutsche Rohstoff, Millennial Lithium: Together for success!

  • Resources

Investors appreciate clear investment stories: the hydrogen producer with the revolutionary technology or the electronics company with the hot game console. But when it comes to investing for the long term and keeping risks under control, it's also worth looking at conglomerates or companies with strong partners. Why? If a company has several arrows in its quiver, it increases its chances of hitting the bull's eye with at least one of them.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 26th, 2021 | 08:05 CET

Lynas Rare Earths, Defense Metals, Arafura Resources - Rare Earths: still in time to get in before the boom!

  • Rare Earth Elements

China has dominated the rare earths market for a long time. A supply shortage in the People's Republic and a substantial increase in demand can lead to a massive price increase of the commodity group at any time. These price increases are then often reflected in the share price of relevant players. Rare earth metals are in demand in a wide range of industries and to close the emerging supply gap the production of rare earth metals must be increased outside of China. We present three opportunity stocks that will benefit from industry trends and scarcity prices as producers or prospective producers.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 26th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

HeidelbergCement, Pollux Properties, Aareal Bank: Better than concrete gold

  • Real Estate

Real estate is the Germans' favorite asset class. Even during the first lockdown, market participants did not lose their nerve. Although the current situation for commercial real estate is not exactly rosy, with vacancies even in many inner-city locations, at least residential real estate is developing as if there were no crisis. Reason enough to take a closer look at three real estate stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 26th, 2021 | 07:56 CET

dynaCERT, Plug Power, GameStop: Only flying is better!

  • Hydrogen

What a crazy Nasdaq day yesterday. It all started in Germany when the recently hyped GameStop share in Tradegate rose from around EUR 60 to EUR 130 - plus 110% in one day is rarely seen. Later in the afternoon, the four favorite instruments of the Robin Hood guard, Tesla, Apple, Plug Power, and again GameStop opened partly well into double-digit returns. GameStop took the cake, rising to USD 158.97 before disillusionment set in. As we can see without difficulty: The party is in full swing - the question is who or what will be the next showstopper or how high the NDX can climb because the fairy tale index has now increased 95% since March 2020.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 25th, 2021 | 11:49 CET

Steinhoff International, Blackrock Gold, Halo Labs - Watch out: Something is up with these penny stocks!

  • Gold

Stocks below the 1 dollar or euro mark, so-called penny stocks, are often sweepingly pigeonholed. Of course, there are some ailing companies or bankruptcy candidates among the penny stocks. When assessing the risk structure, it is also helpful to look at the nominal value. If this is only cents or fractions of cents anyway, then it is relatively "normal" that many companies are quoted in cents range. For investors and traders, however, the commitment in penny stocks has a decisive positive side effect. The mere fact that the share certificates are visually cheap makes them easier to buy, which increases trading volume and price movements. Thus, information that has not yet been adequately understood by the broad market and incorporated into the price is an excellent opportunity to make money. We present three penny stocks that should continue to gain in the near future.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

Samsung, Xiaomi, Silver Viper: Business is booming here

  • Silver

After the pandemic outbreak last year brought global economic activity to a brief standstill, business is now buzzing again. If you look at the statistics for sea and air freight, many transport capacities from Asia are currently fully utilized. The main reason for this is the high demand from many consumers in Germany and the USA for electrical appliances. Here's how investors can profit from this boom and why it pays to think outside the box.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 25th, 2021 | 07:40 CET

Almonty Industries, Standard Lithium, Ford Motors: Want a technology pickup?

  • Resources

The Ford F150 is the "American Way of Drive" in its purest form. To this day, this monument to US automotive history is the benchmark for pickups in this category and stands for superior driving pleasure on a grand scale. In the US, the legendary F150 has been one of the best-selling cars in the 2.2-ton and above category for decades. With a total of 34 million units produced worldwide, it ranks second behind the Toyota Corolla. Of course, the green wave will also change things in the USA. It will just take a few more years for Tesla to match Ford's sales figures, as total Tesla global production is far behind Ford's US deliveries, with over 2 million vehicles in 2020 alone. Still, a comparison in the 2020 stock performance is striking, with Ford shares up 14% and Tesla making it to 580%. Which would be a good fit for America: Invest in Tesla and enjoy the F150 cult!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 25th, 2021 | 07:35 CET

BYD, Royal Helium, Bayer - it's getting tighter and tighter!

  • Helium

Who will prevail in the battle for the crown in the electric car business? According to experts, the innovation leader Tesla has a technical lead of two to three years. In contrast, the Chinese government supports domestic carmakers such as BYD, NIO and Xpeng with financial injections to achieve climate policy goals in the country. The first winners are already in place. Because of the arms race, there is an extreme demand for the necessary raw materials. In the next few years, there is a threat of severe scarcity and thus dramatically rising prices.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2021 | 07:30 CET

FlatexDEGIRO, Adyen, Marble Financial: A comparison of 3 growth stories

  • Financial

Digitization is bringing with its numerous innovations, especially in the financial industry. Costs are falling and more and more services can be implemented in a digitally customer-friendly way. Examples include crowdlending platforms and digital insurance folders, which primarily offer customers transparency. Traditional financial institutions have also long since recognized that they can no longer do without an app. Nevertheless, there are still niches in which young and innovative companies are gaining market share and generating returns for investors along the way. We present three exciting investment stories.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 21st, 2021 | 14:21 CET

Silver Viper, General Electric, Aurelius - Silver will fly!

  • Silver

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in yesterday as the 46th President of the USA. Accompanied by the stars and convinced Trump opponents, Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez, he made his oath on the Bible. His inglorious predecessor Trump still gave a speech about his considerable governmental successes and still sees himself as a pioneer of the USA's resurrection as a superpower. Of course, what sticks is society's division into super-rich and relatively poor; after all, 75 million Americans now live on government aid, that's 25% of the population. Joe Biden wants to promote modern and, above all, green technologies, reunite the people and invest at least USD 3 trillion in the economy. Besides a wall to Mexico, the last government programs have not increased employment but have fueled asset inflation vigorously. In this environment, precious metals must rise; perhaps yesterday was the start of this still missing bull market.
